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Bioresonance – Holistic Wellness Based on Quantum Physics

Modern biophysics reveals that our cells communicate at various frequencies using radio-like transmitting and receiving properties. Healthful harmonic cells resonate at a different frequency than their disharmonic counterparts which could interfere with normal cell functioning leading to disease.

Bioresonance therapy lacks sufficient scientific proof to prove its efficacy in treating conditions.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance is an integrative wellness approach rooted in quantum physics. Every tissue, cell, and organ has a natural electromagnetic frequency which must remain harmonious to stay healthy; when stressed however, frequencies become disorganized which can lead to illness. A bioresonance machine helps identify these frequencies, boost healthy ones while cancelling out pathological ones in order to restore natural harmony within your system.

Each disease, tumor or infection has an electromagnetic frequency associated with it; the machine detects this frequency to enable therapists to identify its source and use appropriate frequencies to balance and restore systems.

Bioresonance therapy was discovered to help reduce pain associated with fibromyalgia in one case study and balance hormonal systems. Hormonal imbalances can manifest themselves through symptoms like premenstrual pains, irregular periods, hot flushes, insomnia and fatigue in women; bioresonance treatment helps restore proper functioning to these systems by safely and effectively balancing hormones.

Studies have also demonstrated how bioresonance can assist in alleviating rheumatoid arthritis by helping the body regulate the antioxidants it needs to combat free radicals.

Bioresonance can help identify and target any toxins present that contribute to an illness, including heavy metals, chemicals, food intolerances, mycoses or preservatives. A bioresonance machine can identify these effects before cancelling them out allowing the body to expel toxins naturally from your system.

Bioresonance testing utilizes electrodes placed on the skin that pick up electromagnetic waves from your body’s surface and analyse them with the BICOM Bioresonance device, designed to detect and assess health in your system. With this data gathered from these bioresonance tests comes bioenergetic medicine; creating and providing therapeutic frequencies tailored specifically for each person as part of bioresonance medicine treatments.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

All living organisms and inanimate objects emit energy frequencies, which can be detected and measured using a bioresonance machine. Bioresonance therapy relies on electromagnetic signals sent from cells being read by an instrument for use to restore equilibrium within the body and restore balance if imbalance exists. Studies have proven the success of bioresonance in treating allergies, fibromyalgia, smoking cessation and stomach pain while simultaneously improving your ability to fight viruses, parasites and bacteria.

A BICOM bioresonance screening is an easy and non-invasive way of checking the body’s acupuncture meridians for pathological toxins that could disrupt normal communication between cells of the body and lead to pathologies. Toxin sources may include metals, chemicals, viruses, fungi and parasites as well as stress-induced radiation, poor diet and emotional issues. When discordant frequencies are identified through bioresonance therapy electromagnetic impulses are sent matching them and harmonizing them back with natural state for restoration of body’s natural state and stimulate self-healing capabilities of self healing mechanisms of self healing capabilities of body’s self healing capabilities.

As part of the testing process, electrodes are placed on the body and connected to a machine that transmits a gentle electromagnetic signal. If your body is healthy, it should respond by sending back a clear signal back to the machine. Bioresonance devices manufactured by Deta-Elis Holding can detect even hidden microorganisms and parasites like protozoa or helminths as well as detect imbalances across your entire system.

Studies on bioresonance therapy, both controlled (using placebos) and uncontrolled, have demonstrated its efficacy for treating various medical conditions. One such controlled (using a placebo) and uncontrolled study compared bioresonance therapy‘s effectiveness against placebo for smoking cessation; more people underwent bioresonance treatment than placebo; another involved fibromyalgia patients, where those receiving bioresonance treatment showed faster recovery; furthermore a small German study indicated its ability to balance immune systems, reduce inflammation and reduce irritation – findings that support its efficacy against chronic illness and medical issues alike.

How is Bioresonance Therapy carried out?

All organs, tissues and cells in our bodies – like everything in nature – emit electromagnetic frequencies that combine into our biofield. These frequencies transmit signals which enable our bodies to exchange vital information between themselves, acting as part of the biological process that helps defend us against disease and infection. Harmonic oscillations are another term for these frequencies. Bioresonance therapy can detect abnormal frequencies generated by pathogenic microbes or environmental toxins that disrupt an organism’s normal communication system and cancel them out, amplifying our own healthy harmonic frequencies and helping the body restore self-healing processes.

Therapists use devices such as the BICOM-Optima to scan the body’s biomagnetic field or frequencies and identify any disruptions. Electrodes are then placed on the skin and connected to a machine which emits signals – when your biomagnetic frequencies are balanced and healthy, this machine should emit clear signals, while otherwise, if there’s any disruptions it might produce less clear or even negative ones.

Disturbed frequencies can be caused by various sources, including:

Heavy metals, parasites, chemicals and environmental toxins can disrupt your energy frequency and cause symptoms like fatigue, allergies, insomnia, digestive problems and hormone imbalances. Bioresonance can detect these disturbances and restore vibrant health back into your life via our amp coil device rebalancing cellular frequency balance – returning you back to vibrant wellness!

Bioresonance scans not only detect imbalances within cells, but the information gleaned can be used by therapists to make holistic health recommendations that will help restore balance to your whole body from within – this may include nutritional changes, supplements or diet advice from qualified holistic practitioners. Please be aware that Bioresonance should never replace conventional medical diagnostic tools; only consult qualified holistic practitioners when using it for yourself.

What are the Side Effects of Bioresonance Therapy?

As in other living organisms, our cells emit electromagnetic waves with what’s known as natural frequency. When all organs, tissues, and systems are functioning optimally they produce a harmonic, balanced frequency pattern. As soon as a disease takes hold, its various frequencies create dissonant waves within our cells that interfere with communication between them, leaving our body exposed to viruses, bacteria, and infections. Bioresonance therapy detects any “disharmonious” frequencies and neutralises them. To achieve a successful result, however, patient cooperation with their therapist is required for positive treatment outcomes – so he or she must explain what is occurring at each session as well as recommend drinking water and resting between sessions, which typically last around an hour each.

Bioresonance therapy patients frequently report experiencing a short-term worsening in symptoms immediately following each session, followed by rapid improvements due to detoxification processes activated within their bodies during and following bioresonance therapy sessions.

As part of detoxification, your body releases toxins and waste material through urine and faeces elimination channels. To speed this process up, drink plenty of water while taking homeopathic or herbal remedies as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Therapy may cause some minor side effects like fatigue, headaches or dizziness which should subside within hours or so – these side effects should not be harmful and are considered safe to experience during therapy sessions.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself an effective solution for numerous conditions, especially allergies. When utilized during treatment, bioresonance devices block out pathogen information related to allergens, thus neutralizing them. Clinical studies have confirmed this practice can significantly reduce allergy symptoms.

Harmonic bioresonance therapy has proven its worth in treating various health conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, urinary tract infections and digestive disorders like colitis, peptic ulcers and constipation. Furthermore, this form of treatment is effective against inflammation associated with conditions like fibromyalgia and spinal osteochondrosis – even though results of controlled studies show positive results of using harmonic bioresonance therapeutic methods successfully in treatment plans. More rigorous research should be conducted into its effectiveness and safety in regards to therapeutic methods like harmonic bioresonance therapeutic treatments in terms of its safety and effectiveness for specific diseases or conditions like this method.
