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Bioresonance Magnetic Therapy

bioresonance magnetic therapy

Bioresonance is a revolutionary holistic technique. This scientific technique detects energy wavelengths emitted by your body and neutralises any potential pathogenic ones.

Painless, noninvasive and without side effects. After the first session which typically lasts an hour or more, many patients report either an improvement in symptoms or no symptoms at all.

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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy is a holistic therapeutic technique which uses electromagnetic vibrations of our bodies as its foundation. Studies have revealed that each organ has its own frequency spectrum, and Bioresonance devices can recognise them to tune them harmoniously for healing purposes.

Bioresonance therapy also can uncover food or non-food intolerances which could be contributing to your symptoms, offering the opportunity for positive improvements in both health and wellbeing. Although Bioresonance cannot replace other forms of treatment methods entirely, its potential should not be underestimated when used alongside them for maximum effect.

Every cell and organ in our bodies emit electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies that are controlled by DNA. Lifestyle choices, diet and habits can sometimes disrupt this natural flow and alter its frequency causing dissonance to arise in its frequency pattern; bioresonance can detect distortions and help restore harmony with bioresonance techniques helping our immune systems heal itself more easily.

Environmental exposures like toxins, poor nutrition, aggravating radiation exposures and stress can all increase our susceptibility to diseases like autoimmune disorders, allergies or psychosomatic illnesses. Bioresonance provides a natural, noninvasive and drug-free method of balancing body chemistry and treating conditions which traditional medicine cannot.

Bioresonance therapy was invented by Franz Morell – widely considered its “father” – and uses electronic signals to transmit and receive electromagnetic resonance frequencies between body parts. The BICOM device can identify disruptions to energy flows within your body as well as harmful substances like pathogens, bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungus as well as food intolerances.

Studies conducted on patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis have demonstrated how bioresonance treatment can effectively enhance antibody activity and increase lymphocyte content of antioxidant enzyme thiol groups; additionally it can restore cellular metabolism of patients suffering from inflammatory rheumatic conditions thereby lessening symptoms while eliminating medication needs.

How is Bioresonance Therapy done?

Human bodies are energy systems that constantly emit electromagnetic vibrations at specific frequencies to regulate and control body functions, like breathing. If this vibrational pattern becomes disrupted due to factors like eating unhealthy foods, radiation exposure or mental stress, health problems may result in inefficient functioning and lead to health issues that bioresonance therapy provides as an easy, painless and natural method of identifying and treating imbalances within our systems.

BICOM measures these energy frequencies and examines whether your body’s vibration patterns align with those found on earth’s magnetic field. If not, electromagnetic frequencies sent by this device can alter these unhealthy vibrations into healthier ones resulting in overall improved body and mental health – this explains why bioresonance therapy can treat so many conditions that traditional medicine cannot.

At each treatment session, patients are connected to the machine via flat hand and foot electrodes similar to those used during an ECG or EEG recording. The machine will measure the body’s energy frequency before altering it towards more harmonious frequencies that will help organs work normally again.

When the therapist sends these frequencies into the body, they will be absorbed and will help strengthen healthy vibrations within it, thus weakening and eventually eliminating the causes of disease underlying these frequencies. This therapy method is known as endogenous bioresonance.

Exogenous bioresonance therapy occurs when electromagnetic waves from outside of the body interfere with natural resonance of humans. Also referred to as electro-acupuncture, exogenous bioresonance therapy was pioneered by German physician Franz Morell who designed an electronic device capable of sending electromagnetic waves directly into patients’ bodies for treatment purposes.

Bioresonance therapy combines two distinct forms to treat an array of conditions, from chronic illnesses like arthritis and fibromyalgia to food intolerances or psychosomatic illnesses. Patients often find remarkable relief after just one or two sessions with bioresonance therapy – sometimes completely ridding themselves of symptoms altogether!

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Researchers from many international trials have established that each individual carries their own vibration spectrum that can be harnessed therapeutically. This allows influencing biochemical processes in the human body even at genetic level to successfully treat diseases of today such as allergies or psychosomatic disorders.

This method involves using a machine to distinguish electromagnetic frequencies emitted by a patient’s body from disease-causing frequencies, then radiate the amplified physiological frequencies back into his or her system while inverting and eliminating pathogenic ones at the same time.

Therapy involves hand, foot and head electrodes that transmit a signal to a machine that checks resonance. If these signals are too strong, this could indicate overworking and weakness in certain organs or tissues; additionally it could detect various toxins as well as nutritional deficiencies or metabolic imbalances that require attention.

Once a suitable program has been chosen, electromagnetic waves similar to those produced by electroacupuncture are applied via electrodes to organs and tissues through an electromagnetic energy transmission network. The electromagnetic energy has an incredible positive effect on their functioning while stimulating natural body recovery processes thereby helping prevent or alleviate various diseases.

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive, painless treatment suitable for use by people of all ages – including children. Its main benefit lies in treating chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia which cannot be addressed using traditional medication alone. A clinical study published in 2001 demonstrated how using bioresonance therapy alongside manual therapy and point massage reduced muscular pain in 72% of the study patients versus only 37% in the control group.

The findings were so convincing that participants did not need to modify their behaviors; rather they continued as before prior to treatment. A noteworthy observation is that one year following completion of treatment, 42.4% were free from symptoms while 45.6% experienced significant improvements.

What are the Side Effects of Bioresonance Therapy?

At each treatment session, patients are connected to a machine which detects and recognises different frequencies released from their bodies. When there is an imbalance, this machine then sends out frequencies which cancel out these negative frequencies and restore balance to their systems – often quickly but sometimes slowly. Results often come within hours although in certain instances symptoms may take a little while longer to diminish.

Bioresonance Therapy can be used to identify various sources of physical and emotional imbalance in the body, including food intolerances, chemical toxins and environmental stressors. Its holistic approach takes into account all aspects of one’s being rather than just treating symptoms; and is considered safe and non-invasive.

Research has also demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in treating depression and anxiety. One clinical trial tested how bioresonance therapy compares with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), with bioresonance therapy proving significantly more successful at relieving symptoms than just taking an SSRI medication alone.

Research has proven the efficacy of Bioresonance Therapy in treating the symptoms associated with Fibromyalgia. A clinical trial showed patients receiving bioresonance therapy combined with manual and point massage experienced a 72% improvement in muscle pain versus only 37% for those in a placebo group.

Another study conducted in Russia demonstrated how bioresonance therapy could aid in relieving symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. They conducted interviews before and after bioresonance therapy sessions with patients before seeing its effect on inflammation levels and activity of glutathione peroxidase production within their bodies.

Studies have also revealed the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating allergies. This technique works by superimposing or transferring weak electromagnetic vibrations onto an endogenous oscillatory field that can then be modulated therapeutically for therapeutic effect; effectively eliminating symptoms without medication use.


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