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Bioresonance Testing for Balanced Health

Bioresonance testing works to correct any imbalances in our bodies’ electromagnetic field that contribute to health issues, using frequency testing to reset frequencies and restore equilibrium.

Although bioresonance scanning should not replace traditional medical diagnostic tools, it provides essential insight that can assist your holistic practitioner in strengthening and balancing the body.

Personalized Treatment Plan

If the results of your bioresonance testing reveal unhealthy cells, your practitioner can recommend diet and lifestyle modifications that support your body’s natural healing processes. Furthermore, certain supplements may be suggested by bioresonance testing to address imbalances or support responses to certain medical conditions – in essence creating a comprehensive wellness plan to complement existing treatment programs.

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Discoveries in quantum physics have demonstrated that all substances – from our bodies and foods to toxins and pathogens – emit electromagnetic waves with distinctive frequencies. This electromagnetic radiation emitting pattern or signature can be captured using energy testing devices, giving alternative health practitioners another tool for detecting unhealthy cells while creating personalized patient plans.

Bioresonance testing involves attaching electrodes to your skin and connecting them to a machine which “reads” your energy wavelengths. A database is then searched to detect any changes or deviations from what should be the usual frequencies; then this device can manipulate these frequencies so your body vibrates at its natural frequency – this method can be used to diagnose various health conditions as well as alleviate various symptoms, such as digestive troubles.

Researchers have also discovered that bioresonance therapy can assist individuals in managing anxiety and depression. A recent study demonstrated this by showing how bioresonance treatments produced significantly better results than selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor medications for treating recurrent depressive disorder. Bioresonance has also proven its worth treating conditions such as eczema, asthma, stomach pain and migraines.


Bioresonance tests involve placing a small sample of saliva or hair into a scanning device and having it analyzed, producing a report with any items the client is sensitive to; such as food items, vitamins/nutrients, hormones or metals in one comprehensive report. Stress levels affecting your body as well as any imbalances needing addressing are also taken into consideration in the results report. The process is painless and non-invasive – drinking plenty of water prior to taking your test helps ensure accurate results and ensure accurate results

Customized Supplements

Bioresonance technology analyzes electromagnetic waves produced by living organisms at a cellular level and can detect imbalances caused by medical conditions or unhealthy cells. With specific frequencies applied, bioresonance devices can stimulate resonance within our bodies’ cells promoting healing and restoring balance. Energy testing is a noninvasive technique which can be done both at home or clinic and it is advised to drink plenty of water beforehand to stabilize energy fields as well as avoid certain foods or medications which might disrupt measurements taken on frequency patterns being measured.

One common application of this technology is identifying food sensitivities or allergies. To do this, a sample of hair or saliva is taken and tested against a database of potential toxins and substances found within the body; any items which react negatively are revealed; recommendations can then be given on remedies that will help detoxify these chemicals out of your system and restore balance to your system.

Other health problems can also be identified through this method, including bioresonance scans. A bioresonance scan can provide information about sex hormone levels in the body as well as gut biome and other factors affecting melatonin production, neuroinflammation, etc. Such information helps individuals understand what symptoms they’re experiencing and make educated choices that will improve the quality of their lives.

Balanced Health offers the full-scan as its most comprehensive option, using a kit which enables saliva and hair samples to be sent off to their lab for testing. The result provides a full assessment of all 47 organs and systems in your body, highlighting any areas under stress or high levels of bioenergetic toxicity that need attention.

Once the results are in, a trained practitioner can go over them with you and offer detailed insight into what may be causing any identified problems. Recommendations could include lifestyle modifications, diet modifications, supplements or natural remedies to address imbalances found within the body’s vibrational energy levels. Integrating this technology into an individual’s holistic wellness routine can promote greater health by helping individuals identify imbalances before they turn into serious medical conditions.

Educated Decision-Making

Bioresonance testing can be an invaluable addition to a holistic wellness routine, assisting in finding imbalances that could be contributing to health issues and helping prevent them from worsening further. However, it should be remembered that bioresonance does not diagnose medical conditions alone and should only be undertaken alongside other tests and treatments from qualified healthcare providers.

Bioresonance scanning devices have become an increasingly popular trend in alternative healthcare, offering non-invasive analysis of energy wavelengths and frequency patterns of people’s energies. This technology does not emit radiation like X-rays; rather it measures your electromagnetic frequencies to compare them against a database of healthy frequencies for comparison purposes. As a result it has gained much popularity among those searching for natural health solutions, and has helped many to heal from various ailments.

Discoveries in quantum physics have demonstrated that all substances, from cells within our bodies to pathogens like bacteria, viruses, toxins, pollen etc, emit energy vibrations or frequencies. Each has a distinctive frequency pattern known as its signature that can be collected using bioresonance health screening systems. By measuring energy vibrations of our body against this vast database, practitioners can identify areas which may be out-of-balance and identify possible sources for illness.

Once these points are identified, a practitioner can assess them against various remedies, including nutritional, herbal and homeopathic supplements to see which ones resonate best with the client’s energy vibrations and provide therapeutic intervention to correct imbalances and restore equilibrium to their bodies. Once prescribed to clients they help correct imbalances and restore balance throughout.

Once their energy flows are balanced, clients can more clearly comprehend their needs and how to improve their wellbeing. With this insight comes an increased ability to avoid foods, herbs and products which conflict with frequency vibrations in the body – leading to more balanced lifestyle choices and eventually leading to overall improved health outcomes. As such, bioresonance should become an invaluable tool in pursuit of optimal wellbeing.

Personalized Lifestyle Coaching

Bioresonance testing when used alongside holistic wellness plans can be an invaluable asset in identifying potential health risks that aren’t readily detectable with traditional medical tests. Energy testing can detect imbalances that haven’t been addressed and help determine an individualized solution plan to treat each client.

Bioresonance scanning measures electromagnetic waves produced by individual cells within your body and compares them against known toxins, bacteria and chemicals to ascertain which frequencies your body resonating at. As it’s non-invasive and does not measure for specific diseases or illnesses; it serves more as a method to discover the root causes of illness as well as insight into why you might feel unwell.

Bioresonance scanning is an effortless experience. Once you receive your test kit in the mail, simply collect saliva and hair samples at your leisure before sending back for analysis at our lab. When done, we will provide an in-depth report about what’s going on inside of you!

If a scan identifies an imbalance, a practitioner can then use nutritional, herbal and homeopathic supplements that will resonate with your meridians to restore balance to your energy levels.

Bioresonance therapy can help increase energy levels and boost immunity while relieving pain for some individuals.

No matter which test you choose – Full Scan or Sensitivity Plus – the results will provide an in-depth view into what’s affecting both your body and mind. By understanding its unique needs better, you will gain greater insight into creating a healthy lifestyle for yourself that meets all its requirements. Contact Shannon now to book your bioresonance testing session; she can offer a customized wellness program including both tests results as well as energy work sessions or combo sessions (Massage, Phyto5 lymphatic drainage and energy work) tailored specifically towards providing her clients an all-encompassing approach towards health and wellbeing.


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