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Bioresonance Machine Amazon

Bioresonance machine amazon is an electronic device that measures energy wavelengths in your body. The concept behind bioresonance lies within unhealthy cells emitting altered frequencies; by returning those frequencies back to their original levels, disease treatment may become possible.

Although some studies have demonstrated positive effects, research is limited and evidence is weak. Furthermore, there are concerns that bioresonance could discourage people from seeking evidence-based treatments.


Bioresonance therapy employs electrodes on your body that “read” energy waves associated with various diseases or ailments, then modulates those frequencies so your cells vibrate at their natural rate, purportedly treating disease while supporting the body’s own ability to heal itself. Although some small studies show some promise, its true efficacy remains uncertain.

Bioresonance has been used to treat various conditions, from allergies to rheumatoid arthritis. Unfortunately, research in this area is limited and studies often produce uncontrollable or mixed results. Some have claimed that bioresonance can even cure cancer by activating tumor suppressor genes or decreasing overactive cells – though such claims should be seen as fraudulent quackery.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance treatment for treating fibromyalgia. Participants receiving this therapy reported experiencing 72% less muscular pain compared to those not receiving bioresonance, with added advantages such as better sleep quality and decreased temperature sensitivity.

Another study compared bioresonance treatment with placebo treatment among those trying to quit smoking. After one year, 28.6 percent of those receiving bioresonance had succeeded while only 16.1% in the control group had managed it.

Bioresonance equipment may also be sold as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation devices (TENS). TENS devices help relieve pain by administering electric currents that block transmission of pain signals through local muscles and nerves. Bioresonance equipment marketed under the Healy brand name may only be approved for pain symptom relief purposes by the Therapeutic Goods Administration. Healy’s 510(k) application details it as being similar to Omron’s Avail TENS device, which has been approved to treat chronic back pain and tension headaches symptomatically. Claims made about Healy or similar bioresonance devices that prevent, treat or otherwise alleviate disease are illegal under Australian law.


Bioresonance therapy is an unconventional form of holistic or complementary medicine that uses electromagnetic devices to scan the body and detect imbalances. Proponents believe that healthy cells and organs produce regular electromagnetic waves while unhealthy ones produce altered wavelengths; these altered wavelengths can then be detected by bioresonance machines and adjusted back into their original frequency using frequency modulation technology. Some practitioners claim bioresonance can even cure diseases, although no scientific proof supports such claims and it’s wise to avoid practitioners who make such claims about its benefits.

Bioresonance machines amazon can detect toxins, food allergies and other issues that could compromise health and wellbeing. The non-invasive test does not require blood samples; rather strands of hair are placed into the device where electromagnetic resonance energy measurement takes place – giving practitioners information to help identify allergens as well as ways to improve overall wellbeing.

Bioresonance scans not only detect toxins in the body but can also reveal imbalances that homeopathic practitioners can use remedies to correct. This helps strengthen immunity while also creating balance. Furthermore, results of bioresonance scans allow practitioners to customize an optimal treatment plan for every patient.

Though bioresonance may lack scientific proof, several studies indicate its benefits in treating certain patients’ symptoms. Unfortunately, however, healthcare professionals don’t believe bioresonance to be an effective treatment and many have criticised certain studies for using unproven methodologies or making unverifiable claims.

Critics of Healy machines often compare them to acupuncture; however, their critics note that the FDA has never authorized this use and can cause serious injury if used incorrectly. Furthermore, Friends of Science in Medicine in Australia has issued numerous complaints against BICOM devices; Professor Edzard Ernst wrote that supporters use pseudoscientific language when marketing them and present pseudoscience as legitimate medicine.


Bioresonance proponents claim their machines can diagnose or treat health conditions; however, there’s no scientific proof. Their claims rest on the belief that diseased cells emit altered electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected by bioresonance machines; changing back to normal frequencies will reverse any disorder that exists – something Royal Rife claimed his devices could do back in the 1920s and 30s by vibrating at their natural frequency and vibrating off microorganisms with vibrations at their natural frequency.

As such, many of the devices currently marketed as bioresonance are actually Rife derivatives sold by practitioners untrained in using them; some even misrepresent their nature; for instance, Healy device is being misrepresented as being bioresonance when in reality it is just transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device approved only for temporary pain relief.

The Healy has also been touted for weight loss and smoking cessation assistance, both without scientific basis. Multiple organizations in Australia including Friends of Science in Medicine filed complaints against its manufacturer for making false and misleading claims regarding use and effectiveness. Edzard Ernst, Professor of Public Health at University of Melbourne writes that supporters of Healy device have used “pseudo-scientific language in an attempt to present pseudoscience as science.”

Bottom Line

Bioresonance machines measure energy waves emitted by human bodies to detect diseases. Their proponents claim they can also change unhealthy cell or organ frequencies so they vibrate at their normal frequency again and thus “curing” diseases; but there’s no definitive scientific evidence supporting their claims.

Royal Rife invented the first bioresonance devices at the turn of the 20th century. He found that certain pathogens could be killed with electric pulses tuned to their resonant frequencies, killing them instantly.

Some Rife devices continue to be sold under the Healy brand name despite FDA rulings that their nonbioresonance design (which does not use bioresonance) is substantially similar to an acceptable transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) device and thus only approved for relieving symptoms of pain. Furthermore, Friends of Science in Medicine of Australia has frequently complained to Therapeutic Goods Administration of misleading advertisements featuring Healy products which make false or misleading health benefit claims.
