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Bioresonance Therapy For Cancer

Bioresonance therapy uses energy fields of the body to harmonise them and can assist with many ailments, offering an integrative solution that addresses root causes rather than simply treating symptoms.

At present, clinical studies conducted with BICOM UK devices only involve allergy therapy; however, the technology is widely utilized elsewhere.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy (also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic medicine and vibrational healing) is an innovative, natural treatment with astounding results. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, Bioresonance can harmonize discordant body signals while speeding the healing process in organs – offering relief for allergies, chronic pain, stress and even cancer patients.

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Bioresonance technology operates under the assumption that every object, including human bodies, emit vibrations in the form of electromagnetic waves that can be measured and recorded using electronic devices. Bioresonance analyzes this data and separates healthy from unhealthy patterns within it – the latter are then fed back into your body while their informational value reversed or reduced, helping the body rid itself of unhealthy substances while restoring natural balance.

Health practitioners use the BICOM device as part of an integrative healthcare approach, often in conjunction with conventional treatments like surgery or chemotherapy. According to many practitioners, this device has proven highly successful with treating various conditions from arthritis and asthma to chronic fatigue syndrome – even helping decrease side effects from medications while strengthening overall immunity systems.

Therapists frequently recommend diet changes and nutritional supplements to strengthen immunity. Relaxation therapies like massage or acupuncture may also be suggested to ease tension.


Gwyneth Paltrow and Noel Edmonds are two celebrities known to have used the BICOM bioresonance device, with Paltrow writing an article for her lifestyle website GOOP about its effectiveness in treating Lyme disease and other ailments. According to her account, Paltrow describes it as a simple box that slows ageing, reduces pain, lifts depression/stress levels and even tackles cancer (!)

Bioresonance sessions vary between countries and are generally not covered by most statutory healthcare plans; however, some private insurers do offer coverage. Therapists frequently offer discounts for multiple sessions booked together or group bookings.

How is Bioresonance Therapy carried out?

Bioresonance therapy utilizes special machines to detect electromagnetic vibrations within the body and to play back frequencies that can help balance out imbalances, whether through skin contact or via an electromagnetic mat that covers all body areas. It works on the theory that all living organisms possess individual energy carriers in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns which vibrate harmoniously within healthy biological organisms while disharmoniously in diseased ones; Bioresonance is noninvasive treatment requiring no drugs or injections to operate effectively.

BRT (bioresonance therapy) uses devices that measure electromagnetic fields of humans to identify any imbalances causing illness or distress, transmitting this information into deepest areas of their bodies so they may restore themselves back into a balanced state. As this treatment is highly personalized, since information transmitted directly to them and can only be perceived by their bodies; results of BRT therapy are seen immediately without side effects or detrimental side effects.

Rebalancing energy may also increase immune function. A strong immune system may better combat viruses, bacteria, toxins, allergens, and other pathogens than an unbalanced one.

BRT is founded on radionics, an energy and information medicine technique created by Albert Abrams in the 1920s. Franz Morell then refined it further in the 1930s and 40s; as a result, today’s device for bioresonance therapy was also originally created by him.

For treating certain conditions, doctors use an electronic device selector connected to their computer and choose an effective nosode (such as stomach cancer) from a list. They record it onto sugar grains and give it to patients; it will destroy any tumor cells present. Furthermore, patients are provided with diets designed to accelerate healing as well as antioxidant supplements like vitamins C and E for strengthening immunity.

What are the results of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy operates under the assumption that all living things possess individual electromagnetic wave patterns as individual information carriers that vibrate harmoniously in healthy biological organisms and disharmoniously when diseased ones exist. Vibrations detected with special devices can then be reversed as needed through superimposing harmonic frequency patterns which correct pathological electromagnetic vibrations.

Bioresonance treatments typically last from 20-90 minutes and are painless. The first session entails basic therapy to restore energy balance while subsequent sessions address existing symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy has proven highly successful with patients. Most symptoms have been relieved or have even vanished completely in many instances, with some even being able to discontinue medications altogether.

Notably, it should be remembered that bioresonance cannot replace medication; rather it can act as an additional therapeutic strategy.

Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized as a preventative measure and therapeutic aid, providing benefits such as detoxifying your body of harmful toxins to improve immunity and increase its defenses against infection.

Bioresonance therapy may also be effective in treating psychological problems. It can improve emotional stability and ease tension. Furthermore, bioresonance may also be useful in treating chronic fatigue symptoms as well as alleviating fibromyalgia symptoms or back pain issues.

Of course, it would be inaccurate to claim that bioresonance can cure all illnesses. Human beings are complex beings with unique physical, emotional and social needs; no medical method will be able to assist everyone equally; yet the high success rates seen with bioresonance treatments offer hope to many patients.

What are the risks of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance Therapy has an impressive success rate and many animal patients – even hopeless ones – have been helped. It consists of noninvasive energy healing which balances electromagnetic waves in your body that could otherwise be harmful or unhealthy, using bioresonance to alter these frequencies to healthier ones for improved overall wellness.

Bioresonance scanners read the frequency patterns emitted by your cells to identify any breakdown in communication which may contribute to illness or disease, and identify what substances are preventing your cells from working optimally, so that toxins can be eliminated and restore your body’s natural ability for self-healing.

Bioresonance scanning uses acupuncture points to scan for this communication between cells. Once identified, any harmful frequencies are inverted so as to encourage them to break down toxins more efficiently while communicating more openly among themselves.

A typical session lasts 60 minutes and includes several therapy programs applied to the body, including detoxification, harmonizing blood and lymphatic flow, radiation contamination removal, scar interference elimination, strengthening immunity systems and other specialized programs.

Studies have not conclusively demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy as a cure for cancer; however, many oncology patients report finding it beneficial in supporting their treatments and providing relief from some side effects. It can also be combined with chemotherapy or radiotherapy treatments for maximum effectiveness.

Cancer requires that only fully trained and authorized bioresonance practitioners perform therapy; anything less would violate The Cancer Act 1939 and could have serious repercussions for the patient. We advise all those seeking bioresonance treatments for cancer to reach out to an authorized practitioner and inquire as to their training and experience prior to booking an appointment.


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