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Bioresonance Magnetic Therapy

A magnet will draw iron filings together into an orderly pattern; biomagnetic fields (BMFs) work similarly within our bodies.

Disharmonious vibrations in the biomagnetic field are detected and processed by a machine to send positive signals back into the body, such as desensitization therapy for allergies.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless alternative treatment that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and well-being. Based on the theory that each cell emits its own frequency that can be altered to enhance overall health and wellness, bioresonance therapy provides a great way to relieve stress and foster emotional wellness.

During your session, you will sit comfortably inside a machine equipped with electrodes connected to electrodes on your skin. The machine will emit a gentle electromagnetic wave, which will travel throughout your body. It then measures any returning signals which indicate any energy imbalances such as too much toxicity in liver cells which it then responds with counter frequencies to correct this imbalance.

Bioresonance works by identifying any allergies or viruses in the body and then using appropriate frequencies to rid itself of these allergens – this process can be extremely effective, especially if suffering from severe allergies or parasites.

Bioresonance can also aid immunity and detoxification processes in your body, helping it better manage stress and heal itself from within – ultimately leading to a happier, healthier lifestyle for you and your loved ones.

Bioresonance therapy has the power to address a number of diseases and disorders, from allergies and rheumatoid arthritis, to chronic conditions like asthma and bronchitis. Furthermore, it can remove harmful substances such as chemicals or heavy metals from the body, while even helping treat difficult-to-cure bacteria or parasites with medication-resistant strains.

Though research on bioresonance is limited, there have been reports of positive outcomes in patients suffering from various ailments. It should be noted that bioresonance should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medical therapies.

Bioresonance may yet to be proven effective; however, its noninvasive nature makes it an appealing option for individuals looking for pain-free solutions to health problems. Plus, treatments are generally short and relaxing!


Bioresonance magnetic therapy offers numerous advantages over other forms of medicine, primarily being its noninvasive and painless nature. Sessions usually last 20-40 minutes and offer a deeply relaxing experience. An amp coil device is used to restore your natural cellular frequency that may have been disturbed due to heavy metals, other toxins or high stress levels; or by any emotional issues and imbalances which contribute to chronic health conditions.

With its bioresonance scanner, this device detects electromagnetic frequencies produced by your body to identify any imbalances or disturbances and emit counter frequencies to correct these imbalances. By stimulating self-regulating mechanisms and encouraging healing processes within, this treatment provides a safe treatment option for anyone interested in understanding more about their body’s natural functions and improving overall wellness.

Bioresonance therapy has long been known to provide relief for digestive and gastrointestinal ailments, including constipation, diarrhea, and bloating. It may also aid with heart disease, arthritis and joint pain – plus mental health concerns like depression and anxiety. When connected to the machine using electrodes placed strategically around your body during your session – make sure not to wear jewellery or clips that could interfere with the scan! Also try not consuming food or drinks prior to receiving this therapy session.

Bioresonance therapy can also assist with emotional problems by balancing energy fields of the body. This helps reduce stress and increase mental clarity for an improved quality of life. Furthermore, this therapy may help heal and clear away heavy metals such as mercury amalgam fillings from one’s system.

Although not widely accepted by medical professionals, many have had positive results with alternative medicine practices like homeopathy. While this form of alternative treatment might work for some, it should never replace medical advice from qualified healthcare professionals; be sure to get their approval before making changes to your diet or lifestyle.


Bioresonance magnetic therapy offers a natural and safe treatment option for many conditions, from allergies and stomach ache to eczema and parasites and bacteria in the body that must be eliminated. Although its benefits have been demonstrated time after time, its risks must also be taken into consideration as bioresonance magnetic therapy should never be used solely as treatment; otherwise it could prove dangerous if used as the only solution and potentially deter people from seeking additional medical advice or seeking alternative remedies for medical problems altogether.

Bioresonance works by reading electromagnetic vibrations emitted by cells. It can then identify toxic stressors that obstruct your body’s natural communication; such as toxins, infections and parasites. By helping cells communicate among themselves more freely and facilitate natural healing processes in your body.

Finding a qualified practitioner knowledgeable of alternative medicine is key. He or she should be able to answer your questions regarding its workings, what you can expect during sessions and possible side effects as well as providing insight into assessment and treatment sessions results. Furthermore, you should opt for someone experienced with this technology who boasts an outstanding safety record.

Bioresonance machines work by listening for weak electrical signature frequencies of pathogens and then producing those frequencies externally, creating resonance within its cells and eventually killing it off. They are an effective solution for treating diseases which are difficult to treat with drugs alone.

Some practitioners make claims that bioresonance devices can diagnose and treat conditions, including bloating, stomach pains, heart issues and arthritis. The Advertising Standards Authority has received complaints against clinics making such claims; as a result of which, the ASA encourages marketers to ensure their marketing messages are clear and accurate.

When selecting a practitioner, make sure their equipment is in good condition and that it has been rigorously tested. Also ensure they offer clean facilities and adhere to hygienic practices. Be sure to discuss any existing health conditions with them so they are aware of them, while asking previous patients about their experiences with this provider.


Bioresonance therapy utilizes natural frequencies of the body to identify imbalances and promote wellness, providing a holistic treatment approach that targets primary causes. Bioresonance can reduce stress levels, improve sleep patterns and increase energy levels – with non-invasive solutions offering rapid results that address not only physical but also emotional and mental imbalances.

At each bioresonance therapy session, patients either hold copper hand rods or place their feet on a foot-plate that connects to a bioresonance device. This device detects frequencies emitted by their bodies; amplifying harmonious ones while inverting disharmonious ones caused by toxins; also, it detects imbalanced vibrations in real time and provides corrections immediately; making this highly effective treatment.

Many believe bioresonance therapy to be effective against conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, and depression. Although scientific evidence for bioresonance therapy remains limited, its practitioners report its success at helping people quit smoking and feel better overall. Furthermore, studies suggest it could lower autoimmune disease risks by normalizing antioxidant function.

Bioresonance machines use electrodes attached to your skin and emitting a gentle electromagnetic field that travels throughout your body, mirroring cell wavelengths. Once this data has been gathered and analyzed, bioresonance machines can identify any imbalanced oscillations within your system and target specific energy frequencies that will cancel out these aberrant pulses.

Solecism helps clear away harmful energies from the body and restore natural functioning. It has proven highly successful at treating various disorders without medications or side effects; and is safe for pregnant women as a treatment option.

Bioresonance magnetic therapy can also be an effective tool in treating illnesses as well as helping individuals quit smoking and lose weight. When seeking such treatments, it’s essential to consult a qualified practitioner first and read reviews about any particular therapies before making your choice.
