Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies to detect imbalances in the body. It’s a noninvasive, natural treatment with few side effects; and can be combined with other therapies for an integrated approach to health and wellness.
If the machine detects that there are too many toxins, it will send healthy frequencies to adjust back towards a healthier wavelength, helping your cells hone in on their inherent healing powers.
Bioresonance is a form of vibration therapy
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive way of using electromagnetic waves to detect and treat medical conditions. The aim is to stimulate healing within the body from within; bioresonance can be used alone or combined with conventional medicine treatments in order to increase effectiveness of care programs for patients.
Bioresonance works on the principle that healthy cells produce electromagnetic waves which are detectable by special machines. Once detected, bioresonance devices manipulate these waves so that body’s cells vibrate at their normal frequencies – known as bioresonance therapy and widely believed to be safe and effective treatment option for various health problems.
The BICOM (r) device commonly employed in bioresonance therapy procedures detects energy vibrations emitted by individual cells and communicates these waves to other parts of the body. If any vibrations appear unhealthy, they are then compared with known frequencies associated with specific diseases in order to identify potentially unhealthy vibrations and cancel out unhealthy ones while amplifying healthy ones. If an illness has been identified by this device, an audible signal will be issued in order to cancel out all unhealthy vibrations while amplifying healthy ones instead.
At each session, patients may apply saliva or mucous to an applicator attached to the BICOM device, and the information gleaned will then be fed through internal filters that distinguish healthy frequencies from unhealthy ones before being sent back into their bodies to counteract or cancel out harmful ones.
Experienced bioresonance allergy therapists report an 80% to 90% success rate when helping their patients through bioresonance allergy therapy, but there may still be some who cannot benefit due to physical or psychological barriers, or because the correct allergen or toxin hasn’t yet been identified.
It is based on quantum physics
Bioresonance therapy is a bespoke therapeutic approach that uses energy to aid the body’s natural healing processes. As one of today’s most cutting-edge complementary health therapies, it can be used to treat an array of conditions. Furthermore, it’s safe for use alongside conventional medication and can restore one’s health and wellbeing.
This cutting-edge technology is built upon the discovery that all substances possess both wave and particle characteristics, meaning they vibrate at different frequencies. This vibration can be detected using a device known as the BICOM; its unique electromagnetic frequency detects each substance’s resonance frequency as well as any imbalances within your body. It can even identify its cause.
The BICOM is an innovative noninvasive computerized system that combines quantum physics and traditional Chinese medicine to produce an energetic healing system. It can help balance energy levels, detoxify and support immune function while at the same time relieving stress, increasing relaxation, reducing anxiety and improving sleep patterns. Furthermore, this device can be utilized across health care, educational and business environments.
It operates under the assumption that every living organism emits specific vibration frequencies, which travel throughout their bodies through electromagnetic fields of cells created by them and affected by their surroundings. BICOM reads these energies and modulates them so that cells vibrate at their natural frequencies; furthermore it can eliminate harmful waves emitted by diseased organs, thus restoring normal homeostasis and homeostasis.
The BICOM can be used to test for food allergies and autoimmune disorders, metabolic imbalances, hormonal issues, low immunity defenses, urogenital disorders, rheumatism and other ailments. The results can provide valuable information about diet and lifestyle as well as any hidden stresses that could be contributing to poor health; clients often find their results reflect those from other tests while providing new insight into foods which might be stressing them out but cannot be detected using other testing methods.
It can be used to treat a variety of conditions
Bioresonance therapy was pioneered in Germany during the 1970s. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, it uses electromagnetic waves to evaluate and correct imbalances within the body, including energy imbalances. With its holistic approach and focus on harmonizing energy fields and well-being promotion, this type of therapy addresses root causes of illness while working alongside conventional therapies for enhanced results.
Non-invasive frequency analysis works on the principle that each cell emits its own frequency. When illness or toxins alter this resonating frequency, this device can detect it and transmit healthy frequencies in order to “cancel out” harmful ones – this treatment approach has proven especially successful against viruses and cancer, which have particularly high resonating frequencies.
Bioresonance therapy can also be used to treat conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis, allergies and chronic fatigue. This technique can be used to identify their sources and reduce symptoms by desensitising immune systems; similarly it can improve quality of life for those living with MS by relieving fatigue and pain symptoms; in cases of lupus it can manage flare-ups as well as alleviate muscle spasms.
Bioresonance can also be used to detect and eliminate harmful substances like parasites and fungi, in addition to chronic stress and anxiety that often contribute to medical issues. As an alternative therapy, this noninvasive, inexpensive option offers individuals a natural approach for dealing with their health concerns.
Electrodes are placed on the skin, transmitting and receiving energy signals from electrodes connected to devices that analyse frequency readings to match them against healthy frequencies in a database, enabling therapists to identify any abnormalities and create personalized treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient. As part of energy testing, patients should consume sufficient water to help stabilize the body’s energy field and measure frequency patterns accurately. They should also refrain from smoking and allergen exposure which could interfere with its accuracy – this will ensure accurate results while minimising discomfort during therapy sessions. Furthermore, patients can ask their practitioner any relevant questions to assist in formulating an appropriate treatment plan.
It is safe
Bioresonance therapy is generally well tolerated by most, though some individuals may experience mild side effects during or shortly after a session – usually temporary and without serious repercussions. If any unpleasant sensations develop it is important to inform your practitioner so they can adjust the treatment plan appropriately. You may also experience fatigue or headaches; these usually pass quickly.
Bioresonance frequency therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect imbalances in the body and correct them. It operates under the principle that every part of our bodies, such as cells, tissues and organs has its own spectrum of frequencies which is affected by microorganisms, parasites, heavy metals, molds, environmental toxins, geopathic stress as well as essential vitamins and minerals.
Quantum physics asserts that everything in the universe vibrates and oscillates, manifested as waves with frequencies measurable by frequency meters. Waves produce bioresonance frequencies unique to substances or organisms whose frequencies can be used to identify unhealthy materials within your body such as cancerous tumors or viruses; matching and cancelling out those frequencies restore balance in your system.
Though conventional medicine has yet to fully adopt bioresonance as a technology, its results have shown promise. Many patients have found bioresonance a powerful way of improving their health and wellness; its natural approach provides safe relief without adverse side effects from allopathic drugs.
The Bioresonance therapy technique works on the principle that body cells communicate via electromagnetic frequencies. This theory has been verified through extensive biophysics and quantum biology research, while scientists have discovered that healthy cells emit different electromagnetic signals than diseased ones; one study observed this when protein synthesis in lymphocytes from patients diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis returned to normal after five Bioresonance sessions.
Bioresonance therapy also has the power to identify and eradicate harmful microorganisms from our bodies, such as fungus or yeast infections that are known to cause various disorders and inflammation-based conditions, like asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions. Bioresonance can assist in this endeavor by pinpointing and eliminating them effectively.