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Bioresonance Testing Hair

Bioresonance testing hair, also referred to as bioenergetic testing or resonance therapy, is an emerging field of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). This form of test recognizes that everything around us emits energy frequencies that can reveal sensitivities, toxins, hormone imbalances and more.

Bioresonance tests may be cheaper than ELISA blood tests, but do not pass scientific scrutiny or have recognition by mainstream healthcare professionals.

What is Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance hair testing is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) therapy that utilizes a piece of your own hair to detect sensitivities and allergies. Based on the theory that all substances – living or not – emit frequencies which can be detected, frequencies that can then be compared with food items that were tested, to establish a reaction level.

Bioresonance scan results are interpreted by a trained practitioner, who then uses homeopathic remedies to address any imbalances identified. They select remedies with known effects at each point of imbalance on meridian, typically an essential oil, supplement or homeopathic product that they then administer directly to their patient.

People seeking bioresonance scans typically have exhausted other conventional and complementary treatments without finding relief for their symptoms or illness, but bioresonance tests do not provide diagnoses; nor can they identify antibodies towards specific foods, unlike scientifically validated ELISA blood tests used by mainstream healthcare professionals.

Companies specializing in bioresonance testing claim they can identify nutritional deficiencies; exposure to heavy metals; food and environmental intolerances from hair samples sent for analysis. Michael Marshall of the Good Thinking Society, which encourages rational inquiry, has described such testing methods as being “ridiculous”. According to him, they “rely on reading information out of an energy waveform which doesn’t come directly from the human body – instead it comes through through another source such as hair!”‘ This process relies on energy frequencies being read directly from hair samples even though human bodies don’t have them!'”

Bioresonance testing does not have any scientific backing to support its efficacy, though some patients report feeling calm during a test session and it generally being painless. Some believe bioresonance can also assist in assessing homeopathic treatments’ efficacy; this assessment should take place through consultations with qualified homeopathy practitioners – something you can book just like any other appointment.

How Does Bioresonance Testing Work?

Bioresonance testing utilizes a computer to scan electromagnetic frequencies emitted by body cells. It can identify imbalances in these frequencies and help practitioners devise treatment plans accordingly. Bioresonance should not replace traditional medical tests; rather it should complement them to ensure optimal health outcomes.

Every cell in our bodies is protected by an invisible magnetic field known as the biomagnetic field, and when this field becomes disrupted it can cause various symptoms and ailments. Through bioresonance testing we seek to rearrange energy within this biomagnetic field in order to restore balance and alleviate symptoms.

Bioresonance testing involves placing electrodes on the skin and connecting them to a Bicom machine. Once connected, this non-invasive therapy checks for energy wavelengths within the body that are out of balance, counteracting them by restoring optimal harmony. Bioresonance has gained prominence among alternative health practitioners for its ability to identify diseases by monitoring electromagnetic waves within its target individual’s electromagnetic waves and analyzing results.

Consumption of certain foods can create an imbalance in one’s biomagnetic field and manifest symptoms in their bodies, for example when eating gluten. People can experience abdominal pain, fatigue and even depression as side effects due to food intolerances which bioresonance testing can identify.

The Good Thinking Society issued an extremely critical verdict of these tests, concluding they are “not only scientifically uninformed and absurd but can even be harmful if followed without consulting with a physician or dietitian first”.

Bioresonance testing involves placing a small hair sample into an electronic device. The machine then detects food intolerance levels by comparing energy frequencies against an extensive database of items; any item which registers above 85% frequency level is identified on a report as abnormal. Bioresonance hair testing provides an ideal alternative for those unwilling or afraid of blood allergy testing or needle prick testing.

Bioresonance therapy hasn’t been extensively researched for its efficacy and should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical care, although some patients report positive results. Bioresonance can improve rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by normalizing how the antioxidant system operates and decreasing free radical production.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Testing?

Numerous companies provide bioresonance tests for both humans and pets, claiming they can detect nutritional deficiencies; overexposure to heavy metals; food and environmental intolerances, and provide a roadmap to improved health through test results. Unfortunately, scientists typically discredit such claims and consider them pseudoscience.

Bioresonance testing relies on the fact that all living cells emit energy wavelengths; when people are healthy, these wavelengths exist in harmony like iron filings in an ordered pile. Bioresonance machines claim they can read these energy wavelengths and adjust them as necessary in order to restore an ideal state of balance within the body.

Bioresonance testing is most often used to detect food intolerances. To do this, hair samples are taken and used by a bioresonance machine to compare them against frequencies for hundreds of foods – it is painless and noninvasive way of finding out if you have allergies or intolerances to specific foods, and can even serve as an alternative method to allergy blood sampling tests.

Bioresonance may not be effective against serious medical conditions like heart disease or cancer, but some individuals report that it has helped alleviate minor ailments. Bioresonance therapy has been reported as aiding with symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis by countering their negative impact and increasing antioxidant levels in the body; similarly it has also been said to relieve asthmatic attacks or eczema symptoms.

If you’re considering getting a bioresonance scan, it is crucial that you work with an holistic practitioner who has extensive knowledge of this technology and can interpret your scan results accurately. They will also assist in making health choices which strengthen and restore balance to your body – CBH Energetics has homeopathic practitioners trained in bioenergetic holistic wellness solutions who can connect you. Book your discovery call now!

Why Should I Consider Bioresonance Testing?

Bioresonance testing uses biometric techniques to detect and record energy emissions produced by living beings, which bioresonance can detect and record in hair samples from test participants. The machine compares this energy against frequencies for food items, vitamins, minerals, metals and other substances to look for resonance matches that might indicate what you are sensitive or allergic to; additionally it can detect imbalances within your biomagnetic field and emit counter frequencies to help restore equilibrium within it.

Bioresonance is considered a Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) procedure, such as acupuncture or other naturopathic techniques. It can be used to diagnose and treat allergies, intolerances, fatigue, insomnia and rheumatoid arthritis; help quit smoking, overcome stress anxiety boost immunity detoxify the body and increase energy levels; improve performance at sports or even boost energy levels and stamina for those looking for ways to boost performance at athletic activities; even help treat insomnia; it has even been proven beneficial at treating fatigue related ailments!

Hair bioresonance test results typically become available within 10 minutes and then discussed by an expert practitioner, giving ample opportunity for questions to be asked and addressed directly. The entire process typically lasts 60 minutes from start to finish.

Although bioresonance testing is a popular means to detect food intolerances, its accuracy and reliability have come under question by scientists. ELISA blood tests provide more effective detection of food intolerances since they accurately measure antibodies against specific foods.

However, bioresonance testing is more cost- and time-effective than ELISA blood testing, testing against more items at once while also tracking your responses over time.

Bioresonance testing should never be seen as a replacement for professional medical advice and should never replace seeking out an evaluation from your physician. Pregnant women or children should avoid it, while it’s also not suitable for pregnant women or children. Furthermore, the FDA has taken action against manufacturers who market unproven electrical devices that claim to heal cancer while the American Cancer Society warns about electromagnetic oscillations that could compromise your health – though some research indicates bioresonance therapy can relieve some symptoms but these studies remain small-scale and limited in scope.
