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BioResonance Near Me

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electronic devices that claim to diagnose disease by reading energy wavelengths that emanate from healthy or unhealthy organs. Furthermore, they claim to manipulate these waves in order to treat illness.

This therapy relies on unproven concepts that healthy or diseased cells emit different electromagnetic waves; changing these frequencies could potentially heal the body.


BioResonance Therapy is a natural treatment designed to help balance energy levels and enhance overall health. Your practitioner will use a computer system to scan your meridians and organs in search of imbalances; once identified, special equipment sends your body signals correcting these discrepancies. Sessions generally last about 60 minutes per session depending on how severe your condition is; you may require multiple sessions depending on its severity.

At each session, you’ll use a pen-like instrument with conductivity pads placed against your skin, and a machine will analyze electromagnetic signals coming from you and compare them against healthy people’s electromagnetic waves; after conducting these analyses and analyzing results, your practitioner will recommend products and lifestyle changes designed to promote optimal health.

Each organ, tissue and cell in your body has an oscillation or vibrational frequency that is predetermined and when this frequency is altered due to illness, stress, diet or other external influences, it can compromise how your body functions at an cellular level; biophoton emissions will differ compared to healthy people.

Bioresonance equipment listens to and identifies biophoton resonance frequencies to assess health issues such as disease; otherwise it would disrupt our natural resonance frequency which produces healthy cells and tissues in our bodies. By correcting abnormal frequencies with this equipment we can promote healing.

BioScan MSA utilizes software which stores energetic signatures of thousands of foods, additives, chemicals, supplements, toxins, emotional patterns and other substances which could contribute to stress. Your practitioner can review this chart with you in order to identify which areas of the body may need strengthening before providing recommendations for natural diets, probiotics, minerals, vitamins herbs tinctures etc that can rebalance energy balance in your body and promote healing.

BioEnergy Testing

Bioenergetic testing is an integral component to understanding your health in depth. Holistic practitioners employ this painless and noninvasive test to help identify core clinical imbalances which could be the source of symptoms such as chronic pain and fatigue. Assessment includes nutrition status, digestive function assessment, amino acids levels (including essential ones such as glutathione), oxidative stress indicators, vitamin and mineral levels as well as hormonal balance evaluation as well as detoxification capacity assessment and mitochondrial function tests.

This test examines your body’s energy production dynamics – specifically how efficiently your mitochondria burn oxygen to generate your body’s cellular energy, the core of cellular health which ultimately determines longevity and overall wellness.

Bioenergetic testing can give an indication of how your mitochondria are performing, and if they’re not burning oxygen efficiently it can identify the source and suggest treatments to increase metabolism efficiency. Furthermore, it can identify any resonating stressors or imbalances such as organ, nutritional, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins, hormone imbalances and more that require treatment in order to return your metabolism back into balance.

Bio resonance machines rely on the theory that everything vibrates at an individual frequency – including your body! A bio resonance machine detects this vibrational signature and converts it to an electromagnetic signal which pinpoints any imbalances in its energy system. A second machine then helps restore balance using frequencies specific to those imbalances – offering an integrated and holistic understanding of your wellbeing.

Many people believe it’s more important to live well than simply long, and should aim to end their lives free from aches, pains and diseases that often accompany age. Achieve this is within everyone’s grasp through diet, exercise and lifestyle measures; bioenergetic tests provide invaluable results which allow us to take charge of our own lives and feel our best!

BioResonance Therapy

BioResonance Therapy is an energy healing technique that uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance in the body. The noninvasive test offers a non-invasive alternative to traditional medical testing; bioenergetically analyzing hair or saliva samples at home for signs of stress in various body systems or potential toxic substances entering. Bioresonance sessions serve as holistic health consultations with practitioners using results as guidance in your healing journey.

Your session typically lasts from half an hour to two hours and typically involves wearing wrist and ankle bands or holding onto probes connected to equipment in some way (for instance via wrist/ankle bands or probes). Some bio-resonance systems offer remote sessions if you cannot visit an in-person practitioner, making bioresonance even more accessible if scheduling makes attending appointments challenging.

Bioresonance equipment recognizes the different frequencies associated with healthy and unhealthy cells. Using an amp Coil device – another bioresonance technology – to restore optimal cellular frequency levels can help address issues like heavy metals, other toxins, high stress levels and high anxiety levels. In addition to helping restore your frequency levels back up to par, an Amp Coil device may also assist organs and body systems function more efficiently.

Bioresonance therapy can address psychological, emotional, physical and visceral imbalances through bioresonance: Psychological imbalances include optimizing mental processing speed, emotional regulation and redefinition of beliefs; physical imbalances include regulation of muscle/connective tissue regulation as well as neural entrapments, fluid stasis and visceral misalignments; while physiological imbalances include metabolic balancing, detoxification and cell regeneration processes.

The Inergetix-CoRe Bioresonance System is an ingenious bioinformational and bioenergetic assessment and balancing tool, used for the evaluation of all of these aspects. It often complements other natural health modalities like herbal medicine, homeopathic remedies, flower essences nutritional supplements as well as acupuncture points and meridians; recent research demonstrated its effectiveness at improving both gastrointestinal disorders as well as psychological imbalances.

Contact Us

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Bioresonance Therapy is an electromagnetic form of treatment that uses frequencies to restore balance between your mind and body. A machine measures your organ and tissue energies to detect harmful frequencies that harm health and wellness; then cancelling them out to promote better overall wellbeing. Bioresonance can be helpful with inflammation, allergies, food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances and more.

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