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Bioresonance Therapy – How it Can Help You

Bioresonance therapy has grown increasingly popular due to success stories shared by those who have had it work for them. It’s an alternative treatment without drugs that can provide relief for various maladies.

Energy medicine using BICOM machines offers an energy therapy treatment which eliminates disharmonic pathological frequencies and amplifies healthy harmonic ones; additionally, this therapy may remove parasites from the body.

Allergies & Intolerances

Allergies & intolerances can be extremely frustrating and severely impact your quality of life. Intolerance to certain foods, for instance, can lead to digestive issues, skin disorders and emotional disturbances; symptoms could include runny nose, itchy eyes, headaches or fatigue. Bioresonance therapy offers noninvasive diagnostic and treatment therapy solutions that may help identify the root causes of allergies or intolerances; it works on the principle that every cell emits an electromagnetic field which communicates between cells – any harmful substances or pathological processes disrupt communication among cells causing disruptions between them causing these conditions to manifest as symptoms in one way or another.

To detect disturbances, the BICOM bioresonance system is utilized. This device captures oscillations of your electromagnetic field that controls biochemical processes and distinguishes them into healthy and unhealthy frequencies; while its internal filters enable it to boost healthy frequencies while cancelling out unfavorable ones.

Food intolerance testing can be particularly useful for detecting food intolerances and balancing immune systems and metabolisms. Furthermore, drug allergy or intolerance testing is highly effective at identifying any allergic responses such as herbal supplements, pharmaceutical drugs, hormones or vaccines; while dosage determination allows physicians to ensure the appropriate medicine dosage is used on each patient without being too strong or weak.

BICOM can detect various toxins present in your body, such as heavy metals, mycoses, amalgam (teeth fillings) and environmental poisons. Furthermore, this device is capable of detecting inflammatory diseases like rheumatism or colitis as well as parasites and fungi present.

The BICOM can also be used to assess your stress level caused by environmental conditions and loss of energy due to imbalanced chakras, geopathy (geometric and geo radiations), scars or electrosmog. Furthermore, this device tests assimilation of vitamins, minerals and oligo-elements, along with balance between your two cerebral hemispheres.

Digestive & Skin Problems

As its name implies, BICOM is an electromagnetic bioresonance device that uses information gathered from your body’s cells and other substances to identify any imbalances in your energy field. With electrodes touching skin or magnetic electrodes attached to clothing, this system assesses energy wavelengths from within your body before counteracting bad frequencies to restore equilibrium for maximum wellbeing.

Each cell emits its own electromagnetic field that can be detected by the BICOM device, as well as those generated from substances like toxins, metals and bacteria. Once detected by the BICOM, these signals can then be converted into frequency patterns which can help treat symptoms – healthy cells produce harmonious positive waves while harmful ones produce disharmonious negative waves which the BICOM can separate into healthy and disharmonious components that can either be amplified to strengthen normal functions or inverted to counterbalance harmful ones that were stressing energetic systems – much like waves deflected by rocks on beaches which flatten their next arrivals like waves deflected by rocks deflecting onto beaches flattens the next wave coming incoming!

Toxins may cause cells to release hormones that do not fit with your body’s natural processes and ultimately have an impact on how you feel. Therapists use the BICOM to identify and correct such disturbances.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy lasting one hour that will leave you feeling revitalized and better than before. Some patients require multiple follow up treatments in order to maintain an equilibrium state within their bodies; other times a few sessions is enough.

At times, side effects from naturopathy sessions, such as tiredness or headache, may arise; this should be seen as positive signs and is an indicator that your body is receiving and processing the information provided by BICOM. If this concerns you, speak with your naturopathic therapist prior to scheduling an appointment to reduce their likelihood.

Stress & Anxiety

The technology works on the principle that our bodies emit energy in the form of measurable wavelengths. When these are at healthy frequencies, everything remains normal, however toxins from everyday life and poor diet can disrupt this balance and cause numerous health issues. The German-designed bicom bioresonance device helps restore this equilibrium scientifically to restore natural balance to our bodies.

Bioresonance therapy, used alongside existing medications and therapies, has been reported to enhance depression symptoms while relieving anxiety, arthritis and migraine headaches. Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle website GOOP features an article about bioresonance helping Lyme disease patients manage symptoms more effectively while TV presenter Noel Edmonds claims the device slows aging processes while relieving pain, stress and depression – and even combatting cancer!

Bioresonance is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electrodes placed directly onto the skin. The device scans and checks energy wavelengths produced by your body to identify imbalances and potential health problems, with filters that separate beneficial from detrimental frequencies – similar to noise cancelling headphones – providing therapeutic oscillations which feed back into patients to restore harmony to their lives.

Bicom bioresonance devices not only detect imbalances but can also test for food intolerances and sensitivities. A practitioner can program frequencies associated with various foods into the device before transmitting these to their client and measuring their response in order to see which frequencies resonated with them.

The results of analysis can be used to pinpoint foods which could be contributing to symptoms experienced by clients and make recommendations accordingly. Sometimes therapists may recommend supplements which will correct imbalances and assist the body’s natural healing processes; additionally, this therapy has also been reported as helping clients deal with stress and anxiety by identifying any underlying issues which may be contributing to these conditions.

Smoking Cessation

Smoking can have serious repercussions for one’s health and lead to serious conditions like lung cancer, erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. Unfortunately, smoking can also be an addictive habit which makes quitting difficult; if these methods fail, bioresonance therapy could provide an alternative that has an success rate of 70%- 90%!

German technology designed to regulate your body’s disturbed energy patterns and retune them back into a healthy harmonic frequency that supports vibrant health is used. Everything within you emits electromagnetic frequencies with specific wavelengths.

The BICOM device collects these wavelengths and records them to create an “energy picture” of your state of being. Every substance has a set of frequencies which can be identified and recorded by this device; reverse frequencies then return back into your body where they help cancel out negative frequency patterns to restore health in an organic state, helping your body back towards natural functioning before becoming addicted to nicotine.

As part of an hour and a half session, you will bring in your last cigarette and place it in a special beaker so the BICOM machine can read its frequencies. This session activates your body’s detoxification system to flush nicotine and its associated toxins through kidneys, skin and liver; the process is fast, gentle, and painless.

BICOM bioresonance device has been utilized by healthcare providers for more than 25 years with great success and safety for patients of all types. Reversed frequencies are administered using electrode mats or magnetic electrodes placed over light clothing; no side effects were noted during an intensive controlled study with 190 smokers; this reversal will allow your body to release nicotine memory faster, helping you quit for good!
