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Bioresonance Healing Therapy

Bioresonance healing therapy works on the principle that cells and organs emit electromagnetic frequencies. If any of these frequencies become unbalanced, illness can occur; Bioresonance healing therapy restores natural, healthy frequencies within your body.

Low intensity ultrasound has been widely utilized to insonate cancer cell suspensions and cultures as well as increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy (ultrasound-mediated chemotherapy). Furthermore, it can rupture DNA-loaded microbubbles located within tumor vasculature for delivery or transfection purposes.

Focused ultrasound

Focused ultrasound therapy is a noninvasive, minimally invasive form of treatment which utilizes high energy ultrasound waves to produce heat in a specific part of the body and destroy tissue at that location. With no collateral damage caused to surrounding structures or surrounding organs, focused ultrasound can treat various medical conditions including cancers, cysts, tumors, etc.

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It is the only FDA-approved treatment for essential tremor and tremor-dominant Parkinson’s disease, offering quick relief without anesthetics. You will lie on a treatment table that moves in and out of an MRI scanner as your doctor guides a probe using real-time images to guide its deployment. MRI-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) treatment aims at targeting areas such as the thalamus which controls movement; in cases of Parkinson’s tremor-dominant Parkinson’s, additional areas include pallidum.

This procedure can be completed as an outpatient. During your stay in the MRI machine, you will remain awake. Your physician may provide a sedative to keep you calm during this process. Before making your first visit for this test, we will perform a comprehensive health history review and physical to see if you qualify as a good candidate; additionally we will conduct motor evaluation and videotape your movements to document any possible adverse reactions or changes during or after this procedure.

Your treatment session typically lasts two or three hours. Throughout, you will remain conscious, and a neurosurgeon will administer test doses of ultrasound energy into your brain in order to evaluate its therapeutic effect and monitor for side effects. Once successful test doses have been identified by your physician, they will administer the therapeutic dose accordingly.


Once the therapeutic dose of focused ultrasound energy has been delivered, you should experience instant and long-term relief from tremors. MRgFUS treatment for Parkinson’s disease tremors has proven safe, effective, and has even shown to enhance patients’ quality of life.

Prior to 2023, focused ultrasound treatment has been successfully used to safely and successfully treat uterine fibroids in women, prostate tissue in men, kidney stones via lithotripsy, as well as liver tumors with histotripsy. FDA approval was awarded for Profound Medical’s Sonalleve system and, later that same year, HistoSonics Edison platform as humanitarian device exemptions to treat liver tumors using histotripsy.


High-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU), also referred to as targeted high-energy soundwave therapy, uses high-energy sound waves aimed directly at an area with abnormal cells or tissue that have been identified, to produce heat that destroys them and cause heat-driven cell death. While HIFU treatments may be an option for prostate cancer treatment, not every hospital provides access; patients might need to travel out for this procedure or travel out to a specialized centre in order to receive it.

HIFU treatment is noninvasive and nonpainful; however, the sensations may differ depending on where it’s applied to the body. When used to lift facial features for example, it might feel similar to tiny electric pulses or light pinprickling sensations; nonetheless it’s far less painful than surgical facelift or liposuction procedures and more cost effective too! Plus it doesn’t involve any downtime either!

HIFU may be used to treat an area of moderate-risk prostate cancer that has been detected via an MRI and biopsy, in one location. HIFU can be combined with other therapies like surgery or radiotherapy and repeated as necessary if cancer recurs.

HIFU may have some limitations, including calcifications in the prostate that prevent ultrasound energy from penetrating into its intended target, causing undertreatment or reflecting back into normal tissue, heating it unnecessarily. Another potential barrier may include urethral stricture or infection – both issues can be overcome with skilled urologists experienced in treating prostate cancer patients with HIFU.

Though there are multiple HIFU devices on the market, only the Ultraformer III device has proven safe and effective results for patients. It features faster shot speeds and shorter intervals between shots to make treatment more comfortable than other HIFU devices; discomfort usually remains tolerable but never comparable to that experienced during facelift or liposuction procedures.

Prior to receiving HIFU therapy, remove all makeup or skin care products from the area to be treated. Your physician will then clean out and anesthetize this target area as required before placing the HIFU machine against your body and activating its ultrasound beam – heating up prostate tissue while leaving healthy surrounding cells undamaged by heat energy emitted by ultrasound waves emitted by this machine – which destroys cancerous tissue while leaving healthy nearby tissue undamaged. You may require a urinary catheter after this procedure until swelling subsides.


Sonodynamics is an ultrasound and sonosensitizer therapy approach used to destroy cancer cells and promote healing by activating a tumor-specific response. Studies have proven its efficacy at both reducing tumor growth and improving survival times in mice. The core principle behind Sonodynamics therapy lies within its vibratory energy therapy approach that transmits energy directly into target areas through specific frequencies.

Low intensity ultrasound combined with sonosensitizers has been extensively researched both in vitro (on cell suspensions and cultures) as well as for treating implanted tumors in laboratory animals. Ultrasound beam inertial cavitation causes microjets which carry chemotherapy drugs directly into cancer cells or disrupt tumor cell membranes so extracellularly located agents may enter through ruptures within cancer cells (Tables 1-2). A variety of drugs and sonosensitizers have been insonated, and significant bioeffects observed (Tables 1-2).

Ultrasound-induced cavitation has long been used to cause mitochondrial release of cytochrome C and subsequent oxidative stress in cancer cells. Furthermore, ultrasound can induce cell membrane depolarization and apoptosis which then results in free radicals initiating molecular events that kill cancer cells through cascade of molecular events that destroy cancer cells more quickly. The effect is further amplified when used with sonosensitizers which increase cell sensitivity to cytotoxic chemicals.

Sonodynamics can also aid in bone and tissue healing beyond antitumor properties, with studies having proven its ability to promote new bone formation in both animal and human subjects, and enhance fracture repair through stimulating collagen synthesis that maintains a healthy skeletal structure.

Ultrasound contrast agents with microbubbles have become the go-to diagnostic tool for demonstrating tumor vasculature. This allows doctors to differentiate between vascularized regions of tumors in B-mode ultrasound or power Doppler imaging as well as monitor anti-vascular treatments in real time.


Ultrasound (US) offers greater penetration depth into biological tissues, making it less vulnerable to tissue occlusion than visible light therapy and offering promise as an effective treatment modality for deeper tumors in liver or pancreas. UAS can induce various biochemical effects, including sonoluminescence, sonoporation and pyrolysis. Furthermore, US can break phospholipid bilayer membranes while changing fluidity of mitochondrial cytoplasm thereby altering cell permeability and altering permeability of cell walls. US is known to cause mechanical and chemical effects as well as modulate signaling pathways to induce apoptosis and inhibit cell growth, making US an excellent way of targeting signaling pathways through sonosensitizers with targeted microbubble contrast agents, offering a promising therapeutic-diagnostic platform which monitors entry of sonosensitizer into tumor neovasculature during therapy.

Hematoporphyrin is the go-to clinical sonosensitizer, and has been shown to produce singlet oxygen and oxidize endogenous 1,4-dihydronicotinamide adenine dinucleotide in cancer cells. However, it must be administered intravenously due to toxicity concerns; additionally it’s difficult to control its distribution within tumors – researchers are currently developing sonosensitizers with increased tumor uptake and retention for improved efficiency of SDT treatments.

Recently, multifunctional sonosensitizers with imaging capabilities have been developed that can simultaneously act as imaging agents and treatment. These agents can be detected with MRI, USI, CT or photoacoustic imaging (PAI), providing integrated diagnosis and therapy modalities. Furthermore, these agents may offer more accurate and sensitive assessment of SDT than current diagnostic techniques.

Contrasting with traditional iodine contrast agents that may lead to allergic reactions or nephrotoxicity, multifunctional sonosensitizers offer greater versatility by being used both for MRI and CT imaging, delivered directly into tumors via intratumoral injection, loaded into targeted microbubbles that can be ionized by ultrasound to penetrate more effectively into tumors, thus decreasing treatment times while increasing efficacy; they may even be combined with other therapies like gene therapy or chemotherapy for further enhanced therapeutic effect.


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