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Bioresonance Intolerance Test

Bioresonance intolerance testing is an alternative holistic practice that uses a machine to measure energy waves’ frequencies to diagnose health issues. It works on the principle that unhealthy cells emit different frequencies; by changing these back to their normal frequency levels, diseased cells will heal themselves over time.

BICOM device used in this test emits electromagnetic waves to see how your body reacts – helping identify food intolerances.


Bioresonance testing is an innovative and noninvasive way of discovering food intolerances. By measuring an individual’s electromagnetic responses to various foods, Bioresonance can pinpoint which ones may be triggering symptoms such as pain or inflammation and help devise an elimination diet plan to overcome food intolerances.

This procedure is completely safe and has been proven effective in multiple studies. It is an increasingly popular alternative to allergy tests which prick the skin, often making them quite uncomfortable; thus it is often seen as being best suited to people who fear needles or find more in-depth tests difficult to endure.

All living organisms produce electromagnetic energy and bioresonance testing exploits this to identify food intolerances. A small sample of hair is placed into the machine, where different electromagnetic waves are sent towards it and recorded on its frequency scale compared with registered items on a database; should these frequencies match, bioresonance will flag it as potential intolerance.

This data is then used to create a customized report for the client that highlights all of the foods that may cause a reaction. Based on this report, an occupational therapist can then suggest ways to decrease exposure and counteract these frequencies; such as nutritional therapy or herbal remedies that improve bioenergy.

Bioresonance therapy has proven its efficacy at aiding individuals suffering from food intolerances as well as other ailments, including rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and overtraining syndrome in athletes.

Though bioresonance therapy remains controversial among academics, its popularity among the general public is on the rise. According to Michael Marshall of the Good Thinking Society, bioresonance tests “rely on an absurd notion: that our bodies emit energy wavelengths and frequencies which can somehow be read by machines – an idea which unfortunately has taken root among some circles.”


Bioresonance intolerance testing offers an easy, painless alternative to blood tests and elimination diets. Using electromagnetic waves, this noninvasive test evaluates your body’s responses to food frequencies – giving results that may pinpoint foods contributing to symptoms as well as nutritional deficiencies or heavy metal overexposure. There are various brands of food intolerance tests available such as Vitagene, 5Strands and LetsGetChecked that may suit you; before making your choice online reviews are invaluable for comparing pricing, accuracy and privacy policies!

Food intolerances differ from allergies in that they involve both your digestive and nervous systems. Food intolerances often manifest themselves with symptoms including gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation and fatigue – which bioresonance therapy can effectively treat by introducing correct frequencies into the body.

Leaky gut syndrome can also benefit from bioresonance therapy, in which undigested food particles and toxins enter the bloodstream causing inflammation. With this therapy treatment you can help restore integrity of gastrointestinal tract as well as alleviate associated symptoms such as chronic fatigue, headaches, rheumatoid arthritis, and fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance therapy may also be effective at relieving chronic sinusitis, an often painful and uncomfortable condition causing your nasal passages to become inflamed and swollen for at least 12 weeks. Bioresonance can identify its source while prescribing treatment to alleviate symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy can also relieve symptoms associated with inflammatory bowel diseases, including diarrhea and abdominal cramps. Furthermore, bioresonance can be used to both prevent and treat autoimmune diseases, like rheumatoid arthritis, by helping the body regulate its natural antibodies more effectively. Furthermore, this therapy may lower gout risk by balancing out your acid-base balance – and in some cases even help prevent osteoporosis by decreasing inflammation and stiffness of joints – bioresonance therapy operates under this principle of damaged cells emit electromagnetic waves; devices measuring these wavelengths to identify diseases more accurately.


Bioresonance food intolerance tests offer an alternative to skin prick allergy tests, which require you to be pinched on your finger. Instead, they require only a strand of hair from any part of your body – once collected it will be fed through a machine that analyzes its resonance energy against registered item frequencies in a database and highlight any items with imbalanced frequencies accordingly before offering desensitisation programs to overcome intolerances.

This will enable you to be more conscious of what you eat and its effect on your health, making you more aware of its effect and helping with issues like bloating, weight fluctuations, digestive issues, fluid retention or fatigue or other symptoms.

The Full Health Screening test is a more in-depth scan that takes into account both body and environmental interactions. It includes food intolerance testing as well as checks for electromagnetic stress (Wi-Fi radiation, electrical frequencies or magnetic fields), geopathic stress (ley lines) or pathogenic burdens (e.g. fungal overactivity or bacteria or viral load).

At this point, your results are taken into account with a computer programme which generates a personalized detoxification and rebalancing program tailored specifically to you. At your consultation session, there will be ample opportunity for discussion of results as well as questions.

Retests should be scheduled every 6-8 weeks in order to track your progress, with costs reduced significantly when compared with initial full scan prices. Retesting provides you with peace of mind that you are continuing to balance your body, particularly those suffering from chronic or severe conditions. Dietary Scan can also help those with restrictive dietary needs take the guesswork out of diet by using bioresonance scan technology to see which foods resonate best with their bodies and create personalized diet recommendations to meet all the nutrients necessary for good health.


Bioresonance food intolerance testing is a noninvasive and painless way to identify foods to which you are allergic or sensitive, using just a sample of hair to compare against common allergens and toxins, then counteracts bad frequencies to restore balance in your system. Recently it has gained immense popularity due to its accuracy and potential solutions for various health problems.

Bioresonance food intolerance tests use electromagnetic oscillations produced by diseased cells to make their diagnosis possible, by measuring energy wavelengths within the body and then adjusting them towards healthy frequencies. It has long been believed that bioresonance could detect diseases by measuring energy wavelengths that differ between healthy and unhealthy cells emitted by bioresonance measurement devices and those emitting by unhealthy ones, and using them to adjust to healthy frequencies as they measure them in real-time.

Bioresonance intolerance testing can also help diagnose leaky gut syndrome, in which undigested food particles, toxins, and bacteria leak from the digestive tract into the blood stream, leading to symptoms including bloating, diarrhea, constipation, chronic fatigue and headaches. A bioresonance intolerance test can identify its source and provide solutions by suggesting appropriate nutrition, supplements and probiotics.

Bioresonance intolerance testing provides accurate results that do not contain medications that could skew results, making this method safer and less expensive than traditional blood testing methods.

Bioresonance therapy has long been utilized as an effective solution to treat allergies, asthma and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. Studies have demonstrated its ability to decrease inflammation levels, improve heart function and decrease immune system responses – in turn helping patients to quit smoking, lower anxiety levels and resolve sleep issues more effectively.

Even though medical professionals remain dubious of bioresonance, its popularity among the general population has seen it gain ground as an alternative to more costly and invasive medical procedures. Unfortunately, science is still deliberating over its effectiveness; therefore, until more evidence becomes available this test should only be considered as complementary with other means of diagnosing food intolerances.
