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Bioresonance Magnetic Therapy For Allergies

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellness. It is an alternative treatment option capable of alleviating many different medical conditions and illnesses – including allergies.

Every person possesses a magnetic or “biomagnetic” field, and any disruption of this can lead to symptoms. Bioresonance uses energy to detect imbalances and correct them.

It’s non-invasive

Bioresonance therapy is an electromagnetic form of treatment that works without physical contact with the body. It uses electronic devices that emit low electromagnetic frequencies to scan for imbalances in the body. Once identified, these frequencies send counter frequencies that correct them – encouraging its natural self-regulating systems and aiding healing processes as well as mitigating allergies or sensitivities. It has also proven successful at managing allergies or sensitivities.

Like acupuncture, bioresonance therapy is a form of regulatory medicine. While not a panacea for illnesses or injuries, bioresonance therapy has proven its worth as a complementary therapy that may support other treatments and help keep symptoms at bay. Bioresonance therapy also has beneficial results for those experiencing Phantom Limb Pain (PLP), an condition caused by surgical removal of limbs or injuries to them that cause chronic discomfort that can be extremely distressful to patients – hence why some medical professionals are turning to bioresonance therapy as part of their arsenal for managing PLP effectively.

Quantum mechanics is at the foundation of this therapeutic technique, detecting frequency of toxins within your body and cancelling them out – much like noise-cancelling headphones – helping cells communicate naturally again. A breakdown in cell communication between healthy cells can impair immunity, leading to illness.

During a session, the device emits a harmless electromagnetic signal which travels through your body and back to its source – the machine then analyzes this signal to assess if it has positive or negative frequencies; if negative frequencies are identified they will be recorded and inverted so as to cancel out unhealthy resonance, amplified back into your system, helping cells restore healthy levels.

The treatment is completely safe and has no known side effects, though some individuals may experience short-term discomforts, such as headaches or thirst as their bodies detoxify themselves; these should resolve quickly. It is advisable to drink plenty of water throughout and after treatment as this will accelerate detoxification processes faster. It would also be prudent not to consume alcohol or drugs during this time.

It’s safe

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic frequency detection technology to measure electromagnetic frequencies generated by cells and organs within your body and identify imbalances within it. With this data in hand, a treatment plan can be devised that uses bioresonance treatment plans to help heal and improve overall health in an all-natural, safe way.

Bioresonance therapy should not replace evidence-based therapies; rather, it is best used in combination with such as manual manipulation, massage, dietary changes and herbal remedies. Furthermore, drinking lots of water during and post treatment sessions will ensure your body stays properly hydrated.

Bioresonance works on the principle that healthy cells produce one set of energy vibrations while diseased ones emit another one; its machine can detect discordant frequencies and harmonize them so as to restore harmony to the system and prompt your natural self-healing mechanisms to take place.

Some practitioners assert that bioresonance therapy can diagnose and treat various ailments. Unfortunately, no scientific proof supports this assertion. Also, any equipment used must be CE Marked so as not to harm patients during sessions. If considering bioresonance as therapy option for yourself or a loved one, always double check that device before booking an appointment.

Bioresonance machines were once employed to treat fibromyalgia, depression, chronic fatigue and other disorders. While their results were mixed at best, some people did experience relief of symptoms. Unfortunately many studies were small-scaled without being compared against one another; additionally therapists conducting the studies often neglected to take into account factors that might alter results significantly.

Bioresonance can also help identify infections in your body and allow for treatment before they become serious, show which symptoms are caused by medical conditions and which could be psychosomatic, and balance nutrition to prevent deficiencies and imbalances.

Bioresonance machines use an amp coil device to restore healthy cellular frequencies in your body. Toxins, poor diet and stress can all interfere with this frequency and alter it drastically – bioresonance can identify any toxins within the body and assist you in eliminating them for good!

It’s effective

Bioresonance therapy utilizes your body’s energy field, tapping into its natural healing abilities and pinpointing imbalances. Electrodes are attached to your skin while an electromagnetic frequency machine emits safe electromagnetic frequencies that if an imbalance exists can weaken and muted electromagnetic frequencies from it; when this happens, specific frequencies are applied by the machine to “cancel out” negative ones and restore harmony to your energy system.

The basis of bioresonance therapy lies in its theory that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged or diseased cells differ from those emitted by healthy ones, an unproven claim which led to prosecution by the FDA of purveyors of electrical devices making false health benefits claims (1). Bioresonance machines are programmed with thousands of frequencies to identify what each signal means – one might signify a problem in your liver cells, another an infection.

These imbalances may be the result of too much information entering our bodies from stress hormones, mobile phones and Wi-Fi signals; or by exposure to environmental toxins in food and drinking water. All these can compromise the natural self-healing process leading to its dysfunction and discomfort.

This technology can be utilized to treat an array of conditions, ranging from allergies (topical dermatitis and eczema) and chronic diseases such as cystitis, prostatitis, thyroiditis and asthma to pain therapies such as relieving symptoms associated with fibromyalgia or sciatica.

Many patients find their symptoms significantly improve rapidly with bioresonance therapy; many reporting relief from their symptoms after only three sessions of bioresonance therapy. This could be because bioresonance interacts directly with your energy frequencies to pinpoint imbalances rapidly and correct them promptly.

However, bioresonance magnetic therapy should not be seen as a panacea for any illness or condition; you should first speak to your GP about any alternative therapy and any clinical studies conducted by licensed healthcare professionals will only be accepted as valid data.

It’s affordable

As we all know, every living organism is enveloped by an invisible energy field that emanates subtle electromagnetic vibrations to communicate between cells in its body and the human brain. If these electromagnetic waves become imbalanced and start sending electromagnetic vibrations outward instead of communicating internally between cells in your body, symptoms of illness or symptoms could arise; bioresonance therapy aims to correct any imbalances and restore natural balance back into your system.

To do this, electrodes are placed on a patient’s skin and connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths released by their bodies. If signals are healthy and clear, the machine will register positive readings; otherwise it can adjust energy flows until positive ones emerge. Furthermore, this device can check for vitamin and mineral deficiencies which are essential to lifelong health.

BICOM bioresonance device measures the electromagnetic vibrations emitted by each individual cell in your body. These vibrations should be healthy and enable cells to communicate harmoniously. Unfortunately, stressors can interfere with this communication process, leading to unhealthy vibrations being emitted by your body – the BICOM device can identify such stressors and locate them within your system.

If the machine detects inflammation within your body, it can identify which organ is expressing this and reprocess the signal from that diseased organ to neutralize harmful frequencies and restore optimal levels.

Bioresonance therapy provides noninvasive and painless care that can also detect pathogenic infections before they cause symptoms in your body. Parasites and viruses can be eliminated with ease by the BICOM machine thereby protecting against their negative impacts on health.

Studies have proven the efficacy of bioresonance treatment, particularly when used to assist people in quitting smoking. One 2014 research project compared bioresonance therapy against placebos as an aid for helping smokers give up smoking; after one week with bioresonance treatments 77.2% had quit while only 54.8 percent from the placebo group had done so.
