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Bioresonance Test – What Is It?

Bioresonance is an alternative treatment, using electromagnetic frequencies to manipulate the body’s natural vibrational energy and decrease body toxins. Studies have proven its efficacy at doing just this.

An allergy test can also help you easily discover food sensitivities, detect nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal exposure and chemical imbalances that might otherwise go undetected.

It’s painless

Bioresonance testing is an alternative medicine procedure which uses sound waves to scan and treat imbalances in the bio-field. It’s painless and noninvasive; children, babies and people with pacemakers can use this test. Furthermore, this test can also be used to discover food sensitivities.

The test typically takes less than an hour in a doctor’s office and utilizes electrodes to measure energy waves emitted by body cells. A bioresonance machine then adjusts these frequencies until creating an “harmonic resonance” beneficial to health. Therapy based on this idea claims that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves that are detected by this machine; its promoters suggest that changing back these frequencies to their regular frequencies could potentially cure diseases.

Many are skeptical of bioresonance therapies, yet studies have demonstrated positive results albeit on only small samples of participants. Furthermore, several scientists have even been sued by the Federal Trade Commission for making false claims regarding bioresonance.

One of the primary uses for bioresonance therapy is treating allergies. Research has demonstrated its success at alleviating asthma, eczema, and rheumatoid arthritis; its ability to activate tumor suppressor genes and reduce inflammation likely contributes to this effect.

Bioresonance provides additional health benefits by helping to diagnose and treat digestive disorders. Furthermore, it can identify food sensitivities so you can eliminate foods from your diet that might not be good for you.

Bioresonance testing has also been successfully used to treat fibromyalgia with some success. One study combined bioresonance therapy with manual and point massage to treat patients diagnosed with the disorder; bioresonance was shown to reduce muscular pain while improving sleep issues as well as ease the symptoms associated with overtraining syndrome, caused when athletes fail to recover fully after training sessions. Bioresonance therapy could also relax your sympathetic nervous system which controls your fight or flight response and decrease heart rate, blood pressure, and cortisol levels within minutes!

It’s affordable

Bioresonance testing offers an alternative to blood allergy testing that does not require pricking the skin. Instead, this noninvasive process uses hair samples from patients to identify allergens, with this information used to create personalized diet plans tailored to each person’s specific needs. Furthermore, this procedure is painless and has no side effects; however it should be seen as complementary healthcare rather than replacing traditional medical care services.

An average bioresonance session lasts around an hour and is entirely painless. A practitioner attaches electrodes to various points on a patient’s body and connects them to a machine which reads energy wavelengths from their body; once read, this device manipulates frequency patterns so as to balance out unhealthy ones and heal the body as intended.

Proponents claim that electromagnetic waves generated by this machine can help correct imbalances in human biofield caused by emotional, chemical or environmental stressors. Furthermore, it can “cancel out” bad frequencies like those caused by smoking to help quitters overcome nicotine addiction.

Bioresonance may be considered pseudoscience, but some studies have produced promising findings. One such research paper compared bioresonance therapy to placebos for smoking cessation and found it significantly increased chances of quitting; however, these results have yet to be replicated, so they should be taken with caution.

Royal R. Rife was the pioneer of bioresonance. He discovered that pathogens could be killed with electric pulses matching their natural frequencies, as well as organs being stimulated with similar pulses. Rife also asserted that our electromagnetic fields are much more intricate than what can be observed visually.

Technology behind this therapy may be complex, but its results are many and varied. It can help identify allergies and sensitivities as well as provide insight into other areas of the body. Furthermore, this procedure is inexpensive and convenient as it can be carried out by trained healthcare professionals at minimal cost. Before taking an allergy/sensitivity test it is advised that patients consult a qualified physician; for ongoing care/treatment sessions it would be advisable to schedule an initial new patient appointment prior to testing to ensure results can be properly interpreted by providers.

It’s safe

Bioresonance therapy practitioners make numerous claims regarding bioresonance, such as breaking kidney stones with sound waves or treating cancer with it. Their claims stem from placing electrodes on the skin and sending signals that read body’s energy wavelengths; then counteract any bad frequencies with healthy ones to create bioresonance therapy – but there’s no concrete proof it works; in fact some studies even indicate it could cause harm such as death.

The Advertising Standards Authority has already prohibited bioresonance devices in advertisements, making any claims regarding their efficacy likely misleading. Although certain studies show positive effects, their conclusions cannot be independently verified and some bioresonance therapies may not even be clinically effective according to ASA findings.

Bioresonance testing can be used to detect food sensitivities. This approach provides an alternative method for allergy testing; some people who cannot tolerate blood may prefer having bioresonance done as opposed to traditional allergy testing methods.

Some bioresonance tests claim to detect allergens in hair samples; this claim is untrue and these tests do not meet scientific validation; additionally, such testing is illegal in the US.

These tests use hair samples from animals other than patients; such as from dogs. Their testing methodology rests on the false premise that health problems can be identified by reading energy frequencies emitted from within their bodies; then interpreting those frequencies using a computer program in order to diagnose said issues.

Bioresonance therapy is an emerging holistic diagnosis and treatment method designed to restore equilibrium to the electromagnetic fields in the body and stimulate cellular functions. According to its proponents, Bioresonance works on the principle that body’s natural frequencies may become altered due to environmental or emotional stressors; alteration may then lead to illness and physical dysfunction requiring treatment.

Bioresonance should be understood for what it is – an experimental therapy with limited evidence supporting its claims of effectiveness. To avoid spending money on unproven therapies, visit a qualified practitioner and follow his or her treatment recommendations.

It’s effective

Bioresonance tests offer a holistic solution for diagnosing and treating disease, using electrodes attached to the body to scan energy wavelengths that may be detrimental. By creating more equilibrium and eliminating negative energies from your system, a bioresonance test helps promote healing by creating balance. This technique draws inspiration from Royal Rife and Hulda Regher Clark’s research that found pathogens can be killed with electric pulses that match their signature frequencies. Bioresonance therapy remains a controversial treatment, with studies either showing its efficacy or no effect. Still, some claim it works effectively for various disorders – including rheumatoid arthritis. One study discovered it helped regulate antioxidant enzyme activity within lymphocytes while increasing nonprotein thiol groups content while simultaneously decreasing levels of oxidative stress in those suffering with the disorder.

Bioresonance technology can also help detect toxins in the body by measuring their resonance frequency, bioresonance machines can quickly determine when there are too many of them present and use this information to reduce the toxin overload thus helping the body self-regulate itself.

Allergy testing is typically performed using blood tests that involve pricking one’s finger to detect antibodies in their blood that correlate to allergy symptoms. Many individuals prefer more painless methods like bioresonance machines as an alternative: they can identify vibrations within your body that correlate to specific allergies, and then help eliminate them by identifying foods likely to trigger reactions.

Bioresonance practitioners make some impressive claims, and its device often looks quite stylish. Unfortunately, however, bioresonance remains a form of alternative medicine which lacks scientific credibility; yet its popularity among patients may be due to being affordable, painless, and relatively safe.

While there have been studies to demonstrate the efficacy of this technique, it must be remembered that results of these sessions were derived from only one session and require further evaluation prior to being recommended as clinical treatments. Furthermore, much of this research on this technique is unpeer reviewed and can be difficult to interpret.
