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Bioresonance Machines – The History, Principles, and Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy

Based on quantum physics, all matter in the universe emits electromagnetic frequencies. Bioresonance analyzers can pick up on these vibrations to detect imbalances on physical, biochemical or psycho-emotional levels.

This device enhances healthy frequencies while modulating or suppressing those associated with disease, and this is how it helps your body heal itself.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method which utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing. It works on the theory that each cell emits energy which can be altered to promote health and wellbeing, making this therapy all the more powerful and worthwhile. This blog post covers its history, principles and benefits.

Bioresonance machines work by applying electrodes to the patient’s skin and linking them with an electronic device that analyzes energy wavelengths emitted by cells in their body. It claims to diagnose diseased organs by comparing electromagnetic wave signatures of diseased and healthy organs; additionally, it purportedly reverses any deviations between diseased and healthy ones, and changes diseased electromagnetic waves back to normal, purportedly curing any associated disease processes.

Quantum physics lays the groundwork for this unproven technology, which works based on vibration or frequency analysis of all things. A bioresonance machine listens for and recognizes any weak electromagnetic wave signature of disease in a patient’s body and its frequency; amplifying healthy waves back into their normal functions of strengthening them whereas unhealthy waves will be sent back out again to counteract any detrimental effects they might be having on cells.

Bioresonance machines can help treat various conditions, including fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies and autoimmune diseases. Furthermore, the treatment can assist patients to stop smoking or overcome addictions more effectively while also treating conditions related to stress management and detoxification.

Choose a qualified practitioner when seeking non-invasive alternative medicine treatments such as Reiki. Be sure to ask about their background and training, preferring practitioners that take an holistic approach and encourage open dialogue. A great therapist should gladly answer all your queries and ensure you’re comfortable using this type of therapy.

Though bioresonance therapy research remains limited, many have reported positive outcomes from this holistic approach to healthcare. However, bioresonance therapies should not be promoted for treating serious conditions like heart disease or cancer and should not make unproven health claims about their products as touted by purveyors of bioresonance devices marketed through electronic devices sold in stores. According to FDA records, many purveyors of such electronic devices were prosecuted due to making unsubstantiated health claims for their devices.

Bioresonance Therapy is a Non-Invasive Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive alternative treatment that does not involve cutting or puncturing, using electromagnetic frequencies within the range of earth’s magnetic field for maximum safety and non-toxicity.

Bioresonance machines operate under the assumption that all living things emit electromagnetic waves that resonate throughout their bodies and can be detected with special technology. A bioresonance machine uses this data to scan body’s electromagnetic waves for imbalanced ones and then counteract these unhealthy frequencies with healthy ones to restore equilibrium and bring balance back.

Electrode pads placed on the body pick up vibrations from their vibrational frequencies and send them to a computer program for analysis. The software compares them against an established database of healthy frequency patterns to identify any imbalances and identify their source, before creating corrective frequencies to help heal your body from within.

Detoxification identifies any toxins present in the body, such as heavy metals or allergens, before eliminating them through detoxification. This process has been found effective for treating allergies, urogenital disorders and low immune defenses while relieving pain such as joint and muscle discomfort or pre/post surgery discomfort.

Bioresonance machines can detect emotional stress, as well as determine whether someone is experiencing too much emotional strain or depression. Furthermore, they can identify any food intolerances or digestive issues which may have arisen, and detect issues with thyroid and other glands as well. Furthermore, they can even screen for various diseases including cancer and diabetes.

Though bioresonance therapy has yet to be scientifically verified, its safe and effective treatments for certain conditions have been demonstrated through controlled and uncontrolled studies. Some have demonstrated its ability to ease stomach discomfort; it may even assist people in giving up smoking.

Bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement for medical attention if you have serious health concerns, so prior to trying this therapy it’s advisable to speak to your healthcare provider or physician first.

Bioresonance Therapy is a Holistic Therapy

All living things, such as your body and its organs, possess a specific electromagnetic frequency known as their bio-resonance frequency. A bioresonance machine detects this frequency and uses it to identify disease or dysfunction in an individual. Healthy frequencies can be enhanced while unhealthy ones inverted to reduce impactful impacts. This enables your cells to communicate and self-regulate properly, helping the entire system function as intended.

Bioresonance therapy resembles homeopathy and acupuncture in that it does not merely treat symptoms; rather it seeks out and addresses their source. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs which often cause serious side effects over time, bioresonance does not alter or interfere with natural body processes and equilibrium.

Royal Rife was the pioneer of bioresonance. He created an electronic device capable of killing pathogens in the body by sending electric pulses matching their biological signature frequency. Later, this technology has developed into highly sophisticated computer controlled devices for diagnosing diseases based on resonance.

At each treatment session, electrodes are attached to electrodes on your body and connected to a device which reads bioresonance readings from organs and tissues as well as scans your whole body for any imbalances that might be impacting organ health and overall wellness.

Bioresonance scans will identify any harmful substances present in your body, such as heavy metals and other toxins, that interfere with communication among healthy cells and inhibit healing processes. Bioresonance can detect such stressors and provide solutions to address them.

Quantum Functional Medicine offers safe and effective detox treatments that are suitable for most people, with side effects including temporary tiredness, thirst, loose stools and headaches as a side effect of detoxifying and rejuvenating your body. To get the most from each treatment session, drink lots of water while limiting sugary or processed food consumption for faster healing. For any further inquiries about their services or to make an appointment contact Quantum Functional Medicine now!

Bioresonance Therapy is a Natural Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is founded in quantum physics, which holds that all matter and energy emit electromagnetic frequencies (hertz). A session involves using electrodes on the body to distinguish healthy electromagnetic oscillations from unhealthy ones produced by it; then amplifying and inverting those which are unhealthy – helping restore balance and increase self-healing within. Bioresonance is noninvasive with no serious side effects; thus making it suitable for treating food and environmental allergies, chronic illnesses such as cystitis/prostatitis/digestion disorders/breathlessness/ low immunity issues among others.

The Amp Coil device employs a pulsed electromagnetic field to restore body energy frequency to optimal levels, essential to good health. This frequency may become disrupted due to heavy metals, stress, or poor diet – issues which could include heavy metal exposure or stress management issues as well as poor diet choices. Furthermore, the device can identify imbalances in hormones, chromosomes or any other areas within your body which might be contributing to specific conditions.

Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative treatment option that balances energy functions without creating adverse side effects and can promote healing without becoming addictive. Pharmaceutical medications may have beneficial side effects; however, they can often have harmful ones as well. Bioresonance therapy works to balance body energy functions to foster healing without negative side effects associated with pharmaceutical drugs.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment not regulated by the FDA, yet some small studies suggest its efficacy for diagnosing and treating various ailments. Before trying bioresonance therapy yourself, however, please seek medical advice as this should not replace conventional medical approaches. To learn more about its potential benefits contact Quantum Functional Medicine now to schedule a consultation where we will be happy to provide additional information and assist in finding a practitioner to help achieve optimal health – 2019 Quantum Functional Medicine; All rights are reserved by Quantum.
