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Bioresonance Therapy For Allergies

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic form of treatment that uses frequencies within the body to rebalance and correct imbalances, offering relief for allergies, intolerances, arthritis and stomach discomfort as well as fatigue.

Meditation is an alternative form of medicine and various controlled (using placebos) studies have demonstrated its efficacy against certain conditions.


Allergies are an inflammatory response of the immune system that misperceives certain substances as threats, such as food items or environmental toxins. According to the Food Allergy Research And Resource Program, approximately 4% of US population have at least one food allergy and its symptoms can range from annoying and uncomfortable to even life threatening. Avoidance is usually best but this may prove difficult and time consuming – medication often has undesirable side effects so bioresonance therapy offers another viable method for diagnosing allergies and developing appropriate treatment plans.

Franz Morell and electrical engineering technician Erich Rasche first developed the fundamental concept behind classical bioresonance therapy in 1976. Their hypothesis held that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by healthy cells differed significantly from those produced by damaged or cancerous ones; an electrical device then detected this difference and could theoretically cancel out diseased signals via destructive wave interference to cancel out disease-related signals.

Morell and Rasche’s creation has never been thoroughly tested or proven effective; even so, the American Cancer Society cautions patients to avoid electrical devices making unsubstantiated health claims. Yet it has become a widely utilized treatment method within alternative medicine settings and various manufacturers have produced bioresonance machines specifically for home use.

Bioresonance sessions involve uploading the DNA of the patient into a machine, which then emits electromagnetic waves resembling allergens that are then detected and compared against their DNA. Once detected, these signals are relayed back to a practitioner who then determines which allergens are contributing to patient symptoms – eliminating those specific allergens from diet, intolerances or metabolic imbalances through bioresonance testing if applicable.

Bioresonance therapy has an impressive track record in treating allergies. This treatment method is proven effective at identifying allergens and eliminating them from diet, while also helping balance immune systems and detoxifying bodies. Biweekly sessions for several weeks should help the body become desensitized to allergens and help alleviate or completely alleviate allergies. As a result, allergies typically reduce or disappear entirely. Bioresonance can also identify and treat fundamental energetic disturbances that lead to allergic reactions such as chronic food allergies, toxic contamination and therapy blocks. These conditions may be treated with natural supplements and herbs as well as through lifestyle modification to remove stressors from the body – techniques like lymphatic drainage, liver and kidney programs or the removal of parasites such as candida or fungal infections can all help. End results include strengthening of one’s immune system to fight future attacks from allergens and reduced sensitivity to inhalants; particularly beneficial for those living with chronic rhinitis or asthma, it may also help with conditions like hives, dermatitis and eczema.


Allergies are an increasingly prevalent health condition that can significantly limit an individual’s daily life, causing numerous symptoms as well as more serious medical problems if left untreated. Luckily, many treatment options exist for allergy sufferers; one such solution could be bioresonance therapy which has proven highly successful at helping reduce reactions over time and even eliminate them altogether.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to balance and promote overall health in an effective manner. It has been successfully used to treat various conditions, such as hay fever, arthritis and joint problems, food intolerances, weight gain and skin conditions. Bioresonance can identify imbalances in energy patterns within the body and correct them with specific electromagnetic frequencies restoring harmony to its system while activating self-healing mechanisms and aiding natural self-healing mechanisms of the body to take effect.

Bioresonance can also be an effective method for pain management, by identifying and neutralising toxins and stressors in the body that cause discomfort. Furthermore, its unique techniques enable specialists to pinpoint the exact source of discomfort so they can address it directly and reduce it over time.

Bioresonance can also be used to diagnose and treat allergies or sensitivities to various substances. It can identify what’s triggering someone’s response, helping them remove these items from their lives and improving quality of life. When treating anaphylaxis symptoms with bioresonance therapy, bioresonance treatment may address the root cause, thus preventing further allergic reactions in future episodes.

Traditional medical treatments may offer temporary relief, but often come with unwanted side-effects. Bioresonance offers an all-natural method that has proven highly successful at relieving allergy symptoms without creating adverse reactions or side-effects.

Note that, although BICOM bioresonance has been scientifically demonstrated to be effective, it is still unapproved by the FDA and considered complementary medicine by many in Europe and Asia.

At each session, clients wear electrodes connected to a machine which scans their bodies and detects imbalances in energy fields. Once identified, this machine then transmits low-energy electromagnetic waves directly to affected areas to rectify them – often helping with various disorders in the body such as hay fever, digestive issues, skin conditions or pain from rheumatoid arthritis or fibromyalgia as well as food intolerances. To find a therapist offering bioresonance therapy near you please use our Therapist Finder service!
