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Bioresonance Hair Testing Reviews

Bioresonance therapy falls under complementary and alternative medicine’s purview, with its foundation being quantum physics’ concept that everything in the universe contains energy that interacts constantly across space and time.

Proponents of this test claim it can detect food intolerances by comparing hair sample frequencies against 975 food items and non-food items, which has been scientifically validated as an ELISA blood test. Furthermore, this method can be done remotely for reduced costs.


Bioresonance hair tests typically cost less than scientifically validated ELISA blood tests for food intolerance testing, due to not needing blood samples as part of testing method.

During a bioresonance test, electrodes are attached to electrodes positioned on the skin and connected to a device that “reads” energy wavelengths that come from within the body. According to bioresonance theory, unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves; proponents of bioresonance believe that changing them back to their original state by monitoring electromagnetic waves produced can cure diseases.

Some companies claim their tests can detect nutritional deficiencies; exposure to heavy metals; food and environmental intolerances; yet there is little scientific support for their claims; any claims regarding bioresonance as an effective diagnostic method remain anecdotal rather than evidence backed up with data.

5Strands offers an in-home test using a small strand of hair and compares it against an extensive database of foods, drinks, and other items to deliver accurate results one to two weeks post test completion. According to their website, this can detect various factors which contribute to food sensitivities like stress, toxins, or hormonal imbalances that could contribute to sensitivities.

Advanced tests by this company analyze over 975 food and non-food items for sensitivities, while Ultimate tests evaluate up to 2600. Furthermore, neither test requires blood sampling so are much less invasive than allergy testing which typically uses needles.

Another advantage of the test is its convenience and noninvasive nature; all it requires is taking some trends of hair from home, which the lab will scan using the BICOM machine, creating an energy signature profile, which the company then tests against various foods; any that don’t resonate with your frequency will cause an allergic reaction and then provide a report detailing which food and nonfood items you are most sensitive to.


Hair bioresonance tests can be quick and painless for those who are uncomfortable with needles. All it requires is a small piece of your hair, easily extracted without pain or discomfort, which will then be compared with an extensive database of frequencies to establish whether any items registered as potentially unhealthy are present within your system. If any imbalance is discovered then bioresonance therapy – part of bioenergy medicine’s holistic healing approach – can provide counterfrequencies to restore equilibrium to the body if imbalance occurs – this process being known as bioresonance therapy as part of bioenergy medicine’s holistic healing approach to health care.

This sensitivity testing method works on the principle that everything, including food, is energy, and each person possesses their own electromagnetic signature, which can be measured using bioresonance technology. A sample of energy taken from either your head or body (usually hair samples) can then be used to assess how your body responds to certain foods. This testing methodology draws heavily from quantum physics’ theories regarding interconnection of all matter and energy and analysis at its most fundamental levels.

Proponents of this sensitivity testing claim it can detect both nutritional deficiencies and food intolerances as well as overexposure to heavy metals, providing a roadmap towards improved health. Many experts remain wary about using such assessments methods as part of diet evaluation procedures.

Most medical professionals agree that blood allergy tests like Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) provide more accurate detection of food intolerances than hair testing does. Furthermore, using sophisticated laboratory equipment and trained personnel for evaluations leads to higher costs compared with hair testing.

Hair testing for food intolerances cannot detect actual allergies that manifest themselves with symptoms like hives and facial swelling. Furthermore, this testing method could potentially mislead people into thinking that certain foods cause symptoms when this is actually not true at all.


Bioresonance hair testing purports to detect imbalances in the body by measuring energy waves emitted by individual strands of hair. Once imbalances have been identified, bioresonance machines boost good frequencies while inverting bad ones to balance electromagnetic fields throughout your body and restore balance to electromagnetic fields that provide energy flow within. Unfortunately, however, this method has yet to be proven scientifically and is unlikely to cure diseases or illnesses.

Bioresonance‘s scientific foundation lies in quantum physics, which proposes that all matter and energy can be reduced to subatomic particles such as atoms. According to quantum theory, these particles interact constantly between themselves – sometimes becoming entangled across time, space and dimensions; furthermore they communicate at distance to exert influence. Bioresonance machines read these frequencies and transmit them directly back into patients in order to restore natural harmony within their electromagnetic fields.

Though some have doubted the accuracy of these tests, clinical trials have produced positive outcomes. One such trial discovered that bioresonance therapy increased people’s likelihood of quitting smoking as well as relieving stomach pain and overtraining among athletes – these positive results may convince some individuals to explore bioresonance therapy for other ailments.

Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) refers to practices, products, and therapies outside the realm of conventional medicine – including holistic forms such as acupuncture, homeopathy, and other naturopathic procedures.

Many skeptics have labeled these treatments pseudoscience. Practitioners of bioresonance make incredible claims, such as its ability to read energy wavelengths from hairs cut off heads to diagnose illnesses using bioresonance, prompting Michael Marshall from the Good Thinking Society charity to call such practices “scientifically illiterate and absurd”.

Bioresonance‘s main advantage lies in not requiring blood samples for allergy testing, making it a safer alternative than standard allergy testing methods. Furthermore, it can test against an array of items up to 975 different allergies and sensitivities more comprehensively than other tests which typically only identify 30-40 items.

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Bioresonance is a holistic form of medicine that uses electromagnetic waves to accelerate healing and alleviate stressors that cause illness. The practice relies on the theory that every living thing emits energy frequencies, which are detectable using electronic devices. Bioresonance claims these vibrations affect people’s health; by restoring balance to these frequencies it claims it will cure disease.

Bioresonance hair testing entails taking a sample from one strand of your hair and comparing its frequency against that of food items, non-food items, vitamins, metals and other substances – such as metals and vitamins. The result will show any imbalances within the body – painlessly as there’s no blood draw needed – much cheaper than traditional ELISA blood tests which can cost hundreds of dollars!

However, scientific consensus remains uncertain on the accuracy of bioresonance hair testing. It should not be used as a replacement for full medical evaluation by healthcare providers and food intolerance is different than allergies – allergy symptoms typically include immediate hives, swelling lips or face, itching or wheezing while food intolerance symptoms typically take time to develop over time.

While hair testing services may provide useful data about food sensitivities, others may find them unreliable or not worth their cost. Still, this noninvasive and painless technique can help improve your health by uncovering allergens which could be the source of illness. Not only can the test identify food sensitivities, it can also provide valuable insight into potential emotional stressors, toxins and hormonal imbalances that might be behind symptoms you are experiencing. By making lifestyle adjustments accordingly, this data could lead to solutions for alleviating them. It will help you achieve a healthier lifestyle and immune system. The test can be conducted from home without needing special equipment – making it an economical solution. Many online companies provide these tests; the majority are reliable.
