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Bioresonance Full Body Scan

AO Scan, the digital body analysis scan developed by Germany-Russia-Japan-US technologies is inspired by Nikola Tesla, Royal Rife and Albert Einstein who postulated that all physical matter is energy frequency. It utilizes technology from Germany, Russia Japan USA for optimal results.

Bioresonance therapies rely on the unproven notion that diseased internal organs emit abnormal electromagnetic waves and that electrical devices can “normalize” these waves to restore health. The American Cancer Society strongly discourages using such electronic devices.

It’s Painless

Bioresonance full body scan is one of the safest and most comfortable diagnostic tests available, using electrodes placed on your skin to assess your energy wavelengths and compare them against that of healthy people. If there is any discrepancy detected, bioresonance will detect it immediately and counteract any bad waves to restore balance within your body.

Rebalancing will, in theory, help heal any damaged organs or tissues and lessen the impacts of diseases like cancer or arthritis. Furthermore, it provides a non-invasive means to identify symptoms such as stress, fatigue or pain and address their root causes.

Often employed alongside holistic therapies like herbal medicine and acupuncture, mindfulness meditation has proven its worth in relieving symptoms ranging from stomach ache and asthma to rheumatoid arthritis and depression. Although no scientific proof exists to demonstrate its curative properties, research shows it to be an effective means of alleviating suffering.

Royal R. Rife was one of the pioneers of bioresonance. He found that certain pathogens could be killed with electric pulses at their natural frequencies, sparking the idea that any object or energy that resonates at certain frequencies could help identify and treat illnesses in the body.

Today, this technology is used in combination with both traditional and alternative healing modalities to assess everything from nutritional deficiencies and hormone imbalances to emotional and energetic blockages. It can even help people quit smoking or improve digestive health, locate tumors or cysts and detect hidden information which lab tests cannot detect due to subclinical levels.

Bioresonance scans don’t take long and are completely painless – most patients report experiencing nothing. There may be an occasional slight tingle or buzz felt by some; these tests are available for both new and existing patients alike so anyone looking to explore more about their energetic health can schedule an appointment and get one done.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bio-resonance scanning is a noninvasive way of understanding what’s going on with your body, giving an in-depth view of any deficiencies, overproduction of toxins in liver and kidneys, or blockages in circulation systems. Furthermore, this method can identify food sensitivities as well as sensitivities for gluten, dairy products and omega 3/6 levels that might need cutting out altogether.

Bioresonance scanning works on the principle that everything, from your organs and bacteria to viruses and even atmosphere itself, emits electromagnetic energy in form of frequency and wavelength combinations which can be measured using bioresonance machines such as Bicom. Bicom’s sophisticated software checks for such frequencies before counteracting them with healthy ones by emitting new ones that match those emitted by your body.

In essence, this machine detects the electrical signature frequencies of your pathogens and kills them with high-frequency electric pulses. This method was pioneered by Royal Rife who discovered that some pathogens respond to specific frequencies which can then be killed off using external electric fields at those same frequencies.

Some may be skeptical of bioresonance proponents’ claims; however, there is solid proof that this type of technology can provide health benefits. Although the Food and Drug Administration has prosecuted purveyors of unproven electronic devices like bioresonance machines that do not adhere to sound scientific principles.

Bioresonance full body scans offer many different options. At our clinic, we utilize an AO scanner which enables us to detect and address any imbalances within your body, helping you rebalance both digestive tract and nervous system health as quickly as possible, thus decreasing risk for diseases or illnesses.

Bioresonance scans from us include the Full Scan, which will analyze your whole body for inflammation and environmental sensitivities as well as food sensitivities and imbalances of vitamins, hormones and more. We can even help you create a personal health plan to meet your goals more successfully! Contact us now to arrange your appointment!

It’s Easy to Do

People often seek full body scans because they believe it will enable them to detect and treat medical conditions before they become serious. Unfortunately, no major medical organization recommends this kind of screening in healthy people due to false positives leading to costly tests and procedures.

An MRI full body scan, for instance, can detect “incidentalomas,” benign findings in otherwise healthy people which don’t usually cause problems but could prompt additional testing and procedures such as biopsies that are both costly and invasive. According to the American College of Preventive Medicine, screenings or vaccinations are the best ways of early identification of health issues.

There is no scientific basis to support claims that bioresonance therapy can cure diseases like cancer, AIDS or fibromyalgia; in fact, the FTC has taken action against at least one individual for making false and misleading claims regarding bioresonance‘s potential power.

Advocates of bioresonance scanning systems contend that every cell, tissue, organ and system in our bodies emit measurable electromagnetic waves, or oscillations, which are subject to interference by pathogens, chemicals, altered DNA or environmental factors – as well as diet choices, lifestyle decisions or emotional stressors. According to this philosophy, medicine way software can identify frequencies associated with different states or dysfunctions of our body as well as any toxic influences.

The scan is painless and noninvasive and will take only minutes to complete. A machine measures electromagnetic wavelengths in your body to identify imbalances and provide a report outlining an individual treatment plan. You can cross-reference this report against your medical history, diet and medications to see what may be contributing to any inbalances in your system.

Can I conduct a body scan without being an established patient?

It’s Affordable

Recent venture-backed startups promising full body scans to detect early-stage diseases have seen an upsurge, drawing in celebrity promoters and tech mogul investors and offering people an early detection chance for cancer or other serious conditions like that. But these scans may cost upwards of $2,500 and involve lying still for at least an hour – something many cannot afford or find convenient.

Bioresonance scanning can use samples of hair or saliva to detect imbalances in your health by finding discordant frequencies within your system – similar to when an orchestra goes out of tune – then sends electromagnetic impulses to match and harmonize those frequencies, encouraging healing at an astoundingly speedy rate and returning you back to a state of balance.

Bioresonance testing offers many advantages: it is significantly less expensive than standard blood work or MRI and offers noninvasive monitoring of your health, with frequent testing sessions helping keep costs under control while creating a treatment plan based on its results.

At Bioresonance Labs, we offer various bioresonance tests, from Dietary Scan to Remedy Scan. These scans take the guesswork out of selecting supplements and remedies by providing accurate assessments based on what resonates best with your body based on individual needs and imbalances. Furthermore, Remedy Scan allows us to determine whether homeopathic remedies are working by measuring their energy signature within your body.

Dr. Erica recommends booking a full bioresonance session prior to your initial dietary or supplement consultation in order to get the most from your experience. You may opt to book one without first meeting Dr. Erica as well if desired if results need maintaining between appointments – just ensure intake and consent forms have been submitted by email prior to scheduling an appointment with us and reach out with any inquiries prior to booking your session!
