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Bioresonance For Animals

Animals, just like people, can fall prey to several illnesses that cause unpleasant symptoms like diarrhoea and rashes as well as general states of weakness or allergies with itching.

Bioresonance seeks to recognize these imbalances and restore your body’s natural frequencies, aiding self-healing. Furthermore, traditional treatments may benefit from bioresonance by reducing side effects while simultaneously increasing effectiveness.

How Bioresonance Works

Dirk Schrader of Hamburg Veterinaria provides bioresonance therapy as part of his conventional treatments options; many veterinarians believe it to be “indecent not to offer it”, especially for diseases that cannot be resolved via medication or surgery alone. Bioresonance may provide another means of helping your pet.

This treatment works on the principle that unhealthy cells produce electromagnetic oscillations which differ from healthy ones. With an electrical device similar to the E-Meters used by Scientologists during “auditing”, therapists allegedly identify frequencies emitting from unhealthy cells and cancel them out using E-Meter technology, helping the body heal itself naturally.

Though no scientific studies have been done to examine this form of therapy, several animal owners claim its success. One Persian cat’s owner claimed the bioresonance treatment has helped reduce calicivirus symptoms and restore their health.

At each session, patients lie down while being examined by a technician who places a small metal disc onto their abdomen and attaches it via an insulated wire to the BICOM bioresonance machine. All substances your pet comes into contact with from food to treats to water and grooming products are then tested for resonance resonance; additionally all foods eaten by your pet are assessed for any impact they might have on its immune system.

Once a therapist has gathered all this data, she can create an individual treatment plan and administer it to your pet. Sessions usually last from 30-60 minutes depending on its size and health issues at hand.

BICOM can also help your therapist identify any underlying health problems that are contributing to your pet’s current condition. For instance, if low stomach acid levels are affecting their digestive system, bioresonance therapy provides a tool for diagnosis and addressing it through diet or supplements. Furthermore, parasite scans might detect parasites which will require treatments in order to eliminate. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy promotes holistic treatments including emotional and mental aspects of health for each pet’s wellbeing.


Pet owners all too frequently experience the heartache, cost and inconvenience associated with diseases affecting their animals. Unfortunately not all diseases can be cured; however bioresonance therapy can provide some relief by alleviating symptoms and stimulating natural healing processes in the body – when combined with traditional veterinary treatments it can dramatically decrease symptoms while supporting long-term wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy aims to detect imbalances within the body and correct them using electromagnetic frequencies, becoming increasingly popular with animal naturopaths as an addition to other treatments. Bioresonance can reduce side effects like nausea and fatigue associated with certain therapies as well as protect organ function and promote detoxification.

Bioresonance can also help identify hidden causes of diseases that aren’t immediately evident, like allergens that trigger skin irritations in animals or environmental or internal stressors, like chemicals treated drinking water, electrosmog pollution, exhaust fumes or medications – something bioresonance can detect easily. Its primary purpose is identifying allergens which lead to skin irritations; additionally it can determine if symptoms stem from environmental or internal sources, like additives found in foods, chemically treated water sources, electrosmog pollution or medication or any number of external sources influencing it all at once.

Bioresonance provides another great tool for diagnosing imbalances within an animal’s body as it provides us with information regarding toxin exposure levels – this allows us to make more informed decisions regarding treatment for your dog or cat.

Most animals find treatment sessions with the BICOM bioresonance device to be relaxing and stress-free, even falling asleep on its soft mat during treatment sessions. Bioresonance therapy is noninvasive, meaning no harmful substances are introduced into their system during this process; in rare instances your cat or dog may experience temporary increases in thirst or energy after their session has concluded.

Just like humans, dogs are exposed to numerous stresses that can contribute to disease and discomfort. While some stressors are external, others such as diet or lifestyle choices can also have detrimental effects. Therefore, it’s vital that owners recognize and address underlying factors so their pet’s overall wellbeing can improve.


Bioresonance therapy is an ideal complement or replacement to traditional medical therapies for treating various health issues, helping reduce resistance and enhance their ability to address them effectively. Furthermore, it supports detoxification processes within the body while improving immunity.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy with no known adverse side effects. It can be combined with other therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic care and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) for maximum efficacy; alternatively it may even help manage some adverse reactions associated with medications. It may even serve to relieve some negative symptoms related to medication treatment.

All living organisms, including pets, produce vibration patterns in their cells and tissues. When an animal becomes sick, these vibrations become disturbed; bioresonance interprets this illness as an undesirable frequency that needs correcting in order to restore harmony to their system and allow its natural healing processes to work as intended. Results will vary depending on which animal receives bioresonance treatment; multiple sessions may be necessary.

Bioresonance therapy can be used to address symptoms related to allergies, food intolerances, musculoskeletal disorders and chronic diseases. Bioresonance can identify and address their underlying causes to restore health and well-being.

Bioresonance can also be utilized as a treatment method by altering frequencies associated with parasites and pathogens present in an animal’s system, helping eliminate them and restore balance to their overall system. This approach may lead to faster healing for your pet and restore their overall wellbeing.

Our BICOM optima bioresonance device was specifically designed to target these frequencies, making it an effective weapon against parasites and other organisms that may pose risks to the health of your pet. Studies have revealed that many types of toxins, parasites, and organisms can interfere with energy flow within their bodies, leading to illness or discomfort – these include contaminants found in water sources as well as chemicals in food or medicines administered through injection, electrosmog, stress or electrosmog exposure. Our Bioresonance Therapy Products such as Pet Shield and Calm & Chill contain frequencies designed to balance and unclog energy channels within their bodies and remove blockages, so energy can flow freely throughout.


As with humans, animals produce vibration patterns that vibrate harmoniously when in good health and disharmoniously when diseased. Bioresonance therapy records, analyses, and transmits modified frequencies to neutralise disharmonious energy fields; its purpose is to activate self-regulating healing powers to alleviate symptoms; it is noninvasive and painless.

Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized on horses. Because they spend so much time outdoors and their bodies respond so readily to external influences, horses are especially prone to stress and imbalance in the body that lead to health complaints such as respiratory diseases, allergies, arthritis or lameness. By leveraging the BICOM device you can quickly recognize these causes for treatment; often in conjunction with other therapies.

BICOM mobile VET provides an array of treatment options, from homeopathic, flower and herbal remedies to nutritional supplements and more. Scan results are reviewed by a veterinary naturopath who will make suggestions as to how you should proceed; should further assistance be necessary, our naturopath will refer you to veterinarians or therapists experienced in offering holistic approaches for your pet’s care.

No matter the source of their discomfort, bioresonance offers a promising method for restoring equilibrium to the body and early detection of imbalances that could otherwise become serious health conditions. An added advantage for owners who can see changes in behavior or organ health early enough, bioresonance offers numerous solutions.

Dirk Schrader has used the BICOM device in his Hamburg practice for 46 years and remains convinced of its value. Time after time he has witnessed seemingly hopeless illnesses improve significantly following bioresonance sessions; today he considers it indecent not to offer bioresonance therapy to his patients.
