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Bioresonance For Allergies

Bioresonance therapy for allergies is an established and widely practiced complementary and alternative medicine therapy, widely recognized alongside homeopathy and acupuncture as regulatory medicine practices; however, no scientific trials have yet been performed to examine its efficacy.

Bioresonance machines detect imbalances in the body’s complex energy wavelengths and correct any damaging frequencies without physical contact.

Allergen Test Phase

If you suffer from allergies, bioresonance testing could be recommended by your physician. Prior to the test, they will ask about your symptoms and whether allergies run in your family; and list all prescription and nonprescription medicines taken (both prescription and over-the-counter); some can interfere with allergy tests and create false positive results; therefore you will be instructed not to take such medicines for 10 days prior to an allergy test.

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to evaluate the health of your organs and systems. Each cell, organ and tissue in your body emits its own frequency pattern; when functioning optimally, all these frequencies harmonize to create harmony throughout. When viruses, bacteria, stress, toxins and inflammation cause disharmonious patterns to emerge instead, bioresonance technology can detect imbalances caused by these agents and identify the substance(s) causing these imbalances.

Allergy testing with bioresonance technology can be accomplished using a medical-grade scanning machine called the Vega, which scans an individual’s entire body to identify more than 47 systems and assess their condition and function – it is painless! Furthermore, recent versions such as WebWellness’s Life Expert Profi feature portable artificial intelligence technology as well as cloud data processing servers; with these modern versions capable of diagnosing over 35,000 indicators in just minutes!

The Vega is ideal for testing food sensitivities and allergies, such as intolerances. Signs of intolerance include bloating, fatigue and asthma symptoms. By identifying foods your immune system treats as harmful, identifying foods to avoid will allow you to avoid these harmful foods altogether and ease symptoms associated with their consumption.

Although bioresonance therapy lacks scientific proof as an allergy treatment option, its practitioners claim it can activate tumor suppressor genes and lessen overactive immune cells’ effects, while possibly also helping with rheumatoid arthritis by increasing antioxidant activity and decreasing inflammation. As no formal studies have been performed to support these claims yet, more investigation will need to be performed into this particular area of practice.

Food Intolerance Test Phase

The body is an intricate system comprised of trillions of cells that each have their own frequency. When external influences such as allergens, bacteria, viruses or parasites interfere with this natural energy flow of our bodies, illness can set in. Bioresonance therapy seeks to restore equilibrium within this energy flow to help the immune system heal itself more easily; similar to homeopathy or acupuncture it’s widely considered an effective complementary treatment method.

Allergies are an increasingly common health condition that affects individuals of all ages, from young children to adults. Although there are various allergy treatments available, they often come with side effects. Bioresonance offers a noninvasive solution for eliminating allergies and treating their associated conditions such as asthma.

One of the most frequently diagnosed allergies is food intolerances or sensitivities, according to Mayo Clinic research. Food allergies can manifest themselves with symptoms including hives, swelling in mouth and throat area and wheezing, according to Bioresonance hair testing which offers a safe and non-invasive method for testing whether your body has intolerances to certain food groups; using pre-programmed electromagnetic signals sent via BICOM device which BICOM sends electromagnetic pulses directly into your body’s bioresonance hair testing can quickly determine your intolerances/sensitivitys by testing.

When your body reacts negatively, this indicates that your digestive tract cannot properly process a particular food type or variety. By identifying these potential allergenic foods, the BICOM device helps you identify potential allergenic triggers so they can be eliminated from your diet.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of BICOM devices in treating food intolerances and allergies such as eczema, rhinitis and asthma. Furthermore, the devices can eliminate their root causes – Candida and parasites – thus making life less burdensome and distressful.

Allergic Rhinitis Test Phase

All substances, be they living or nonliving, consist of protons and neutrons vibrating at different frequency wavelengths (measured in Hertz). Allergens contain specific energetic frequencies that can be identified using bioresonance analysis if set on its search mode.

Once frequencies are identified, they can be processed by bioresonance software to identify which allergens are triggering allergic reactions in the body and create an allergen list that accompanies symptoms for treatment purposes.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at treating many ailments, from food allergies and asthma attacks, prostatitis and low immune defenses, digestive issues (colitis and gastritis) as well as respiratory ailments like asthma and chronic bronchitis to detoxing the body and improving circulation – even conditions like arthritis.

Rhinitis is an allergy condition affecting millions of people around the world, and is characterized by itchy, watery eyes, swelling of facial features such as eyes or nose and mucus build-up in the nose. It can lead to headaches, fatigue and sometimes nasal blockage and difficulty breathing; so in order to find lasting relief it is crucial that we address its source effectively – that’s why more and more people are turning towards alternative methods such as bioresonance therapy for allergies.

Bioresonance allergy treatment uses electromagnetic frequencies to eliminate allergens that trigger symptoms without resorting to medications or drugs as a treatment option, offering fast and safe relief that can complement conventional approaches.

Bioresonance therapy stands out as an allergy treatment without side effects; its noninvasive nature means there are no contraindications and it’s suitable for people of all ages.

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, we can effectively detect and treat allergies for improved quality of life. Contact us now for a consultation with one of our skilled doctors; together we’ll assess your health goals as well as any applicable treatment plans that might work for you.

Asthma Test Phase

Bioresonance therapy is a groundbreaking scientific holistic method, proven effective in the treatment of allergy symptoms. Free from medications and side effects, Bioresonance therapy treats overstimulated immune systems through information they contain to learn to tolerate substances more readily – thus alleviating symptoms entirely.

The technique was devised by Franz Morell and Erich Rasche and works through endogenous and exogenous bioresonance. Endogenous bioresonance utilizes electromagnetic oscillations generated in our bodies; hand and foot electrodes pick these up to be converted to electronic impulses before being transmitted back. Exogenous bioresonance involves using bio-active substances (allergens, pharmaceutical agents or herbs) for therapeutic use.

BICOM optima allergy test machines use magnetic fields to generate electromagnetic frequencies which detect electromagnetic frequencies from both body tissues and any tested allergen. These are then displayed as color displays on a computer screen – dark hues indicate stress within tissues which could be reacting negatively to an allergen; lighter colours indicate when tissue balance has been restored and symptoms have subsided.

Bioresonance has also proven itself useful as an in-depth food intolerance testing method, allowing therapists to pinpoint specific foods that cause reactions in their body and provide help for people who cannot rely on blood tests or are uncomfortable pricking themselves with needles to identify sensitivities in their diet.

Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative to immunotherapy that may take three to five years and often incurs considerable expense and restrictions for patients; bioresonance can provide a fast, cost-effective method of eliminating allergies. Furthermore, it may reduce or even completely replace allergy medication use altogether which may benefit many who can no longer tolerate their side effects such as drowsiness and addiction associated with it.
