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Bioresonance Therapy Training

All living and nonliving objects, including you, resonate at specific frequencies. Modern biophysics has revealed that these frequencies can be detected with bioresonance equipment.

Many holistic health practitioners incorporate bioresonance therapy into their services, providing skilled practitioners the ability to use an integrative bioenergetic approach that weaves nutrition, supplements and lifestyle modifications together in an overall wellness package.

How it Works

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive method for treating many disorders that relies on the theory that healthy cells emit different electromagnetic wavelengths than unhealthy ones. These electromagnetic waves are then reflected back to a practitioner using special equipment and used to determine which frequencies are out of balance and send healing waves back into the body – similar to electrodermal testing (also known as BIT or vibrational medicine).

Although critics may highlight a lack of large scientific studies supporting bioresonance therapy, there are plenty of anecdotal reports which demonstrate its efficacy. Additionally, this practice is very safe and can complement other treatment methods well.

At each session, the practitioner will place electrodes on your skin which feed into a machine that monitors electromagnetic energy coming from your body and detects frequencies related to diseases or imbalances, from viruses and bacteria through heavy metals and environmental pollutants.

Once the device detects an offending frequency, it records and sends your body an inverted version of that frequency in order to cancel it out and restore balance in its natural state, increasing overall functioning and speeding up its self-healing processes.

Overall, holistic approaches to treating health conditions have proven extremely successful and provide relief for a range of afflictions – especially issues such as autoimmune diseases, chronic sinusitis and cancer.

Bioresonance therapy is often used to treat leaky gut syndrome, in which your small intestine becomes damaged and allows undigested food particles, toxic waste products and bacteria into the bloodstream, leading to inflammation that may manifest as stomach aches, diarrhea, fatigue or brain fog.

Bioresonance therapy will strengthen your intestinal lining and enhance overall health, as well as provide nutritional advice and supplements to get back on track. The sessions typically last 1-3 hours each and include advice for improved intestinal health as part of this holistic healing approach.


Bioresonance equipment records electromagnetic waves emanating from cells, tissues and organs to measure fluctuations of electromagnetic waves in the human body. Electrodes placed on the skin record these fluctuations with electrodes connected to electrodes placed directly on them; abnormal fluctuations can then be changed through electrode inversion; then sent back as therapeutic vibration sequences back into patient’s system thereby relieving stressor signals while providing stronger regulation mechanisms and detoxification capabilities within your own system.

As it works at a causal level, this technology can help with conditions ranging from fibromyalgia, cancer, allergies and asthma to recovery after hard training or quitting smoking. It is particularly well suited for identifying causes rather than simply treating symptoms of health problems.

An appointment starts by asking why you’re visiting them and detailing how their bioresonance device will assess your condition. At your appointment, you will remain fully clothed while either sitting or lying down, connected to various parts of the device via different points on your body. After taking these measurements, any jewellery, clips, or watches that interfere with readings will need to be removed before running tests using their bioresonance device.

At each test, your therapist will use specific energy frequencies to send energy waves through your body. A machine then reads out this vibration sequence and evaluates your condition based on it, creating a treatment plan for any conditions identified during these evaluations.

Bioresonance technology operates under the same basic principle as Applied Kinesiology, founded by George Goodheart in the 1960s. Goodheart discovered that muscle strength could be altered by touching certain points on the body linked to different areas of energy systems in the body; bioresonance leverages this knowledge with modern electronic measurement devices in order to find and correct imbalances within an individual’s system, in turn strengthening natural healing capabilities of their own bodies.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, gentle form of medicine without harmful side effects. It operates on the principle that all cells and substances possess their own individual frequency signature, making biophysical impulses capable of altering these frequencies to address those that affect individual cells rather than just treating symptoms of disorders. This allows bioresonance therapy practitioners to treat both causes as well as symptoms simultaneously.

Bioenergetic stress caused by toxins, heavy metals and environmental pollutants can disrupt your cellular energy, making regular detoxification essential. Ionized water, colon cleanse, liver and kidney support supplements as well as bioresonance therapy are among many effective means for detoxifying.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself extremely useful when combined with pain management techniques for many types of chronic pain, due to its ability to address its source on an energetic level. Furthermore, this form of therapy has proven its worth for conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma allergies and autoimmune diseases as well as faster recoveries following hard training or quitting smoking among many other health concerns.

Bioresonance therapy was put through rigorous comparative tests in this study, where participants were exposed to various combinations of programs for one month that were identical save for their treatment order – such that participants could not distinguish between active and simulated bioresonance therapy.

Results revealed that bioresonance therapy had significantly higher success rates than placebo therapy at helping participants to stop smoking, reduce stress levels and decrease overall anxiety levels.

Not to be mistaken with bioresonance therapy being an overnight fix or cure, bioresonance must not be seen as an alternative treatment option but should instead work in tandem with conventional medical approaches for optimal health outcomes. Bioresonance may not help alleviate severe psychological trauma as its negative impacts could potentially cause harm.


Bioresonance therapy can provide relief for an array of symptoms and conditions, from allergies and digestive disorders to pain management and stress relief. By helping rebalance the body and heal from within, this alternative therapy has become increasingly popular and often offered by complementary medicine clinics. Although not covered by the NHS, bioresonance is becoming an increasingly sought-after practice that many offer for free as part of complementary medicine practices.

At each session, electrodes are attached to the skin and connected to an energy wavelength machine known as a Bicom device. This machine detects imbalanced electromagnetic waves within the body and emits counterbalancing frequencies to restore energetic equilibrium – such as increasing frequencies that are considered healthy or inverting those that are considered unhealthy. Harmful substances detected by this diagnostic tool include non-tolerated foods, viruses and bacteria; chemicals, heavy metals and pesticides; as well as toxic residues on teeth.

When given the appropriate stimulus, cells and tissues respond by counteracting any negative effects caused by toxins or imbalanced frequencies, leading to biochemical reactions which reverse negative impacts from these toxins or frequencies and ultimately decrease or even eliminate symptoms associated with disorders like allergies – with experienced bioresonance therapists reporting 80-90% success rates in treating such disorders as allergies; but bioresonance therapy alone will not treat an illness; instead a good therapist would never encourage their clients to disregard medical advice in favor of bioresonance therapy alone.

As with any treatment, when experiencing symptoms or conditions that are serious it’s always wise to consult professional medical advice. Luckily bioresonance works in harmony with conventional medicine and many therapists work closely with doctors for holistic healing approaches.

If you’re curious about bioresonance therapy treatments, contact a therapist near you who offers this service in order to obtain an estimate of its costs. In general, this therapy tends to be more cost-effective than other forms of treatments and could provide great ways to support overall health and wellbeing without using needles or chemicals as part of treatment regimen.
