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Bioresonance Therapy Machine

Bioresonance scans use frequencies that match the natural vibrations of each cell to identify what may be contributing to a patient’s symptoms, similar to how striking a tuning fork causes piano strings with its frequency to vibrate.

This information can then be utilized to restore a harmonious interaction among cells, as well as assisting the body’s self-healing mechanisms by eliminating disruptive or stressful information.

AmpCoil device

The AmpCoil is an array of scientifically tested technologies designed to restore equilibrium to the body at a sub-cellular level. This device uses PEMF, frequency delivery and special software to form an effective home wellness solution. A modified Tesla coil delivers frequencies which tune back cells’ resonances for improved harmony and homeostasis – safe and noninvasive solution perfect for pain relief, detoxification or emotional balance.

At home, setting up the AmpCoil is easy and straightforward. Simply plug it into a power outlet and connect it to your tablet via its auxiliary cable; select your session, press play, and relax or lie down while the coil emits soothing sounds and vibrations – leaving you feeling relaxed yet revitalized after every session!

AmpCoil therapy can assist your immune system in eliminating parasites, pathogens and other stressors from your body. Stressors like toxins, heavy metals and microbes cause the body to vibrate at out-of-balance frequencies; using Amp Coil acts like a tuning fork by tuning body frequencies towards those which reflect homeostasis.

The AmpCoil features an internal tone generator which plays frequencies associated with Rife and Hulda Clark, as well as pre-programmed “Journeys” for organs, nutrition, microbes, metals, and toxins. Furthermore, voice analysis biofeedback through its BetterGuide app determines your personal vibrational tones.

The AmpCoil is an excellent solution for those concerned about the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs. Safe for everyone, this device can help balance energy throughout your body and is particularly beneficial for chronic conditions like Lyme disease or other autoimmune conditions. Plus it comes at an economical price – perfect for budget conscious consumers!


Electrodes have many applications, from cardiac electrocardiograms (ECGs) to electrical muscle stimulation. Electrodes come in many shapes and sizes but all share one characteristic – conductivity. Most electrodes consist of different constituents including active materials which oxidize or reduce particles, conductive agents to increase conductivity, and binding agents which keep everything together.

Bioresonance therapy relies on electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged organs or cancer cells differing from healthy ones, which can be detected using an electrical device. Once detected, frequencies that correspond with these electromagnetic fluctuations are used to cancel out diseased signals and restore normal oscillations – although this therapy has yet to be proven effective and Food and Drug Administration officials have prosecuted bioresonance device sellers who made unsubstantiated health claims regarding them.

The Advertising Standards Authority upheld complaints against a clinic which claimed bioresonance therapy could treat conditions including “weight and digestive issues, bloating; heart conditions; arthritis joint pain; back pain; diabetes; skin issues rashes Psoriasis Eczema Acne Sinus Headaches Migraines Depression Anxiety Fatigue Sleeping issues.” However, none of their practitioners were medically qualified to offer such treatments.

Impedimetric biosensing performance depends on many variables, including geometry of the electrode-skin interface, distance to reference electrode and ohmic effects. Furthermore, it is vital that offset voltage across electrode-skin interface does not change significantly during defibrillation impulse and remains below 300mV at least five seconds post discharge.

Microelectrode systems offer enhanced sensor performance, and are less dependent on reference electrodes than conventional electrodes. Still, it is crucial that reference electrodes be utilized so as to maintain stable and reproducible results, and for any electrodes generating significant heat such that artifacts don’t form or measurement noise increases are minimized.

Frequency analysis

Frequency analysis is a way of looking at signals through their various frequency components. This allows you to see which parts are responsible for specific impulses within a signal and can give valuable insight into its structure and properties, providing useful knowledge regarding its temporal changes as well as potential causes. Furthermore, it’s useful for finding peak and minima points within signals.

Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies measured in Hertz to detect substances, whether living or inanimate, that vibrate at different rates. When detected, bioresonance can match their vibrational patterns with those stored within your body to try and harmonize any discordant frequencies and send back electromagnetic impulses that weaken and balance them out.

Bioresonance goes beyond simply analyzing our energy fields; it can also be used to treat specific medical conditions. For example, it can help treat allergies by changing how allergens communicate their information to our body – this helps neutralize them without side effects occurring. It may also treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants function within it – however scientific proof for its efficacy remains limited.

At each session, electrodes are placed on the body to record its electromagnetic frequencies and feed these into a machine that “reads” these signals. From there, a machine can identify what each frequency means and use this knowledge to help heal your body; for example if imbalances arise in liver cells it can emit counterfrequencies to correct them; this approach has proven very successful when combined with nutritional therapy treatments or similar interventions.


Bioresonance is an alternative medicine approach that utilizes electromagnetic waves to detect and treat imbalances within the human body, in an attempt to restore biochemical equilibrium and promote self-healing. The process is noninvasive, painless and safe – simply placing electrodes on the skin connected to an electromagnetic machine which sends electromagnetic signals; once received by this machine it then reads back its information from this signal back through electrodes attached to skin electrodes to check its strength or clarity – when healthy bodies return clear signals; otherwise weak or confused signals indicate potential issues within.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that each cell in our bodies has its own magnetic or biomagnetic field, which when out of balance can lead to disease and symptoms – similar to placing a magnet over paper and watching it rearrange itself – bioresonance aims to restore balance by reseting this magnetic field.

Researchers have suggested that bioresonance may be effective for treating allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, and smoking cessation; however, evidence for its efficacy remains limited and most studies were not controlled. Still, many practitioners swear by its effectiveness despite lack of scientific backing – however it should be remembered that this therapy doesn’t cure diseases nor replace conventional therapies like pharmaceutical medications.

Notably, bioresonance devices are not FDA-approved; therefore the claims made by practitioners do not have scientific backing. Some of the studies submitted in support of bioresonance treatment were either not peer-reviewed or did not provide enough detail for methodology and results – violations of advertising regulations in both the US and UK.

Bioresonance therapy machines on the market follow similar principles. Their primary difference lies in their frequency of electromagnetic signal used – specifically designed to resonate with pathogens and kill them off. Some devices utilize frequencies from Hulda Clark and Royal Rife while others employ various frequencies; it is essential that any bioresonance equipment you buy complies with MHRA guidelines, so as not to compromise your own health in any way.
