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Bioresonance Therapy for Cancer

bioresonance therapy for cancer


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to detect and correct imbalances within the body. This drug-free therapy aims to aid natural healing processes while simultaneously eliminating disease-causing substances from its system. Furthermore, unlike many alternative therapies, Bioresonance has few if any adverse side effects compared with others; plus it helps patients avoid harmful pharmaceutical treatments altogether.

Bioresonance therapy has long been used as an integrative health practice and is becoming more and more popular as an alternative form of treatment for allergies, stomach pain and depression. Although its scientific backing remains limited, practitioners claim its success at combatting cancer and strengthening immunity systems. Although scientific proof may not exist to back its use yet it continues to gain popularity as an alternative therapy solution.

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Bioresonance treatment uses an electronic device which monitors waves of energy produced naturally by the body to assess its health, then transmits appropriate electromagnetic frequencies directly through electrodes to patients. Furthermore, this treatment offers the capability of identifying substances harmful to one’s well-being.

Bioresonance can also be used to enhance the efficiency of conventional medicines. According to studies, this technique has the ability to decrease both medication intake and adverse side effects caused by drugs used. Furthermore, this information on disease origins can provide data useful in diagnosing and treating illnesses.

Sessions typically last 20-40 minutes and are extremely relaxing for patients. While undergoing treatment, patients can sit or lie back and listen to soothing music as a treatment is administered. A session may help relieve stress by targeting the limbic system of the brain; in addition to relieving side effects from chemotherapy and radiation by alleviating muscle and joint ache and pain relief.

Although mainstream medicine has disapproved of bioresonance therapy, its rise has been observed in recent years. Social media, wellness blogs and personal testimonials have contributed to its rise. Many find the noninvasive and painless process easy to incorporate into their daily schedule; some report relief after even one session!

Side Effects

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated to offer relief from stress, pain and fatigue as an additional approach within a wellness plan. However, bioresonance should not replace conventional medical treatments in cases requiring evidence-based care – instead it should complement them rather than replacing them entirely.

Bioresonance employs an electromagnetic wave device that sends electromagnetic waves into your body and reads them to detect imbalances, while also giving your practitioner insight into how your energy impacts overall health. With this data in hand, they create a customized treatment plan tailored specifically to you based on individual needs and health concerns; their monitoring services will keep an eye on progress while making adjustments when necessary.

Franz Morell, widely considered to be the “father” of bioresonance therapy, developed the Mora Nova device. A German doctor with long experience in electro-acupuncture, Morell invented an electronic device in 1977 which measured and transmitted electromagnetic frequencies based on his belief that meridians appear as electric fields within our bodies.

Bioresonance treatment differs from homeopathy in that it doesn’t contain any active ingredients; instead it only looks for electromagnetic residues of substances that might still exist in your body and trigger physiological responses within your immune system.

Devices used in this type of therapy claim to diagnose diseased internal organs and normalize electromagnetic wave emissions, as well as treat cancer; however, such claims have yet to be proven and the American Cancer Society advises cancer patients not to seek treatments from these devices.

As part of your treatment, you’ll hold onto electrodes attached to a device while it performs an in-depth body scan and energetic resonance assessment. Your practitioner may also utilize voice analyzer technology. Expect questions during your session from them about when symptoms appeared and their impact.

As part of their treatment process, practitioners will assess various elements, such as hormone imbalances and emotional factors which may be playing a part in your symptoms. You will be encouraged to provide feedback throughout, so your practitioner knows which components are supporting and hindering healing processes.


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