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Bioresonance Therapy For Allergies

Allergies can often be caused by inhaling allergens like hay fever pollen, dust mites, animal hair or pet dander; inhaling these substances may trigger symptoms like sneezing, watery eyes or blocked nose.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine approach that uses devices to measure electromagnetic waves coming from within the body and measure their frequency, with proponents of this form of complementary and alternative medicine believing it can detect diseased organs and change their frequency in order to treat them effectively.

Hay fever

Hay fever is an uncomfortable condition affecting the nose, eyes and throat that often results in symptoms that include runny nose, itchy eyes and throat irritation. Hay fever usually develops upon coming in contact with pollen or allergens that trigger your immune system – such as grass pollen in late spring; animal dander in winter; dust mites or cockroach droppings which exist year-round – or dust mites/cockroach droppings present year round.

Bioresonance therapy may help alleviate symptoms associated with hay fever and other allergies. A typical session entails an evaluation of your current health status, followed by devising an individualized treatment plan which could include dietary recommendations, supplements or lifestyle modifications – in some instances allergy testing may also help pinpoint its source.

Classic allergy testing often identifies allergens like pollen, pet dander and mould as the source of an individual’s symptoms; however, an experienced bioresonance therapist will look deeper to find fundamental energetic disorders causing your discomfort; such as chronic food allergies, environmental contamination or therapy blocks.

Bioresonance therapy often produces remarkable results for its users, with most experiencing reduced or eliminated symptoms as a result of its ability to rebalance and re-educate your body. Bioresonance can also help treat gastro-intestinal disorders, smoking cessation issues, fatigue and insomnia – just to name a few conditions it treats effectively.

Bioresonance therapy showed remarkable success for those suffering hay fever symptoms: 83% reported complete relief after treatment with bioresonance therapy. This figure outshone any other method used for allergies like medications and allergy shots. Bicom bioresonance therapy method has an impressive track record in helping children overcome allergies: paediatrician Dr Peter Schumacher conducted clinical trials involving 200 kids where over 94% of their allergies were eradicated with this approach.

Irritable bowel syndrome

Bioresonance therapy can help identify and address the source of your irritable bowel syndrome, often lying deep within your body. Using electrodes to scan your body, the machine reads the energy wavelengths emitted by cells to balance out frequency imbalances in order to balance your energy flow, helping your immune system better cope with food allergens or environmental stresses.

Bioresonance therapy takes an integrative approach to allergy testing. While searching for inhalation allergens like house dust mites, molds, animal hair and pollen, as well as any fundamental energetic disorders which could be contributing to symptoms like allergies. A bioresonance therapist will also identify and treat food allergies or intolerances to assist your body’s natural healing processes.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven helpful in treating mental health conditions. Patients suffering from depression may benefit from bioresonance therapy‘s electromagnetic waves altering brain electrical properties to alter symptoms and relieve them, though its claims have yet to be proven scientifically.

Though bioresonance research remains limited, some studies demonstrate its efficacy for relieving pain and anxiety. One such comparison found that 77.2 percent of participants who underwent bioresonance therapy quit smoking within one week while only 54.8 percent on a placebo did so. Furthermore, bioresonance can also be an effective tool in treating fibromyalgia, asthma and chronic pain syndrome; conditions often caused by inflammation or pain-inducing chemicals.

Irritable tummy

Allergies are a serious health condition, affecting nearly everyone at some point or another. Allergy therapy offers an alternative treatment solution that may alleviate allergies and enhance quality of life. Non-invasive and with few to no side effects associated with treatment sessions, allergy therapy offers hope to many.

This noninvasive technique uses electrodes to detect energy frequencies within an individual’s cells and manipulate this data using an electronic device to treat health conditions without chemicals or medication. According to studies conducted, some researchers suggest it is just as effective as homeopathy and acupuncture treatments.

Bioresonance differs from traditional allergy treatments in that it can detect hidden allergens that could be contributing to your symptoms. Traditional allergy testing only looks for inhalation allergens; a bioresonance therapist can identify and treat other forms of allergies as well. Furthermore, it can identify fundamental energetic disorders like chronic toxic contamination and therapy blocks that need treating.

Bioresonance therapy is an effective means of treating allergies and other ailments, yet it should not replace traditional medicine; rather it should be used alongside other forms of therapy in order to achieve the best possible results for each individual. Furthermore, some people have even discontinued medication altogether after receiving bioresonance treatment.

Bioresonance therapy has many applications beyond treating allergies; it has also been found to provide relief for digestive and skin conditions as well as weight loss. A recent study demonstrated that people using this approach to quit smoking had greater success rates than those trying other approaches alone.

Irritable throat

Allergies can cause a range of throat symptoms, from coughing and hoarseness to difficulty swallowing. Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative therapy option that may reduce symptoms while helping prevent future flare ups. Unlike traditional allergy tests which only look at inhalable allergens, bioresonance identifies and treats all underlying causes for allergies; including toxicities in the body which trigger an allergic response.

Food allergies are another prevalent health problem that bioresonance therapy can effectively address. While they tend to be less severe than inhalation allergies, they still present uncomfortable symptoms and could pose potential serious health hazards. With bioresonance technology’s ability to identify which food items trigger reactions in our bodies and avoid them effectively, they may soon be eliminated as sources of discomfort and health risks.

BICOM optima bioresonance device uses electromagnetic spectral analysis to assess vibrational frequencies found within various substances in human bodies. It then transmits modified versions of these frequencies to our cells where they absorb them and convert into new electromagnetic energy.

Balance in cells helps eliminate allergies. This process is similar to scratching away a mosquito bite: at first it may feel better for a short while, but eventually inflammation worsens and becomes more uncomfortable. Therefore it’s essential that allergy sufferers address its source before it worsens further; bioresonance therapy offers safe and drug-free relief from allergies in their throat; nine non-controlled clinical studies provide solid proof that this method works.


Asthma is a complex condition affecting millions of people worldwide. It’s caused by our body mistaking certain foods for potential invaders and reacting strongly, often painfully and dangerously, when digested by our digestive tracts. Bioresonance therapy may provide relief by alleviating symptoms and helping restore balance to your system.

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes placed on your skin that connect to a machine which reads frequencies coming from your cells, then emits counteracting frequencies to restore balance in your body. The machine recognizes what frequencies mean and can identify exactly which area in which there may be discomfort in the body.

Bioresonance treatment often provides quick and lasting results for allergy sufferers. Some have even reported stopping their allergy medication altogether after receiving bioresonance treatment; bioresonance helps uncover and remove allergens causing their allergies so they no longer rely on medication as much.

Many patients report experiencing both reduced severity of symptoms and improved quality of life after participating in bioresonance therapy; however, it should be remembered that it has not undergone rigorous scientific scrutiny; hence it should only be used as an additional treatment approach alongside traditional medicines.
