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Bioresonance Test – Is it For You?

The Good Thinking Society views bioresonance as harmful quackery that exploits vulnerable individuals while delaying seeking appropriate medical treatments for serious conditions like cancer.

Proponents of bioresonance claim that machines can read energy wavelengths emitted by healthy or unhealthy cells to detect disease and return their natural frequency for treatment purposes. Unfortunately, no evidence has ever emerged to support bioresonance‘s claims.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to address imbalances in the body. It has been used effectively for treating allergies and intolerances, gastro-intestinal issues, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), sleep disturbances and more. By recognizing and counteracting imbalances within one’s energy field it helps facilitate healing via natural self-regulating mechanisms in our bodies’ energy fields – further aiding natural self-healing mechanisms within us that promote overall well-being.

Bioresonance technology utilizes a computerized system which scans the body to identify imbalances in its energetic fields and then emits electromagnetic frequencies to address those discrepancies.

This non-invasive test can be administered using either hair or saliva samples and results can then be analyzed by a trained practitioner to pinpoint nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal overexposure and food and environmental intolerances as well as identify any energetic matches with toxic substances that could be impacting your health.

As well as identifying issues, bioresonance tests can also aid with detoxification and weight loss. According to claims made about bioresonance therapy, it may help the body release toxins while simultaneously balancing immune systems to support optimal wellness. Furthermore, it may assist with emotional distress by restoring energy flow throughout the body and clearing away clutter from one’s mind.

Though bioresonance has yet to be scientifically verified, both practitioners and patients alike report experiencing positive benefits from its practice. Bioresonance falls under Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), often used alongside conventional therapies to accelerate healing and recovery.

Bioresonance testing remains popular, yet its claims do raise some concerns. One such concern is that its claims could lead people to delay seeking professional medical advice – potentially life threatening in certain instances. Furthermore, its costs can be substantial and not covered by NHS, making it unaffordable for some people who do not yet receive any other form of healthcare treatment.

What is the Bioresonance Test?

Are You Seeking Noninvasive Cancer, Addiction Treatment or an Instantaneous Diagnose and Treat Solution for Allergies, Dermatitis or Mental Health Issues? The Bioresonance Test Could Be Just What You’ve Been Searching For

Proponents believe that bioresonance machines can also manipulate cell frequencies to restore them back to a natural wavelength, thus healing any damage done to our bodies from toxic exposures, pollution or stressors. A bioresonance scan can reveal imbalances in brain activity, hormone levels and glandular activity as well as food sensitivities or resonance of toxic materials with toxic energies within our environment, chakra/meridian disturbances or anything else which needs further investigation.

Bioresonance testing is generally fast and pain-free, requiring patients to lie on a bed with electrodes connected to their fingers and toes that can sometimes feel uncomfortable. After about 10 minutes of scanning time, results are discussed with practitioners in-office so patients have ample opportunity to ask any questions or receive answers. Practitioners usually suggest supplements or treatments designed to address imbalances found during bioresonance scanning.

As bioresonance testing gains popularity, so too do its claims that it can successfully treat various conditions ranging from asthma and eczema to chronic pain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and overtraining syndrome (or burnout). Unfortunately, however, these claims are generally unsupported by clinical data and the Advertising Standards Agency has ruled that advertising for bioresonance therapy to treat various conditions does not meet required standards of clinical relevance or robustness.

Bioresonance therapy is often seen as a fringe practice and practitioners seek to differentiate themselves by marketing their services as unique or effective. Furthermore, novel hypotheses that do not conform with conventional wisdom often find difficulty being published in mainstream journals.

What are the Benefits of the Bioresonance Test?

Bioresonance therapy is a complementary health therapy used to strengthen and rebalance natural energies within the body. Bioresonance assessment assesses the “Big Picture”, revealing areas of discordant energy flow such as DNA/RNA displacements, bacteria/viral pathogens, heavy metal toxicity toxins vitamin depletion depletion depleted enzyme depletion food allergy susceptibilities chakra meridain or acupoint disturbances etc.

Bioresonance tests are non-invasive, non-intrusive assessments which can be conducted anywhere – be it home or clinic. A practitioner will collect a hair or saliva sample which will then be bioenergetically analysed in order to identify toxins, allergens and stressors within your body.

Bioresonance scan results are used to create a tailored treatment program designed to address imbalances identified. This may involve herbal supplementation, homeopathic remedies, dietary changes, detoxification programs or other therapies.

Bioresonance testing provides multiple benefits, such as its ability to detect food intolerances and sensitivities such as gluten, lactose or nut allergies. Furthermore, this system can detect inflammation within cells as well as heavy metal or chemical toxicity; and can even identify potential environmental or occupational exposures.

Bioresonance therapy has many medical uses, from helping smokers quit to relieving symptoms of fibromyalgia. Unfortunately, studies conducted thus far have yielded mixed results; one found bioresonance led to 77% smoking cessation while another revealed it failed in relieving muscular pain.

Bioresonance tests carry risks that could prevent people from seeking necessary medical help in time, such as for a developing tumor. Furthermore, equipment costs may be prohibitively expensive with full-body scanners costing as much as PS200 per session for people on tight budgets. Still, many find the bioresonance test useful and helpful in their quest for good health; nonetheless it’s essential that prior to commencing any new treatment plan it be properly diagnosed by licensed healthcare professional – particularly if taking medications or have existing conditions that need treating properly before embarking upon any new regimen or starting any new regimen that starts by consulting licensed healthcare professional for complete medical diagnosis or starting any new regimen as this will ensure you obtain complete medical diagnosis before undertaking anything new treatment plan of any sort – particularly if taking medications or have existing conditions present which need treating separately before commencing any new regimen – this way, you will receive full medical diagnosis before commencing any new regimen.

What are the Drawbacks of the Bioresonance Test?

The BICOM device measures energy wavelengths in your body and counteracts frequencies which interfere with equilibrium, in an attempt to restore harmony. Unfortunately, research remains limited as to whether bioresonance test can accurately diagnose conditions and treat them effectively.

Promoters of this device claim that unhealthy cells emit abnormal electromagnetic waves and that adjusting these frequencies back to normal is key in treating disease. Furthermore, they assert that the BICOM machine can detect disease-causing microorganisms, fungi and allergens; identify nutritional supplements, natural and homeopathic remedies which best match up with your cellular resonance for correcting imbalances; as well as determine your body’s energetic vibrations.

Bioresonance therapy was found to assist 77.2 percent of participants to stop smoking and enhance their quality of life in one week compared to placebo groups, and reduced muscular pain by 72% for those living with fibromyalgia; although some researchers suspect these results might have more to do with placebo effects than with bioresonance itself.

Bioresonance testing remains largely unproven; no scientific evidence supports its ability to identify or treat cancer or other serious illnesses. Furthermore, the American Board of Acupuncture considers advertising claims regarding bioresonance‘s ability to diagnose conditions like Crohn’s disease, asthma or skin issues misleading.

Bioresonance therapy poses the potential threat of discouraging patients from seeking more effective therapies, particularly where its efficacy has not yet been demonstrated.

If you’re curious to try the bioresonance test, it is crucial that you find an experienced holistic practitioner who understands its use and interpretation. CBH Energetics can connect you to homeopathic practitioners near you who know how best to implement bioenergetic assessments and treatments; CBH can connect you to someone who will help interpret your unique scan results and interpret the findings accordingly.
