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Bioresonance Scan Near Me

Every system and cell in your body has a resonating frequency; if this veers off course it can lead to serious health issues.

Advocates claim that bioresonance machines can detect these frequencies and alter them back to healthy cell frequencies, yet there is no scientific proof supporting this claim.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent

Every organ, tissue and cell in your body emits its own electromagnetic frequency. When healthy, these frequencies work together in harmony. But when sick or injured, these frequencies often become out of sync with each other – leading to cells or tissues being out of their optimal frequency ranges and bioresonance machines using electrodes placed on the skin can detect imbalanced frequencies and restore them back into harmony – with no adverse side effects and potential safety for most people.

Frequency Specific Microcurrent (FSM), developed by chiropractor Carolyn McMakin to treat fibromyalgia and myofascial pain syndrome, uses pairings of frequencies and low-level microcurrent amperage current to increase ATP production, decrease inflammation and enhance muscle and nerve function; it can even alleviate chronic neuropathic pain while improving movement – making FSM ideal for many conditions including myofascial pain syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.

FSM differs from TENS in that it works by increasing cellular energy to heal cells and restore proper functioning, rather than blocking pain messages by overwhelming nerve signals. Furthermore, its noninvasive and painless design means you may only feel slight warmth or tingling during treatment sessions; FSM can be utilized by therapists, chiropractors, massage therapists and even medical doctors.

FSM therapy not only assists the healing process, but it can also detoxify your body by eliminating buildup of waste products that contribute to toxic buildup. Furthermore, FSM can increase metabolism and strengthen immunity – its benefits lasting months or even years with continued treatments and lifestyle modifications.

Although no known negative side effects of using this device exist, you should consult with a practitioner prior to receiving treatment if you are pregnant or breastfeeding as frequencies can impact how certain medications work.

CME Bioresonance Machine

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine based on electromagnetic waves emitted by diseased cells or organs that differ from healthy ones. According to bioresonance machines, they claim they can detect these abnormal waves and return them back to their natural frequencies, treating the disease. Unfortunately, there has been no convincing scientific evidence supporting bioresonance as an effective means for diagnosing or treating disease. Furthermore, such practices could prevent individuals from seeking proper medical care which could worsen symptoms further or even result in their worsening or even their death.

There are various bioresonance machines on the market, but some are more comprehensive than others. For instance, Eductor quantum bioresonance machine provides evaluations on both mental and physical levels while offering frequency therapy, aura therapy, organ therapy chiropractic/homeopathic modalities psychosomatic evaluations/clearing as well as psychosomatic clearing/evaluations. Furthermore, some machines have access to your subconscious for evaluations on spiritual/karmic unresolved issues.

Most machines are designed to measure electromagnetic energy by touching the skin of their subjects. This allows the machine to know which frequencies it should balance the body with. Some machines do this with electrodes on hands and feet, others using head phones over vegas nerves or hand held rods which measure vibrations within their bodies.

The BICOM, or bioresonance therapy analyzer, is another device utilized for bioresonance therapy. Invented in Germany by Franz Morell who was an adherent to Scientology. This device employs an electronic circuit similar to their E-meter in measuring electrical conductance from skin samples.

Some scientists have denounced BICOM for being unscientific and potentially harmful. Others have noted that unproven treatments should not be promoted as cures. Furthermore, the Federal Trade Commission has taken legal action against individuals who made misleading statements about BICOM.

Electrodermal Screening

Electrodermal screening is a noninvasive procedure that provides doctors with insight into the body. This allows them to better determine which wellness treatments would benefit a patient. Furthermore, electrodermal screening helps doctors locate root causes of various conditions since many do not have clear medical diagnoses; additionally it may identify hidden allergies or nutritional deficiencies and evaluate patient responses to medications and supplements.

The electrodermal screening machine, commonly referred to as ZYTO or Vega machine, works by measuring electrical resistance of skin to an applied current. According to theory, diseased organs produce electromagnetic waves at frequencies different from healthy ones that can be detected and corrected to match body resonance. Furthermore, this machine can assess nutritional needs of its user as well as determine whether certain vitamins may be lacking.

Though no scientific evidence supports claims made about these devices being able to detect disease, some practitioners claim they can. They use these claims to market their own dietary supplements and programs while making false promises such as food intolerance detection or which vitamins would best fit an individual patient. While none of this claims is true, state boards have disciplined some practitioners for making them.

However, this hasn’t stopped thousands of EDS users from promoting their devices – most often fancy galvanometers that measure skin resistance to an electric current – as products of EDS. Users claim these galvanometers can detect “energy imbalances” within their bodies’ meridians similar to traditional Chinese medicine practices.

Although studies on bioresonance have been conducted, most have not been rigorously assessed. Controlled trials must be performed in order to demonstrate its efficacy and ensure patient safety; until these are completed, patients should consult a trained professional for any potential claims that might prove harmful.


Biofeedback uses electronic equipment to monitor physiological functions and teach people how to control them. Biofeedback can be used to increase relaxation and decrease physical symptoms like headache and anxiety; it may even reduce medication requirements for certain diseases. When choosing a practitioner it is important to find one who meets all qualifications: these could include being licensed physicians or certified in holistic medicine with experience in counseling or psychology as well as counseling backgrounds.

At each biofeedback session, patients will receive real-time audiovisual feedback based on normalized values. This is accomplished by attaching electrodes to their bodies and connecting them to a computer which displays data on a screen; biofeedback software then transforms this information into images or sounds visible and audible to patients undergoing therapy sessions. The goal of biofeedback therapy is to teach clients to recognize and manage physiological responses that were previously unconscious or uncontrollable.

Proponents of bioresonance contend that healthy bodies emit electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies. According to them, these signals can be detected and adjusted back into their regular frequencies to treat disease; however, there is no scientific proof for this belief and bioresonance can be expensive or only work on specific conditions.

Although some individuals can benefit from cognitive therapy, it’s important to remember that it should never replace traditional medical treatment. If you are suffering from a serious health issue, it is wise to visit your physician or healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment; additionally, never discontinue medications prescribed by your healthcare provider without first consulting him/her first.

Biofeedback therapy has helped some individuals manage conditions like fecal incontinence and nocturnal bruxism – the clenching or grinding of teeth during sleep – as well as hypertension and Raynaud’s syndrome. Furthermore, it may relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and chronic sinusitis while decreasing painkiller usage and improving sleep quality. When selecting a practitioner of this kind for biofeedback treatments it’s essential to find one with proven experience who makes claims regarding effectiveness of their treatments or makes claims about its efficacy claims about treatments’ success.
