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Bioresonance Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0

Bioresonance machines use vibrational energy to help the body regulate itself and heal itself, drawing upon the principle that all things vibrate; all humans emit electromagnetic waves known as harmonic frequencies. Disease, toxins and stress cause our bodies to produce disharmonious frequencies which the Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0 picks up on and neutralises through bioresonance technology.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an integrative holistic form of diagnosis and treatment. A detector records electromagnetic vibrations produced by body cells, then transmits this data to a bioresonance device which then generates electromagnetic frequencies that are fed back to the patient based on what type of condition is being treated; depending on this frequency’s purpose for healing purposes they could either have positive or negative results for treatment outcomes. Bioresonance can be used for pain and allergy relief treatments or used as complementary therapy alongside traditional medical therapies.

Bioresonance devices use two electrodes to connect patients with machines. For optimal performance, both electrodes should be clean and clear of metal objects or jewelry before every session – prioritizing cleaning with 700 alcohol as necessary – in addition to wearing loose clothing in order to minimize interference from signals that might interfere with readings from body readings that reveal imbalances that cause symptoms and identify discordant frequencies; once this process has taken place it restores natural body functioning and encourages healing.

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Bioresonance therapy was devised in Germany by Paul Schmidt based on his belief that all organisms are affected by frequencies and oscillations. According to Schmidt, resonance frequencies stimulated self-regulating mechanisms within the body to aid its healing processes – similar to how sunlight impacts body responses through its spectrum of frequency frequencies.

Studies on bioresonance‘s effectiveness have yielded mixed findings, though some evidence points towards its possible efficacy for allergies and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. One research paper concluded that bioresonance treatments helped alleviate those of Rheumatoid Arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants work within the body – decreasing tissue damage as a result. It is important to keep in mind, however, that controlled studies must first be completed in order to properly evaluate its efficacy.

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent tool to diagnose various conditions, including chronic sinusitis – in which the sinuses become inflamed and swollen – with symptoms including difficulty breathing and reduced sense of smell, often caused by bacteria, pollen or chemicals – such as pollen allergy symptoms. Traditional treatments for this condition such as nasal sprays or antihistamines provide only short-term relief, while bioresonance therapy could address its root source to provide longer lasting solutions.


Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance rayonex therapy is a noninvasive non-invasive therapy that may assist in alleviating various health conditions. This therapy works by scanning your body for harmful frequencies and counteracting them – ultimately leading to healthier bodies. Furthermore, most people can safely undergo this treatment, including children and pregnant women; however it should not be considered the sole solution for any condition.

Bioresonance is an emerging concept rooted in quantum physics that draws upon the vibrational nature of reality, where everything oscillates. Furthermore, each human cell, organ, tissue and system has a specific frequency pattern when functioning normally that’s considered “harmonious”. When someone falls ill their energy field becomes disrupted and these frequency patterns become disharmonious – an idea known as bioresonance can provide insight.

Paul Schmidt’s bioresonance theory states that optimal nutrition and the healthy self-regulation of immune system function are key elements for living a long and fulfilling life. Rayonex Biomedical GmbH in Sauerlands, Germany developed this holistic approach to healing; their medical devices using Schmidt’s bioresonance technology are classified as type IIa devices by EU regulations.

Rayonex devices detect resonance frequencies of pathogens and environmental factors that cause illness. For instance, bacteria, parasites, heavy metals, electromagnetic smog, geopathic stress and essential vitamins and minerals all have unique resonance frequencies; Rayonex’s devices pick these up and transmit them directly to patients’ bodies so they resonate with these frequencies, effectively neutralising any pathogens present.

Bioresonance therapy may also help treat mental conditions, including depression. One study observed a group of patients receiving five weeks of bioresonance therapy and reported significant improvements in their symptoms – more so than with standard antidepressant medication treatment.

Bioresonance therapy typically lasts an hour and begins with an interview to assess and understand all of a patient’s problems and needs, followed by evaluation and personalized protocols being considered for those issues. Common examples may include food and environmental allergies, urogenital dysfunctions such as prostatitis, low immune defences and chronic pain syndromes such as joint and muscle pain, headaches and insomnia as well as digestive disorders such as colitis, gastritis and constipation which affect digestion as well as respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis – all these issues being considered during Bioresonance therapy which typically lasts one hour of therapy session time.

Bioresonance can help with pain

Bioresonance works on the principle that everything in nature vibrates, with each living being emitting electromagnetic waves which can be detected and measured using bioresonance machines. These machines read vibrations emitted by our bodies to identify imbalances or incorrect frequencies within them, and correct these through bioresonance therapy, all without significant side effects or risks.

Paul Schmidt, founder of Rayonex Biomedical, discovered that each organ has its own frequency spectrum that can be used to stimulate it. Being an engineer himself, Paul recognized this discovery could be used as a powerful way of improving health and wellbeing; patients suffering from cervical spine syndrome experienced significant relief after bioresonance therapy sessions were provided while another clinical study demonstrated its potential in helping treat fibromyalgia – an inflammatory disorder causing muscle pain.

Bioresonance machines can assist with many conditions, from allergies and digestive issues to stress and balance within the nervous system – such as fight-or-flight responses. Bioresonance can detect toxins such as heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies which cause these issues; in addition, bioresonance helps balance out stress response mechanisms which contribute to these illnesses.

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA), when managed correctly, can also be reduced with vitamin supplements by normalizing how antioxidants function within the body. While not a cure for RA, vitamin supplements have been known to lessen symptoms and protect joints and cartilage against further damage. Furthermore, vitamin supplements stimulate phagocytes – immune cells that target tumors or infectious organisms.

The BICOM PS 1000 Polar 4.0 bioresonance machine is one of the most advanced bioresonance machines available today. As an all-inclusive treatment device, it can quickly diagnose up to 68 issues at once; detect toxins, viruses, bacteria and pathogens; translate heartbeats into frequencies for Rayoscan; identify and neutralise disharmonious frequencies that indicate illness; prevent disease from manifesting thus providing a significant edge over traditional therapies; as well as neutralising disharmonious frequencies which indicate illness; detect and neutralise disharmonious frequencies which indicate illness while also helping prevent disease manifestation which other treatments cannot.

Bioresonance can help with allergies

Bioresonance therapy is founded on the premise that everything in nature oscillates and vibrates, and this movement can be measured as waves with frequencies. All parts of our bodies, cells, organs, and systems possess their own spectrum of frequencies that make up the oscillation and vibration process. Bioresonance machines use quantum physics to detect frequencies that are out of harmony in order to harmonise them and restore equilibrium, providing an alternative form of medicine based on quantum mechanics. When healthy, these frequencies are harmonic and in balance; when diseased they become disharmonious causing imbalances within the body. Bioresonance machines detect such discordant frequencies and help correct them using bioresonance therapy based on quantum physics based bioresonance medicine is an alternative form of medicine which detects and corrects such imbalances based on quantum mechanics based bioresonance is an alternative form based on quantum physics theory based bioresonance medicine is an alternative form based medicine with quantum theory being its base physics foundation. This device can be used to treat numerous illnesses and conditions, from allergies and asthma to digestive disorders and migraines. It’s safe, non-invasive and painless – perfect for use when trying to diagnose heavy metal poisoning! Additionally, this tool can also detect and remove heavy metals from your body as well as detect and eliminate them through sweat gland removal. It could even help identify heavy metal deposits in the body for removal by means of physical testing! Research has proven the efficacy of cannabis-assisted therapy in helping people quit smoking and alleviate symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, cannabis may also help improve gastrointestinal discomfort, skin conditions and food intolerances as well as treat chronic stress and anxiety, fibromyalgia as well as hyper-reactivity to chemicals, foodstuffs or electromagnetic pollution (EHS).

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for addictions such as nicotine, alcohol and cannabis use; however, supporting research is limited and difficult to publish in mainstream scientific journals due to unconventional theories which do not widely accepted by scientific communities.

Paul Schmidt, an engineer from Germany, created the first bioresonance machine in the 1970s as an answer to Hulda Clark and Royal Rife’s work, using vibrational energy to restore balance within the body. There are now over two dozen types of bioresonance devices on the market from simple hand-held machines up to complex computers capable of diagnosing different diseases.

Recent research demonstrates the promise of bioresonance therapy as an aid against nicotine addiction and even cure it altogether. Researchers monitored its effects on blood lymphocytes from smokers and non-smokers alike, finding that bioresonance therapy increased antioxidant enzyme activities like superoxide dismutase and catalase as well as increasing levels of thiol groups – signifying bioresonance therapy can stimulate immune systems and potentially reverse nicotine dependence.


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