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Bioresonance Sensitivity Tests

Bioresonance sensitivity tests offer an alternative to blood testing by being non-invasive and painless; making it ideal for anyone fearful of needles or who are unable to take blood tests themselves.

Although bioresonance has some evidence of helping with allergies and intolerances, it should not replace comprehensive medical evaluation by a doctor.


Bioresonance sensitivity tests are non-invasive, painless and highly effective tests which use electromagnetic signals to measure how the body’s cells respond to foods, beverages and environmental items. They can detect nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal overexposure, food intolerances or inflammation issues – they’re not meant to replace professional medical diagnosis and treatment; but can provide insight into where symptoms arise from.

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Tests based on electromagnetic frequencies used to assess living organisms work on the principle that all living things emit electromagnetic frequencies that can be measured. Machines gather these frequencies and use them to build an internal picture compared with various items like foods, drinks and vitamins; additionally they can detect imbalances within your immune system which provides another important aspect for measuring overall health.

At-home sensitivity tests can be ordered online without visiting a doctor’s office, typically requiring you to mail samples of hairs or blood. After several days or weeks, your results will appear online – this test can assess sensitivity to hundreds of foods such as dairy and wheat allergens.

Sensitivity tests can reveal hidden sensitivities and lead to the identification and elimination of foods which aren’t good for your body, helping identify treatments like bioresonance therapy that have helped many quit smoking, reduce inflammation from rheumatoid arthritis and address sleep issues.


While these results may be encouraging, research on bioresonance‘s efficacy remains limited. Furthermore, while bioresonance claims to be non-invasive and painless, it still counts as Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), so before beginning any form of bioresonance therapy it is wise to consult a qualified healthcare provider first.


If needles or the sight of blood make you queasy, bioresonance food sensitivity tests could be the perfect way to discover and address sensitivities to food through an elimination diet. Furthermore, they’re more accurate than traditional allergy testing methods.

This method for identifying food sensitivities employs electrodes placed on your skin and connected to a machine which reads your energy wavelengths and compares them with frequency analysis of certain foods, so when there is an exact match the machine can identify which are negatively affecting you.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven useful in treating other conditions, including rheumatoid arthritis, asthma and eczema. The therapy works by correcting imbalances in your bio-field to restore an ideal equilibrium between electromagnetic energy within your body. Furthermore, it has also been known to help with sleep issues and anxiety reduction.

One study demonstrated how combining bioresonance therapy, manual massage and point massage helped more effectively treat fibromyalgia symptoms than conventional treatment alone. The technique worked by decreasing muscle tension while soothing the sympathetic nervous system which triggers your “fight or flight response.”

However, this method may not be appropriate for everyone; those with pacemakers or organ transplants should avoid this approach, and infants under one year should also not use this approach.

MyLAB Box Food Sensitivity Test Kit is an easy, painless solution for testing food sensitivities without blood samples or doctor appointments. With comprehensive results that identify over 970 potential allergens ranging from dairy to wheat, you can take it right from home! With its user-friendly instructions booklet and clear and user-friendly results, this test makes getting an accurate assessment easy and stress free.

Though this test is non-painful, children can still become restless during its execution; therefore, story books or an iPad should be brought with you to keep their interest. Tests typically last 7 to 10 minutes; therefore it’s wise to schedule appointments at times when your child can remain still and quiet.


Bioresonance therapy, classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), has become popular in Chinese hospitals as well as by Russia’s space program. Although not recognized by conventional medicine, many have found bioresonance helpful for attaining optimal health and wellbeing. Bioresonance hair analysis tests can detect food intolerances and allergies such as asthma and eczema as well as environmental factors, electromagnetic frequencies, radio waves, geopathic stress (ley lines), fungal over-activity pathogenic burdens chemicals or metals affecting health in general.

This method of testing relies on the theory that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs and cancer cells vary significantly from those emitted by healthy ones, and these differences can be detected with the aid of a resonance machine, which analyzes oscillations to create a visual representation of your energy field.

Though non-invasive allergy and intolerance tests don’t prick your skin directly, some individuals still feel reluctant to undergo them due to fear of needles. But such non-invasive tests are still just as accurate and provide more comprehensive lists of foods you are sensitive to or allergic to than allergy blood tests can.

Bioresonance sensitivity testing differs from allergy tests by only needing a hair strand for testing purposes. Testing equipment sends waves toward this sample to identify whether there are resonances between it and your natural electromagnetic fields of the body – information which can help identify which foods might be triggering symptoms of intolerance or allergy so you can begin an elimination diet to enhance overall health.

Studies have proven the efficacy of bioresonance therapy in treating asthma and eczema, along with conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and stomach pain. Athletes often turn to bioresonance technology as an aid to recover from injuries more quickly while maintaining peak physical performance; the technology even helps them balance between health and sports performance in some instances.


Consider several key aspects when choosing an at-home food sensitivity test, beginning with cost. Many affordable tests can be bought without needing a valid prescription from your physician and can even use your HSA/FSA account as payment. Other considerations may include testing of various foods as well as accuracy of results.

Vitagene, 5Strands and LetsGetChecked are three top-rated at-home food sensitivity tests on the market today, offering comprehensive analysis of any potential sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies by measuring bioresonance of hair samples; results will arrive directly to your email inbox within one to two weeks after testing is conducted.

The Vitagene test is more comprehensive than other options, covering over 80 items such as gluten, dairy and other common food sources as well as providing a report of vitamins and minerals consumed. Ideal for people looking to ensure they’re getting all of their essential nutrients; packages are available so anyone interested will likely find this investment well-worth their while.

The 5Strands Test uses bioresonance testing as another form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). It involves analyzing hair samples for their energy patterns and then comparing those patterns against food or drinks; if these energies match, this may indicate sensitivities to specific items. While not as comprehensive as Vitagene tests, this alternative provides invaluable insight into food intolerances.

If you’re uncertain about taking an at-home food sensitivity test, reading reviews online of similar tests may provide useful insight. Reviews typically cover aspects like accuracy and reliability as well as privacy policies and testing accuracy policies offered by each company.

Though bioresonance testing may be skeptically received by scientists, many individuals find it useful and cost-effective way to detect food allergies and sensitivities. Best of all, it’s noninvasive and painless; all that’s required to undergo testing is providing a hair sample – more convenient than blood tests or pinching your fingers!


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