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Bioresonance Frequency Therapy

Frequency Therapy uses Hertz and millivolts as key concepts, with electromagnetic oscillations being examined to identify imbalances or disease patterns, then applying frequencies that resonate with affected organs or systems to restore balance and promote healing at a cellular level.

Proponents assert that illness and toxins produce altered electromagnetic waves which can be detected and read using a bioresonance machine, then adjusted back into normal using bioresonance therapy.

Leaky Gut

As part of its reputation, intestinal permeability or leaky gut syndrome involves undigested food particles, bacteria and toxins leaking through gaps in the lining of the intestine into the bloodstream unknowingly, potentially resulting in numerous health issues ranging from stomach bloating and gas to allergies, joint pain, fatigue, depression anxiety chronic inflammation rashes or even diseases such as Crohn’s or Lupus. Proponents of this condition claim it to be one of the major sources for these issues.

The intestinal barrier is an intricate system that forms a protective membrane to keep harmful substances out of our bloodstream and to safeguard against bacterial toxins and inorganic heavy metals that could otherwise enter. If it works effectively, beneficial substances can enter our bodies while harmful ones remain outside. When functioning at its optimal levels, the intestinal barrier allows beneficial substances into our system while blocking dangerous ones from getting in. It protects us against bacteria toxins and inorganic heavy metals as well.

Healthy intestinal lining contains small gaps that allow water and some proteins to pass through – these are called tight junctions. When this lining becomes unhealthy, these tight junctions no longer function effectively and gaps become larger, potentially allowing partially digested food, bacteria and toxins into your bloodstream.

Experts have noted a correlation between intestinal barrier weakness and certain health conditions and leaky gut syndrome. There is currently no clinical test to diagnose it; proponents use methods like stool sample testing for Clostridium difficile (C. diff) infections as indicators that a person might have it; even though such methods don’t constitute medically valid tests of leaky gut.

Proponents of this condition assert that dietary modifications and natural products can help strengthen bowel lining integrity; however, scientific evidence supporting such claims remains limited. It is best left up to trained medical practitioners who have access to appropriate methods for diagnosing health issues.

Tests used to diagnose leaky gut include physical examination, laboratory testing to check for infection and an electrolyte level panel. Furthermore, doctors may perform sigmoidoscopy or colonoscopy examination of the intestinal lining to get a more definitive picture of leaky gut syndrome.

Chronic Sinusitis

Chronic sinusitis is an ongoing inflammation of the nasal sinus lining. Symptoms may include nasal blockage, facial pain, sense of pressure or fullness around the nose and reduced sense of smell; double vision may also occur and headaches can result. Common causes are infections or allergies. Treatment options could include nasal sprays and antihistamines depending on which kind of infection has taken hold and can treat symptoms appropriately.

Bioresonance therapy allows us to identify and address the specific infections or allergies causing sinusitis. Harmonic frequencies from bioresonance therapy are amplified into your body, aiding organs and immune systems in healing themselves while improving quality of life overall and helping prevent future issues from reoccurring.

Sinuses are hollow air pockets in your face and head bones that contain air to cushion and protect the brain from trauma, as well as being lined by a thin layer of tissue which produces mucus to keep them healthy, flush away germs, and allow you to breathe easily. Sinusitis is a medical condition in which sinus lining becomes inflamed, irritated and swollen for 12 weeks or more and may be caused by various sources such as illness, cystic fibrosis genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis or gastroesophageal reflux disease or environmental pollutants.

There are many treatment options for sinusitis available today, from prescription medicine and home remedies to acupuncture and acupuncture – but these typically only provide temporary relief. If you want to ensure it doesn’t resurface again, bioresonance may provide us with the solution by diagnosing its source and providing effective natural solutions.

Bioresonance rife can be an effective treatment option for many conditions, including fibromyalgia, asthma, autoimmune disease and gastrointestinal disorders. Additionally, it can assist in recovering from injuries or recovering from flu symptoms. Contact Quantum Functional Medicine now to explore these advantages further – our team would be more than happy to discuss your specific needs and answer any queries that arise!


Bioresonance machine treatments work on the principle that all substances, whether living or not, emit electromagnetic frequencies measured in Hertz. When consumed by healthy organisms, their frequencies vibrate harmoniously while any eaten by sick organisms cause discordant vibrations to take place. When stressed bodies need help managing stressors effectively, bioresonance machines can identify which foods or toxins may be contributing to an imbalance and force them back to resonate at their natural frequency – thus helping restore balance within themselves while supporting natural self-healing abilities within.

Allergies are one of the more well-studied applications of this naturopathic treatment; however, it can also be effective against other ailments, including IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), digestive problems and skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis. Furthermore, it helps alleviate stress while decreasing anxiety levels and insomnia symptoms.

allergy sufferers frequently experience symptoms like sinus congestion, sneezing or rashes. Bio resonance therapy may provide some relief and studies have indicated it to be more effective than alternatives like skin prick tests and antihistamines in treating some symptoms associated with allergies.

Bioresonance devices can also be used to treat other illnesses, including urogenital disorders, menstrual issues and low immunity issues. Bioresonance can reduce inflammation while simultaneously lowering heart rates and blood pressure – soothing our sympathetic nervous systems which activate our flight or fight responses.

Bioresonance devices perform an in-depth examination of your body’s vibrations to detect any imbalances that could potentially lead to disease or illness, before signalling cells with optimal frequencies they should be functioning at for restored harmony.

While bioresonance may not cure all diseases, it has gained wide acceptance due to positive patient testimonials and its holistic approach. Bioresonance may be combined with other naturopathic treatments like homeopathy or acupuncture in order to increase chances of success, making it a good alternative for those looking for pharmaceutical medications without side effects and risks associated with taking pharmaceutical medication. Patients should remember that bioresonance cannot remove all allergens nor ensure they will not encounter these substances again in future.


Inflammation is a necessary part of our immune response, designed to fight infection, heal wounds and clear away damaged tissue. While inflammation often results in discomfort such as pain or itching, its duration varies and should end once damage has been repaired. Unfortunately, sometimes immune reactions become prolonged, leading to chronic conditions like heart disease, diabetes, asthma, arthritis and autoimmune diseases. Bioresonance therapy is an excellent way to detect imbalances that contribute to inflammation while helping balance them through frequencies that resonate with electromagnetic vibrations naturally found within the body.

Bioresonance can detect toxins, parasites and bacteria which leak out of the intestinal lining into the blood stream and lead to inflammation which leads to stomach bloating and gas, IBS (irritable Bowel Syndrome), chronic diarrhea/constipation cycles, fatigue/brain fog symptoms as well as auto immune diseases like Crohn’s disease or Lupus.


Bioresonance can identify the underlying causes of chronic sinusitis, such as environmental pollution, food intolerances or mold allergies; then treat these root causes to stop further symptoms recurring and restore sinus drainage function.

Pain Management

Pain is an all-too-common symptom and could be indicative of various health issues, from osteoarthritis to chronic depression. It is important to seek treatment as soon as it appears, particularly if the discomfort lasts beyond a few days. Bioresonance therapy is capable of identifying contributing health factors to pain such as stress levels, low vitamin D levels, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and heavy metal toxicity; all can contribute to discomfort.

Bioresonance therapy has recently proven its ability to address lymphedema and lipedema-related swelling, leading to reduced swelling and improved ability of body to heal itself. Furthermore, a controlled study on 190 smokers proved its efficacy at helping them quit.
