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Bioresonance Focused Ultrasound Healing Therapy

Bioresonance focused ultrasound is an alternative form of medicine based on the belief that unhealthy cells and tissues emit altered electromagnetic waves. Proponents claim that detecting these frequencies can detect disease while changing them back to their original frequencies can heal it.

Sonodynamic therapy uses low intensity ultrasound and sonosensitizers in conjunction with low frequency waves to insonate and disrupt tumor’s vasculature, producing bioeffects which lead to cancer cell death.

Pain Relief

Bioresonance focused ultrasound healing therapy is an integrative or complementary medicine approach which uses a machine to measure energy waves within your body and manipulate those frequencies, purportedly helping cells vibrate at their natural frequency and cure disease.

There is no scientific proof that this type of treatment works; in fact, it relies on an unproven theory that unhealthy organs and cancerous cells emit different electromagnetic waves than healthy ones due to DNA damage. According to these therapies’ proponents, electronic devices used can detect these differences and bring them back into harmony using destructive wave interference techniques.

The FDA has taken action against several vendors of unproven health claims for these devices. According to the American Cancer Society, people using these treatments may forego more effective and proven therapies that may be available.

Researchers are exploring targeted ultrasound to treat tumors. This approach involves using high-intensity sound waves to target abnormal cells or tissue within the body. When they strike cancerous cells, their heat kills them while also shrinking or destroying surrounding tissue.

Focused ultrasound may also help manage post-neuropathy pain after nerve injury or surgery, according to several clinical studies. A combination of focused ultrasound with manual therapies (like massage or point therapy) improved muscle pain and sleep issues among fibromyalgia patients, although its effect in other conditions such as post-amputation orphantom limb pain remains uncertain.

Other experimental uses of focused ultrasound to treat cancer and other conditions include using it to deliver drugs directly to a tumor site or the brain. A team of scientists at Oxford and Imperial College London has devised an experimental technique called sonication which uses focused ultrasound waves to deliver drugs or genes directly into tumor sites or the brain using an external power source and small portable sonicators connected to an ultrasound scanner, heating any surrounding tissue as the cancerous cells are killed off by concentrated soundwaves heating by targeted sound waves.

Inflammation Management

Ultrasound can be used to heat muscle tissues and increase blood flow, which reduces inflammation. This makes ultrasound an effective therapy option for conditions such as arthritis that are marked by swelling and pain, as well as chronic neck and back conditions that have persistent inflammation. Ultrasound’s anti-inflammatory effects have been attributed to its production of eicosanoids – natural painkilling molecules produced from fat molecules which act like natural painkillers.

Studies have demonstrated that low intensity ultrasound (LIUS) treatment of tumor neovasculature or solid tumors increases cancer cell sensitivity to targeted chemotherapy agents through inertial cavitation and sonoporation effects of its ultrasound field (Liang et al, 2010; Geis et al, 2012; Sirsi and Borden, 2012). The mechanism involved may include inertial cavitation and sonoporation effects of ultrasound field (Liang et al 2010; Geis et al 2012; Sirsi and Borden 2012).

Studies have demonstrated LIUS can also facilitate gene delivery to solid tumors by employing targeted chemotherapeutic agents to encase DNA-loaded microbubbles within tumors with targeted chemotherapy agents, and then insonating these bubbles through tumor neovasculature to cause their destruction, and release or transfection of cancer genes into cancer cell parenchyma via sonoporation (Feril and Tachibana 1998; Bunte et al 2006).

Some practitioners advocate the use of bioresonance devices for diagnosing and treating diseases, based on an unproven theory that diseased organs or cells emit altered electromagnetic waves, and that returning them back to normal will cure their condition. Unfortunately, this practice has yet to be proven true, leading to accusations of deceptive practices both in the US and UK.

Before seeking treatment with electrotherapy, it’s essential that you inform your practitioner if any medications you are taking, or medical conditions that could be worsened by this therapy, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or there’s any chance it could harm them in any way such as leaving the wand in one spot for too long. Furthermore, professional physical therapists will ensure you receive optimal therapy services during this process.

Increased Blood Flow

Ultrasound energy interacts with microbubbles within tumor neovasculature to disrupt and block their transport function, disrupting blood flow to the tumor and thus decreasing oxygen and nutrient supply while also increasing permeability – leading to cell death and, thus, inhibiting tumor growth.

Clinically, focused ultrasound cancer therapy is often combined with other treatment modalities like chemotherapy and radiation to provide comprehensive cancer therapy solutions. Recent preclinical studies have demonstrated its ability to safely target lung tumors without damaging nearby normal tissues.

Studies involving ultrasound and microbubble sonoporation contrast agents have examined their interactions. Studies have highlighted its vascular destruction effects – disrupting only those vessels within a tumor while leaving other blood vessels of normal contiguous tissue unaffected. Acoustic interactions with microbubbles generate both thermal and cavitation effects.

Synthetic biology’s rapid advancements are making possible the development of genetically engineered bacteria designed to release therapeutic agents directly onto specific anatomical sites such as solid tumors. Unfortunately, these therapeutic agents can sometimes leak outside their intended target sites and damage healthy tissues in addition to tumorous ones.

Sonodynamic therapy is an advanced cancer-treatment option which utilizes low-intensity ultrasound waves to directly deliver chemotherapy agents directly to targeted sites. Multiple studies have examined its efficacy relative to more traditional forms such as chemotherapy and radiation and have concluded that sonodynamic therapy consistently leads to cancer cell death.

Sorace et al conducted a study where ultrasound was applied to human cancer cells while also including fluorescent dye and taxol as a chemotherapy agent, showing how ultrasound enhanced taxol penetration by increasing membrane permeability due to sonoporation and production of clathrin-coated pits.

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive energetic healing method used to diagnose illness and treat various conditions. Also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational medicine, this groundbreaking approach relies on electromagnetic frequency imbalances as the source of illness; bioresonance therapy works by sending electromagnetic signals which match or harmonize discordant frequencies resulting in self-healing with remarkable efficiency.

Reduction in Tension

Studies have demonstrated that bioresonance focused ultrasound healing therapy is an effective means of alleviating psycho-emotional stress and tension among high-performance athletes, improving gastrointestinal disorders and decreasing smoking behavior, as well as aiding patients in dealing with lymphedema, lipedema and depression.

According to conventional wisdom, electromagnetic impulse treatment helps the body heal itself by harmonizing discordant frequencies within it and thus eliminating disease underlying causes. Once imbalances have been identified, electromagnetic impulses will be sent at specific ranges to match and balance them out, thus aiding healing within itself.

Ultrasonic energy beams can be focused precisely and precisely onto tumors with minimal tissue damage, providing less-invasive surgery or chemotherapy for lung cancer patients, particularly when used in combination with sonosensitizers and targeted radiation therapy.

Bioresonance therapy is an unproven form of holistic or alternative medicine based on the unfounded theory that diseased cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage. Proponents claim an electronic device can detect these waves, and that changing them back to normal will heal affected organs or cells. Unfortunately, many purveyors of unproven electronic devices have been prosecuted by the Food and Drug Administration while the American Cancer Society cautions against treatment with them.

Mora bioresonance focused ultrasound therapy’s sonication effects may create an environment conducive to the induction of cell death in malignant tumors, as well as hyperthermia in local areas that facilitate more efficient drug delivery such as radiation or chemotherapy. Sonication effects also allow targeted insonation without significant collateral tissue damage resulting in reduced side effects associated with conventional therapies for head and neck cancer.

Focused ultrasound offers an alternative approach for treating head and neck tumors than traditional surgeries can. By sonication of tumors using thin needles or catheters, focused ultrasound has the potential to significantly improve quality of life for people living with both primary and metastatic lung cancer by providing noninvasive approaches that decrease hospital stays and costs.
