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Bioresonance Feedback As an Alternative to Medication

Bioresonance therapy is an all-natural approach to improving health, and often provides relief for chronic conditions. Many patients with symptoms found relief using bioresonance therapy.

Most often used for allergy testing and treatment. There are various bioresonance systems such as those provided by Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH; Vegamed eganzheitlicher medizin; Best-systems etc that use this technology.

What is Bioresonance Feedback?

Every living cell in our bodies emits electromagnetic frequencies which are easily detectable with electronic equipment. Each organ or group of cells within an organ has unique frequency patterns which can be measured electronically. Homeopathic remedies provide an example of using frequencies to facilitate healing – in homeopathic remedies a substance of interest is diluted so much that none of its molecules remain, yet its electromagnetic frequencies still emit through bioresonance devices and detected. Once detected these can then be transmitted directly into patient’s bodies for amplified therapeutic results.

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Resonance therapy or bioresonance feedback is a process by which therapeutic effects are produced without using medications, chemicals or other toxic substances as treatment options. It has proven very successful at alleviating phantom pain while simultaneously being utilized as an alternative approach for various conditions like fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome.

Bioresonance works on the principle that all matter contains electromagnetic vibrations. In 1977, Franz Morell of Germany invented the first bioresonance device with his electronic device that allowed electrodes to receive and transmit electromagnetic frequencies into or out of the body using electrodes for receiving/sending electromagnetic frequency transmission.

Today’s technology allows practitioners to access subtle information stored within a patient’s body with bioresonance devices like Bicom. This enables practitioners to pinpoint the cause of symptoms and tailor treatment specifically to each person. Millions of people suffer from discomfort that physicians are unable to pinpoint; bioresonance can offer relief.


Bioresonance therapy is typically conducted and/or treated using one or more of these Bioresonance systems: BICOM, e-Lybra, Inergetix-Core System/Health Navigator; MSAS-Professional system, coMra MiHealth Scanner/proVision Rayocomp and coMra Rayocomp. Due to regulatory restrictions in Europe bioresonance therapy is currently restricted as an allergy treatment option; however clinical research studies have proven its utility for pinpointing root cause dysfunctions while prioritising them accordingly.

How is Bioresonance Feedback Used?

Stress of any kind – physical, emotional or chemical – can distort the biofield of your body, potentially leading to physical and mental health problems. Bioresonance feedback can restore balance to this field and stimulate natural functions within it.

Bioresonance therapy uses a complex electronic device to identify and treat disease by emitting electromagnetic waves which reflect off the patient’s tissues and are then received back as biofeedback signals by the device, creating a biofeedback loop which works to alleviate excess stress and toxic build ups within their bodies.

Biorefers to living things, while resonance in physics refers to vibrational frequencies created when two objects vibrate at the same frequency. Franz Morell, a German doctor specializing in electroacupuncture, developed the bioresonance concept. He created the first device using electronic sensors to measure electromagnetic vibrations of patient bodies.

Over time, bioresonance therapy has become an invaluable treatment option for various medical conditions. One study demonstrated how combining psychotherapy and bioresonance significantly decreased depression symptoms among those experiencing recurrent episodes; another demonstrated its use to alleviate Phantom Limb Pain among amputees by significantly reducing its intensity and duration – researchers determined it reduced PLP intensity by more than 60% using this technique.

At a typical session, electrodes are attached to the patient’s body in order to assess electromagnetic vibrations of organs and tissues. A bioresonance machine reads these vibrations, then counteracts any “bad” frequencies by tuning energy back towards a harmonious frequency.

Bioresonance technology can also be used to pinpoint which allergens are triggering allergic reactions in individuals, helping them pinpoint and avoid the source of their discomfort. A number of studies conducted using the BICOM bioresonance machine to treat allergies such as atopic dermatitis and seasonal allergic rhinitis have demonstrated its ability to help reduce toxin load while restoring healthy self-regulation; users claim it accelerates healing process as well as overall well-being.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Feedback?

Bioresonance feedback is a noninvasive, nontoxic energy healing system designed to assist the body in decreasing its toxic load and restoring balance on a cellular level. Used for over 35 years by numerous cancer patients to help eradicate parasites and reduce toxic loads on cells, Bioresonance feedback therapy has recently gained increasing acceptance among therapists, doctors, veterinarians and dentists as an effective alternative medicine solution.

The BICOM machine analyzes the frequency spectra of substances being administered (homeopathic medicines, nosodes, Bach flower remedies or patient’s blood) and imprints them onto carrier as bio-information – vibrations which will be transmitted directly into biological system via special antenna and transformed into resonances compatible with patient body. This process helps ensure effective absorption.

One study with 311 patients who underwent bioresonance treatment revealed significant improvements in terms of aggravating and harmful factors when treated using bioresonance therapy versus those who didn’t receive this form of therapy; moreover, those receiving bioresonance were able to discontinue medication altogether.

Top athletes such as the Swedish cross country skiing team use the BICOM system to speed recovery from injuries and keep peak performance. When training for major races, the body scan is done before and after every practice session to see where improvement needs to occur. The results can then be compared with results of previous scans to see where improvements need to be made.

BICOM can also help identify the source of symptoms like allergies. A woman suffering from digestive issues, brain fog and skin conditions was able to find relief after just one week of bioresonance feedback sessions on the BICOM system. After spending thousands on diagnostics and medications that hadn’t worked she started feeling better almost instantly and eventually was able to stop all prescriptions altogether allowing her life back on track and become the mother she wanted to be.

What are the Limitations of Bioresonance Feedback?

Bioresonance therapy has helped many people manage their symptoms more effectively, such as allergies, digestive issues and other physical or emotional illnesses that cannot be resolved with conventional medicine alone. Unfortunately, traditional pharmaceuticals only address symptoms on the surface while bioresonance can detect and address any underlying causes for these illnesses.

Bioresonance can detect and remove energetic imbalances within your body that contribute to disease, including poor diet, stress, environmental toxins or lifestyle choices that lead to disease. By doing so, they restore balance to life.

Bioresonance therapy can be found both at a clinic and home using devices based on quantum physics that work on electromagnetic signals sent into the human body by these devices. A computer software then analyses this information to detect any imbalance or malfunction within it before sending back frequencies that cancel out unhealthy frequencies while amplifying healthy ones.

The frequency transmitted from these treatments reaches the cell, where it reverses any imbalance and returns cells back to their original states of functioning, helping bring about balance and health to an individual, eliminating illness while restoring wellbeing.

As there are various bioresonance devices on the market, some of the more widely known are: REGUMED Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH Hans-Cornelius-Strabe 4 D-82166 Grafelfing Germany’s BICOM; Vega from VEGAMED Eganzheitlicher Medicine’s and BEST from BEST-systems systems are some of the more well-known options; each system can provide an in-depth view of a person’s overall health by scanning the entire body.

Results from clinical studies demonstrate that the most successful treatments for allergy-related ailments are those which target these ailments directly, such as those brought about by environmental stresses, foods, chemicals or other sources that are difficult for traditional medicine to identify or address.


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