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Bioresonance Psoriasis

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic healing modality that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat various health issues. The process works by detecting imbalances within the body’s energy field that are then addressed through tailored therapies.

Remember those experiments at school where iron filings and magnets would rapidly rearrange themselves into new patterns? Every time the magnet moved, filings would quickly rearrange themselves into different configurations.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic alternative therapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to sync with the body’s natural energy fields and promote healing. Combining aspects of traditional Chinese medicine and quantum physics, this practice seeks to harmonize these fields for overall wellness and better health outcomes.

Bioresonance works on the principle that every cell emits electromagnetic vibrations that can be measured and analyzed by devices used for Bioresonance scans. These devices can measure unhealthy electromagnetic vibrations while transmitting healthy ones back into cells that appear out of balance, helping the body eliminate harmful substances and microorganisms more efficiently.

Bioresonance devices use similar principles as frequency identification to help pinpoint allergens such as mold or pollen and desensitize your immune system to them. It has also been employed as part of detoxification protocols; some users have reported relief from chronic pain conditions with its help.

Bioresonance testing is noninvasive and painless. A practitioner will place electrodes or connect a probe to body’s meridians points in order to measure energetic vibrations of these areas. When one or more meridians is out of balance, the device will display what caused it and test various supplements such as herbal remedies or homeopathic medications for resonance with that meridien; those which resonate are then prescribed directly back to patients in order to restore energetic balance.

Bioresonance‘s holistic approach to wellness promotion makes it a popular adjunct therapy. Additionally, its practitioners believe it may strengthen immune systems and decrease stress – two factors often implicated in chronic health conditions.

How does Bioresonance work?

Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive, effective solution to many conditions, including psoriasis. It works by returning your body’s frequencies back to their natural levels – helping address the source of your symptoms in turn.

Bioresonance therapy dates back to Royal Rife’s work in the early 20th century. Rife found that certain pathogens had their own electrical signature frequencies, and when exposed to this frequency externally would bring them into resonance and kill them; this discovery became the cornerstone of Bioresonance therapy.

Modern life can be filled with stressors that overwhelm our natural healing processes, leading to discomfort in the form of environmental toxins, chemical-laden water supplies and foods, Wi-Fi radiation exposure from smartphones or other electronic devices, poor sleep and chronic stress. Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to detect unhealthy frequencies which are then neutralized through specific frequencies ‘canceled out’ by specific frequencies.

At each session, electrodes are applied to the skin and connected to a machine that detects energy wavelengths produced by your body. A computer then interprets these frequencies to identify any imbalances detected, producing a report detailing any potential imbalances that need treatment plans tailored specifically for each patient.

Once a treatment plan has been devised, the machine emits frequencies which target imbalanced areas without pain or risk – this treatment can even be administered by licensed professionals.

While medical professionals continue to assess Bioresonance‘s efficacy, some studies have already provided positive outcomes. A Russian study comparing two groups of people suffering from fibromyalgia found that those receiving manual therapy and massage alone fared worse, while those receiving these treatments plus bioresonance experienced quicker improvements with longer lasting effects than their control counterparts. Furthermore, another experiment employed Bioresonance therapy as part of an effort to help athletes recover from overtraining fatigue; results demonstrated it increased recovery times by more than 44%!

Why is Bioresonance effective for psoriasis?

Bioresonance therapy has seen an upswing in popularity over recent years with at least six centers in Hong Kong offering this alternative healing method. It’s easy to see why bioresonance can be extremely useful for treating various conditions including psoriasis.

Reason being, treatment works to restore body frequencies that have fallen out of sync and detoxify organs at the same time, leading to improved body systems – including those involved in producing diseased skin cells that cause psoriasis – functioning better overall.

This particular patient had been suffering from an aggressive form of psoriasis for many years, manifesting as red itchy patches on her knees, elbows and back of torso that became redder over time. After trying various medications without success she finally began receiving Bioresonance treatments in September 2010. After just three sessions her symptoms had completely vanished!

She isn’t alone – many other psoriasis patients have seen positive results of Bioresonance treatment for themselves, along with those suffering from other ailments like fibromyalgia, chronic back and joint pain, gastrointestinal complaints and allergies – it even shows evidence of effectiveness when used on inflammatory bowel disease and rheumatoid arthritis patients.

Psoriasis is thought to be caused by an immune system overreacting too rapidly in response to new skin cells being formed, producing excessive cells without benefit or necessity. On average, new skin cells regenerate every 27 days but with psoriasis this timeframe drops dramatically, often in as little as 3-4 days and leaving red, itchy patches of dry skin behind.

Gwyneth Paltrow has taken note of this non-invasive healing therapy, using it on her lifestyle website GOOP and TV presenter Noel Edmonds has claimed it helped him overcome prostate cancer. Due to being provided by untrained therapists, it’s crucial that before making decisions regarding its use.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance for psoriasis?

Bioresonance therapy is an extremely effective, noninvasive solution to treat psoriasis that helps reduce inflammation and alleviate symptoms. It may be used alone or combined with other therapies to target its root cause and improve quality of life – with results lasting long term, often permanently.

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition in which red and scaly patches appear on your body due to skin cells growing more quickly than usual, often itchy and sometimes bleeding. At the NHC we offer bioresonance as an effective treatment option for this condition.

This treatment works by employing a machine to scan your body and transmitting a signal that alters the frequency of tissues and cells within your body, helping your body rebalance these frequencies to decrease inflammation associated with psoriasis.

Bioresonance therapy is an energy-based modality used to address various conditions and illnesses. For instance, it can help address allergies, autoimmune diseases and even smoking cessation by rebalancing electromagnetic frequencies to decrease immune system overactivity thereby alleviating symptoms while supporting overall health as an adjunctive therapy treatment option.

Bioresonance offers many advantages to help manage and prevent psoriasis symptoms. One such benefit of Bioresonance is its ability to identify substances or conditions which trigger it. Once identified, we can work with you to remove these triggers from your diet and lifestyle so as to manage symptoms more effectively while preventing future flare-ups.

Bioresonance should not be used in place of conventional medical treatments; prior to initiating any course of bioresonance treatment it is advisable to speak to a qualified healthcare provider so as to ensure it will suit you and won’t interfere with existing regimens. Furthermore, claims made without sufficient proof can be considered misleading by the ASA/CAP and should have clear and sufficient substantiation such as product labels for health, beauty and slimming products.
