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Bioresonance NLP – What is it and How Can it Benefit You?

Bioresonance measures the electromagnetic frequencies of substances within your body using devices similar to those employed in Scientology auditing; its advocates claim it can diagnose disease and treat illness through changing these frequencies.

One clinical study using bioresonance machines showed positive results; individuals were able to stop smoking without medication or other forms of intervention. But other clinical tests have had mixed outcomes.

How it works

Bioresonance analysis employs electrodes attached to electrodes placed on the skin connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths emitted by body cells and sends back balancing frequencies that restore healthy resonance to these cells and initiate natural healing processes. Practitioners claim it can detect food intolerances, nutritional deficiencies, acidity levels and toxic waste build-up as well as emotional trauma or environmental pollution toxicity in their bodies.

Although claims about bioresonance tend to be anecdotal, there have been a few small studies suggesting it could have positive impacts on some conditions. One such research paper from 2014 indicated it significantly helped those suffering from recurrent depression independently of medication; more intensive studies will likely need to be completed in order to validate these initial results; until then the ASA and CAP recommend any claims about bioresonance therapy only be made by clinicians who are fully licensed in order to do so.

Bioresonance practitioners make unsubstantiated claims that it can treat cancer by employing an electric device to “normalize” electromagnetic wave emissions produced by cancerous organs and cells, on the theory that their waves differ from those emitted by healthy cells; by changing them back to normal they will help the cancer cells to heal themselves more effectively.

Furthermore, evidence for any health benefits of bioresonance is extremely weak. While trials have been conducted and published in journals of questionable quality, most were poorly designed and received limited peer review due to being outside established thinking patterns.

As a result, many people may be led into believing bioresonance can treat various ailments effectively, leading them to delay medical advice which may prove fatal in cases such as growing tumors. Furthermore, single sessions of bioresonance may cost hundreds of pounds; it would have been better spent investing this money elsewhere and it is vital that members of the public are made aware of this fact.


Grief can be an intricate journey that touches both mind and body. Sleep disturbances to reduced immunity – physical manifestations of grief can make daily tasks challenging, amplifying emotional pain. Bioresonance therapy‘s unique ability to detect frequency imbalances behind such symptoms makes it a powerful solution for mitigating the physical side effects while supporting emotional healing processes.

Bioresonance works on the concept that your body contains an electromagnetic or biomagnetic field, much like iron filings on paper. Like magnetism can rearrange them, bioresonance strives to restore your natural frequencies for optimum health.

Electrodes measure energy wavelengths produced by your cells to detect any imbalances in their frequencies, then manipulate those frequencies so your body’s cells vibrate at their natural rates again. Proponents of this noninvasive treatment claim it can treat conditions including anxiety and stress, chronic back and joint pain, asthma/allergies/skin issues/food intolerances.

At each session, you will remain fully clothed while either sitting or lying down while being connected to equipment (typically using wrist and ankle bands or probes). A clinic visit typically lasts anywhere from half an hour to two hours.

Once your bioresonance session has concluded, you may receive some form of resonances (drops/spray/pills/creams or an instrument worn as part of an ongoing therapy regime) to extend its effects and help achieve your goals more quickly. This will keep the momentum going!

Although some scientific studies indicate positive results from bioresonance therapy, research remains limited and evidence for its effectiveness remains weak. As with all alternative therapies, it is recommended to first consult with a doctor prior to starting bioresonance treatments; should your practitioner believe bioresonance will benefit your health they can recommend the most suitable options for treatment.


Bioresonance testing utilizes bioresonance waves to detect multiple issues within your body, such as heavy metals, other toxins and high stress levels. Dr Winkler can use bioresonance testing to accurately pinpoint and diagnose root causes of health issues before they spread throughout your entire system and cause significant discomfort. Amp Coil devices then utilize pulsed electromagnetic fields to restore your energy frequency back towards healthy states.

Bioresonance therapy sessions involve placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine that detects energy wavelengths generated by your body naturally, then making a diagnosis before altering those frequencies to heal your body.

Bioresonance therapy remains highly contentious and its results have varied widely among studies. Some have shown positive outcomes while others found no benefit whatsoever; one research project showed bioresonance therapy was effective at relieving symptoms associated with gastroenteritis and psychosomatic conditions – although due to limited scientific oversight this should be taken with caution.

Another study revealed the effectiveness of bioresonance therapy to assist smokers in quitting smoking, conducted by a German company using their Mora bioresonance device. Researchers using it saw 70-80% effectiveness rate and no adverse side effects from it’s use.

The Advertising Standards Authority has upheld complaints against a clinic using bioresonance therapy to treat various ailments, including “weight and digestive problems; bloating; Heart conditions; Arthritis and joint pains; back pain; diabetes; Skin issues (psoriasis, eczema, acne); Rhinitis; sinus problems; headaches/migraines/depression anxiety stress insomnia.” Despite claiming a high success rate among its clients, however, the ASA did not believe their claims due to insufficient evidence supporting them.

The ASA determined that the clinic did not possess suitable qualifications to utilize bioresonance technology, however the clinician claimed their holistic/alternative therapy qualifications made them qualified to treat certain conditions using this modality. CE Marked devices were also used during this treatment process.


Bioresonance works on the assumption that everything, including our bodies and cells, vibrates. Bioresonance attempts to balance electromagnetic waves within our bodies in the same way old school experiments did with iron filings scattered on paper: when you remove the magnet, any disruptions or anomalies in their pattern re-arrange themselves when given enough time – similar to bioresonance machines picking up on “disharmonious frequencies”, neutralising them by sending back their own signals back into the body in order to restore balance.

Electrodes are placed onto the skin, and an electromagnetic wave emitting device emits electromagnetic waves to detect any unhealthy frequencies within the body such as viruses or cancerous growths, or cure addictions such as smoking by matching bad frequencies with its own cancelling signals and matching bad frequencies with cancelling signals; it provides gentle treatment that has no side effects.

Some practitioners of Acupuncture claim it can treat conditions typically managed by medical professionals, including allergies or reactivity to chemicals and food additives; as well as electrosmog (‘electromagnetic hypersensitivity). Unfortunately, such claims may be considered misleading by the ASA and CAP; it is strongly advised that anyone seeking serious health solutions visit their GP for diagnosis and advice before turning to alternative practitioners for treatment.

Bicom-Optima is an electromagnet used by holistic doctors to assist in diagnosing medical conditions like cancer using bioresonance technology. This device utilizes electromagnetic waves to scan a patient’s body for any irregularities before transmitting them back via bioresonance in order to rebalance immune systems, aid healing, and increase overall health. Bicom-Optima also offers pain and stress management benefits and may be combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments in order to speed recovery; patients are strongly encouraged to discuss any results with their physician in order to maximize effectiveness of results and benefits from such technology as well.
