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Bioresonance Testing For Allergies

Food allergies can be hard to diagnose and can sometimes even threaten life. Traditional allergy testing methods, like skin prick tests and blood work, may not always give accurate results.

Bioresonance testing is an efficient and noninvasive way of diagnosing food allergies by scanning your body and searching for responses to various food frequencies. It has several advantages over standard prickle tests.

It’s Non-Invasive

Allergies occur when our immune systems overreact to something they perceive as a threat, leading to symptoms like sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes and throat. Allergens could include food allergens like animal hair or dust mites; bioresonance testing can identify which allergens cause allergic reactions so allergy sufferers can find ways to manage them through diet, medication or avoidance strategies.

This non-invasive test poses no risks or discomfort and makes an ideal alternative to more invasive allergy tests such as skin (prick or epicutaneous tests), blood, or provocation tests that can often be painful.

Complementary and Alternative Medicine, such as homeopathy or acupuncture, relies heavily on scientific research for confirmation. Quantum Medicine differs in that its origin is quantum physics theory which holds that living organisms emit energy frequencies which can be detected and read with appropriate equipment – this has led one critic to call the technique “scientifically illiterate and absurd”, with claims it can diagnose cancer just by reading frequencies from hair cut from a dog’s head!

Bioresonance therapy has proven its worth in certain situations, though it should never replace evidence-based treatment options. While small studies show promising results, most experts do not consider bioresonance therapy reliable in diagnosing or treating medical conditions; also it should not be seen as a replacement for professional advice since misuse could result in negative side effects.

Cross country skiers in particular have been using Bioresonance technology for some time now. The Swedish national team utilized it to aid recovery from injuries, maintain peak physical condition and prepare for major competitions with greater ease. After seeing such remarkable results from using it themselves, Bioresonance became available as a treatment option for Hay Fever and Allergies.

It’s Painless

Bioresonance allergy testing offers an ideal alternative for people with sensitive skin who wish to avoid needles and other medical procedures that could leave them feeling uncomfortable or anxious.

During a test, electrodes are attached to a patient’s body in order to scan and detect energy wavelengths. A machine then analyzes these waves in order to identify and counteract bad frequencies that disrupt body equilibrium – all without using drugs or chemicals! The procedure is painless.

This test can also detect food sensitivities not detected through traditional allergy testing methods, making it invaluable for people suffering from food intolerances or sensitivities to specific additives like E-numbers. Furthermore, leaky gut – caused by damaged intestinal linings that allow undigested food particles and toxic waste into bloodstream – can lead to symptoms including bloating, gas, chronic diarrhea, constipation stomach cramps and headaches if unchecked.

Bioresonance therapy is also useful in treating autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s and Lupus, Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, migraines and more. Furthermore, it can also help treat psychological conditions like Stress & Depression by decreasing cortisol levels in the body.

Bioresonance therapy is considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), yet increasingly accepted by mainstream health providers. While research into its scientific basis remains limited, numerous trials have taken place and revealed positive results.

Bioresonance therapy can assist you in mitigating allergy symptoms by identifying their source and developing an appropriate treatment plan to address them. Get in touch with us now to discover more on how we can assist – we look forward to hearing from you!

It’s Comprehensive

Many individuals seek allergy tests as a result of discomforts such as rashes, eczema or sinus congestion. Others suffer from digestive problems like IBS (irritable bowl syndrome) or bloating; having trouble sleeping; constantly feeling fatigued; or simply sensing something is “off”. Finally, those sensitive to foods can often have food allergies which can be extremely uncomfortable or potentially life-threatening without immediate treatment.

Bioresonance testing uses a BICOM device equipped with electromagnetic waves programmed into it, to detect food allergies. DNA samples from patients are then sent towards this device which reads their bodies reaction to these frequencies – giving an indication of which types of food a patient is sensitive to as well as their severity of reaction.

Food allergy tests come in various forms, from skin prick tests and provocation tests (allergens applied directly to the skin) to traditional medical standards prick tests involving small drops of various food types placed onto skin areas before being pricked; should an allergic reaction develop, a small bump will form in its vicinity.

Food allergy testing through skin piercing is an efficient, yet painful method. Many patients seek alternative approaches in order to minimize discomfort from this test.

Bioresonance allergy testing is far less invasive and painless than traditional skin prick tests, while also being much more comprehensive.

Bioresonance tests can reveal numerous food sensitivities. This information can be extremely valuable when trying to remove harmful toxins from one’s diet and improve overall health.

Bioresonance therapy falls within complementary and alternative medicine; however, numerous studies demonstrate its clinical efficacy for treating food allergies. Nine non-controlled and five controlled clinical studies on this form of therapy have been completed with conclusive findings showing its safety and reliability when testing and treating food allergies.

It’s Effective

Though food allergies are relatively widespread and potentially life-threatening, many still fail to get adequate treatment due to limited testing methods for foods that trigger an allergy. Common remedies include avoiding offending allergens or taking allergy medication to alleviate symptoms; however, both can be challenging to sustain long term; bioresonance therapy offers a noninvasive and comprehensive method for diagnosing and treating food intolerances/allergies without medication side effects.

Bioresonance therapy is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatment using machines to capture electromagnetic signals emitted by the body and test them against various foods, beverages and environmental elements that might trigger allergic reactions. Once identified as such, the machine attempts to match each signal against possible allergenic triggers with its best fit; hopefully correcting an allergic response and ridding itself of allergies altogether.

Proponents of this technique contend that unhealthy cells and organs release altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage, and claim their machine can detect abnormal frequencies and shift them back towards their natural wavelength – purportedly healing the body of illness in this way.

Although some evidence exists to support bioresonance machines’ efficacy, their practice remains controversial. Critics point out that there is no solid scientific proof that such machines can diagnose or treat disease; most healthcare professionals agree they cannot.

Bioresonance practitioners attach electrodes to their patient and connect them to a computer which assesses energy wavelengths, then identify any issues and send signals correcting bad frequencies via signals sent back out into their bodies. A bioresonance machine may also detect other factors like high levels of toxic materials in their system or a lack of antioxidants in their blood supply.

Bioresonance therapy may not be able to eliminate all your allergies at once, but it may provide relief if conventional methods haven’t. Along with treating allergies directly, bioresonance may also help with other health conditions like inflammatory bowel disease and stomach pain.
