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Bioresonance Scanning Device

Every cell, tissue and organ in our bodies has its own resonating frequency; using the Vega test we can detect frequencies which deviate from normal and pinpoint imbalances within organs and body systems.

WebWellness system selects programs for restoring balanced bio-resonance state in the body and improving its functioning, using Life Expert vega testing machine at home for ease of use.

How it works

Bioresonance scanning devices contain sensors that are sensitive to the energy fields surrounding living things. When the bioresonance scanning device sends electromagnetic waves out into space, your body or any tissue responds by emitting its own frequency back through this system. Research has revealed that organs affected by disease will elicit different frequencies than healthy tissues – this system then analyzes any differences and can identify any issues within your body.

The device can help identify imbalances in your energetic system and restore equilibrium to the body. Furthermore, it can identify parasites causing issues within the body – once identified they can be used to eliminate them from your system and potentially alleviate various health conditions including low stomach acidity, weight gain and even autoimmune disorders.

Life itself emits vibrational frequencies. We can listen to and manipulate these vibrational frequencies using sophisticated electronic equipment – this practice is known as bioresonance therapy and allows us to help your body release any toxins or stress which might hinder its natural ability to heal itself.

This can be accomplished by applying certain frequencies that have been shown to help your body, which have been found helpful for all kinds of conditions from asthma and allergies to cellular regeneration. After scanning has taken place, results of the scans are analyzed and personalized treatment plans may be developed accordingly.

Additionally, bioresonance scanning devices can also be used to test supplements and herbs to assess their efficacy, making this device particularly helpful for those living with autoimmune disorders as they are able to gauge whether they are receiving all of the essential vitamins and nutrients their bodies need to function efficiently.

Life Expert VEGA bioresonance scanner can analyze 47 functional indicators to detect early health risk factors and recommend suitable supplements, cosmetics, foods, or medicines based on your personal characteristics.


Bioresonance scanning is an electromagnetic technique that measures frequencies emitted from different parts of the body and analyzes them to identify imbalances and potential health issues before they manifest as symptoms. Practitioners then develop wellness programs designed to correct imbalances and promote natural healing processes within their patients’ bodies. Bioresonance scanners utilize various techniques, including resonance analysis and biofeedback; blood pressure, heart rate and muscle tone can all be measured during tests; then these results are interpreted by an experienced practitioner, who will offer suitable recommendations based on results interpretation.

During a scan, sensors are placed on the body and read by computer; then software compares these signals against quantum resonance spectra of standard diseases, nutrition, and toxic indicators stored in its database.

Bioresonance operates by producing an antidote frequency to counteract those produced by illness or food poisoning, thus cancelling out their harmful vibrational frequency and restoring balance. Bioresonance relies on the principle that all living things have electromagnetic vibrational frequencies, detectable with sensitive instruments. Bioresonance scans may prove invaluable in treating certain illnesses.

Aspirin can reveal the sources of disease and provide natural treatments, identify toxic chemicals in the body and eliminate them, restore normal organ and system functioning and help to restore them as part of overall wellbeing. It is safe and painless process.

Life Expert 3.0’s functional diagnostic capabilities extend well beyond bioresonance tests, offering functional analysis for all 47 organs and systems of the body. This allows us to measure metabolic activity levels, estimate vegetative regulation functions and central nervous system functionality as well as detect acid-alkaline imbalance.

Dietary Scans can also help determine which herbal, homeopathic, and nutritional remedies will best balance your body. They also assist in identifying any food or environmental irritants as well as detect energetic imbalances between key vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes and fatty acids.


Bioresonance scanning allows practitioners to identify stressors that are disrupting your body’s natural balance, such as toxins, food additives, heavy metals or chronic infections. With its results you can make proactive decisions to improve health and decrease disease risks.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool in eliminating toxins from your body by stimulating cellular detoxification and returning healthy vibrations to any cells affected by unhealthy vibrations, enabling cells to communicate harmoniously while clearing away potentially harmful substances and microorganisms from circulation.

All living organisms emit electromagnetic wave patterns that can be detected and amplified using a bioresonance scanner. If there is a match, then the device can return healthy frequencies back into cells while breaking down harmful ones.

Bioresonance machines provide more than just testing for toxins; they can also screen for allergies and other disorders, identify genetic mutations and hormone imbalances, measure body energy and offer recommendations regarding nutrition, lifestyle and supplements.

Though bioresonance therapy has demonstrated some promising results, most medical professionals agree it should not replace traditional forms of medicine. The American Cancer Society cautions that there is no concrete proof that these machines can cure cancer, and some practitioners have even been sued by the Federal Trade Commission for making claims which are either unsubstantiated or potentially hazardous. While studies may demonstrate positive results, these are typically limited to a smaller subgroup. Furthermore, most doctors do not advise bioresonance therapies for people suffering from serious or life-threatening conditions. However, some natural healthcare practitioners still advocate the use of these devices as part of conventional treatment protocols. They use test results to create personalized complexes tailored specifically for their patients in order to treat asthma, depression and arthritis conditions among others.


Bioresonance scans follow a similar principle as sound waves to break kidney stones: bioresonance scanners listen for and then transmit weak electrical signature frequencies of pathogens in the body, before externally broadcasting that same frequency frequency externally – the goal being that pathogens come into resonance and die as a result of resonance with each other, an approach pioneered by Royal Rife in early 20th century and later improved by Hulda Regher Clark.

Bioresonance scanning operates under the premise that every organ, cell, tissue and system in our bodies emit electromagnetic waves or vibrational frequencies that, when our bodies are healthy and free of stress or illness, are balanced. When exposed to stress or illness these frequencies become disrupted and disease occurs. Bioresonance can detect imbalances by comparing signature frequencies of healthy tissues and organs against those of unhealthy ones.

According to its manufacturers, this device can identify what is causing an imbalance and which remedies might work in correcting it by scanning your body for frequencies related to various remedies available.

Bioresonance scans may help restore balance to the body and foster its natural self-healing processes, but further clinical, physical, and organic studies must be conducted in order to substantiate such claims. One such study assessed superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity before and after bioresonance therapy treatment on blood lymphocytes before concluding that bioresonance therapy had increased these antioxidant enzymes’ activities as well as content of thiol groups present within blood lymphocytes due to bioresonance therapy treatment.

This device’s manufacturer has been accused of misleading consumers by advertising it as a cure for cancer and other ailments. Although there have been small studies supporting bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy, they should not discourage patients from seeking alternative evidence-based treatments; indeed, FDA has not given approval for medical use of this device.
