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Bioresonance Food Intolerance Test

Bioresonance hair testing works on the principle that every cell in our bodies produces energy at specific wavelengths. Bioresonance machines assess these frequencies to identify any potentially unhealthy ones that could be contributing to illness.

This type of food allergy testing differs from traditional tests in that it does not involve pricking the skin and can also be safer for individuals who can’t tolerate needles.


Traditional methods for food intolerance testing may be intrusive and potentially hazardous; bioresonance therapy offers a safe and non-invasive alternative. Based on the principle that all living things produce electromagnetic energy that can be measured and analysed, during bioresonance therapy tests a sample of hair is collected and compared against various foods, chemicals, additives, metals, vitamins and minerals to identify which ones your body reacts strongly against – helping the tester to better identify what foods to avoid or incorporate into your diet plan.

Process Description: This simple test involves connecting your hair sample to a special device called BICOM and programming it with frequencies from foods that may cause intolerances. Electromagnetic waves are then sent through your sample before being analysed by BICOM machine for results that will later be reviewed by your practitioner, including an overview of any intolerances, symptoms list, problem areas in your body, supplements that could benefit and more.

Bioresonance technology not only detects food intolerances, but can also identify other imbalances within your body such as nutritional deficiencies, toxicity and endocrine imbalances as well as pinpoint the optimal diet to meet individual needs.

Food sensitivities can be difficult to diagnose, so an intolerance test can provide a fast, painless way of discovering them without cutting out all your favorite foods or going on an elimination and reintroduction diet plan. Food sensitivity tests may even be combined with medically guided elimination diets to get back on the right path toward better health.

This test can be particularly beneficial to people suffering from digestive conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), bloating, recurrent diarrhea or constipation. Additionally, it can assist those experiencing skin and mucous complaints such as eczema and rashes as well as mucous problems like sinus congestion. Furthermore, fatigue and general feelings that something is amiss are helped as well as it has even been used by members of the Swedish Cross Country Skiing team as an aid for healing after severe injuries while improving performance by helping regulate metabolic processes within.


Bioresonance food intolerance tests use hair samples rather than blood, making the process painless and quick. Furthermore, they do not depend on recent activities like stress or diet to accurately determine food sensitivity; additionally they can detect nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal exposure and environmental issues.

This type of test can help identify which foods could be contributing to symptoms like bloating, constipation and skin rashes in you. Furthermore, it can reveal any possible food allergies or intolerances, which is an immune response which could produce more serious reactions.

Bioresonance therapy works by identifying abnormal electromagnetic wavelengths present in damaged cells’ DNA. Advocates claim that using these frequencies to diagnose diseases and changing them back into normal could treat them effectively; bioresonance therapy has often been described as energy healing or quantum medicine.

Food intolerance tests can detect more than just food intolerances; they also reveal nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal exposures, hormone imbalances and other potential health problems. Results are displayed on a computer screen so you can make informed decisions regarding your health and wellness.

Food intolerance tests do not replace medical advice; rather, they offer an overview of foods which could be contributing to symptoms. The top at-home food intolerance tests are accurate, easy-to-use and affordable with detailed instructions for collecting and mailing test samples.

Most people understand the benefits of an elimination diet, yet it may be hard to pinpoint which foods are causing discomfort. A food intolerance test can help identify any culprits so you can eliminate them quickly and feel better quickly. These tests can identify common triggers like dairy products, wheat products or caffeine as well as various herbs or spices causing discomfort in you body.


At bioresonance food intolerance tests, unlike allergy tests which rely on blood samples, bioresonance food intolerance tests are painless and noninvasive. They use electromagnetic waves programmed into a device known as the BICOM to identify which foods are triggering reactions in your body and which ones have drug sensitivities, vitamin deficiencies and metal imbalances that need testing as well. Plus they can test up to 80 foods, beverages and environmental items!

Food intolerances tend to present themselves with less of an immediate reaction than allergies do, making them more subtle and difficult to pin down to specific dietary elements. A bioresonance food intolerance test can help identify which foods trigger symptoms such as bloating, reflux, headaches or fatigue; with this knowledge in hand you may be able to make necessary modifications in your diet in order to decrease symptoms and see more dramatic improvement.

Food intolerances can often indicate nutritional imbalance. Therefore, it is vital that we follow a balanced diet including plenty of fruits and vegetables to ensure we’re getting all the essential vitamins and minerals our bodies require for healthful cell membranes and overall wellbeing. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water regularly and managing stress will further aid this goal.

Bioresonance therapy has grown increasingly popular over the past decade, yet research on its efficacy remains limited. Still considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), its treatments may help some individuals quit smoking, ease stomach pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis, or address sleep issues.

Food sensitivity tests provide a simple and painless solution for discovering food sensitivities. Furthermore, these tests tend to be more accurate than allergy testing; making it a perfect option for anyone uncomfortable with needles or blood.

Electrodes are attached to your scalp and then connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths produced by your body, then compares these with food items or other objects that contain similar frequencies – any matches indicate possible intolerance to that substance or item.


Bioresonance Food Intolerance Testing is a holistic form of therapy that utilizes the BICOM machine to scan your body and identify imbalances. It detects electromagnetic wavelengths that match up with how your body responds to various foods and allows your therapist to counteract bad frequencies to restore balance within your system – this practice falls under complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) practice.

Though not used clinically, bioresonance food intolerance tests provide useful insights into your body and can assist you with making diet changes to minimize symptoms. This can be especially useful if you’re dealing with chronic digestive problems; some of the top kits available, like Everlywell which offers multiple tests at an economical price are great examples of such bioresonance tests.

myLAB Box offers comprehensive testing and ongoing support, including food sensitivity testing. Their food sensitivity test analyzes your sensitivities to over 200 foods and creates an elimination diet plan. You can track symptoms as you reintroduce foods one at a time until discovering which ones cause reactions.

This test can detect intolerances to over 275 pet food ingredients, such as proteins, grains, additives, preservatives fruits and vegetables. Furthermore, its price point makes it suitable for people who struggle with chronic pet allergies or illnesses.

Food allergy tests typically involve providing blood samples; however, many prefer noninvasive alternatives like the 5Strands pet food intolerance test which provides accurate results in just days.

Even though insurance is unlikely to cover the cost of food sensitivity tests, it’s worthwhile speaking to your provider and exploring any coverage. Many top-rated tests can be purchased using HSA/FSA debit cards; and some companies provide monthly membership options that could save money over time.
