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Bioresonance Therapy Training

Bioresonance Therapy is an emerging holistic healthcare practice. Practitioners that specialize in acupuncture and other healing modalities are increasingly offering this therapy as part of their treatments to their clients.

Bioresonance devices are used to scan the body for electromagnetic frequencies that have been disrupted due to toxins, allergens or other imbalances. Once complete, specific frequencies can be applied in order to help rebalance it and help restore equilibrium within it.

Getting Started

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative holistic healing practice, targeting the source of health issues rather than simply relieving symptoms. This non-invasive therapy works by harmonizing energy fields within the body to create balance and can be applied to many ailments such as stress, allergies, autoimmune diseases and food intolerances.

During a session, electrodes are attached to your body and connected to a bioresonance machine that assesses electromagnetic frequencies in your body. Once assessed, bad frequencies are countered with good ones to restore optimal balance within your system. Sessions typically last 30-60 minutes.

Finding a qualified bioresonance practitioner is essential. Take into account their location, training and experience as well as scheduling availability when selecting one. The ideal practitioner will be able to answer any queries regarding bioresonance therapy procedures as well as offer guidance tailored specifically for you and suggest any supplementary therapies which might prove useful alongside bioresonance therapy.

Some individuals experience results after only one session of bioresonance therapy; while for others it may require multiple sessions before seeing results. A journal or diary is an invaluable way to track your progress and monitor any improvements that arise; staying in communication with your practitioner throughout will ensure the best possible results are reached.

Bioresonance therapy can be an invaluable aid when it comes to diagnosing and managing allergies. By using low-level electromagnetic frequencies to expose the body to allergens, bioresonance therapy helps desensitise immune systems and decrease allergic responses. Furthermore, this technique has also proven successful at identifying food intolerances without needing medication treatments.

Getting Certified

Becoming certified bioresonance therapy practitioners enables holistic practitioners to offer this powerful non-invasive therapy option to their patients. Bioresonance scans can detect health issues missed by traditional medical tests and therapies, making this an increasingly popular approach among acupuncture specialists and other practitioners who specialize in alternative medicine; additionally it may even enhance conventional treatments like chemotherapy and surgery by augmenting results.

Bioresonance certification begins by enrolling in a course offered by an institute that specializes in this form of alternative healing therapy. Courses usually provide participants with all of the knowledge needed to begin practicing this form of therapy professionally, often within weeks and at reasonable costs.

Once bioresonance training is complete, therapists can move forward to purchasing their BICOM device. There are various varieties available and it is important that they choose one compatible with the services they intend to offer their clients – some devices only support specific treatments while others can be programmed for any imbalance that is present.

Therapists can then begin working with their clients, helping them identify and remedy imbalances within the body. This may be done using devices such as the BICOM device to target specific organs like liver or colon. In addition, it may help balance energy systems resulting in stress reduction and an enhanced mood for clients.

As with other holistic treatments, bioresonance therapy must be understood in its limitations as an approach. While it can relieve many symptoms and improve quality of life for many patients, certain issues can thwart its positive results, including difficult childhood or abusive relationships or chronic frustration with work and family responsibilities. It’s important for therapists to keep this in mind when offering this therapy to clients.

Choosing an Institute

Bioresonance Therapy training emphasizes rebalancing and reeducating the body towards health. This method can be used to treat various ailments including allergies, digestive issues, stress fatigue and chronic pain as well as strengthening its self-healing capacities.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic vibrations to restore natural equilibrium between organs and structures within the body. No chemicals or harmful side effects are used with this technique, making it safe and gentle enough for all ages. When choosing a practitioner it is crucial that they have undergone extensive training programs and possess enough experience.

Bioresonance Feedback Therapy is an innovative, scientifically validated therapy with impressive clinical results. Based on the principle that all living systems – including your body – possess an energy signature or vibrational frequency; healthy systems have higher frequencies than unhealthy cells; therefore this bioenergetic approach seeks to restore normal physiologic regulation through directly measured subliminal physiological information which is processed by equipment and sent back into your system.

Bioresonance offers an alternative approach to healthcare that incorporates both physical and energetic elements of wellness. When receiving treatments, patients connect to an electronic device which measures imbalances in physiologic electrical resistance levels to a small galvanic current; this information is then processed electronically by a computer system.

The software identifies and records electromagnetic waves with various frequencies and amplitudes, then converts these measurements to specific bio-electromagnetic impulses that stimulate the body into entering its natural resonance state.

MORA bioresonance device has been demonstrated as effective in smoking cessation (Pihtili, Galle). A study reported that patients treated with this non-pharmacological method in combination with hypnosis and nicotine replacement therapy enjoyed the highest success rates at quitting and remaining abstinent; even for those who had tried other forms of quitting smoking before but been unsuccessful; possibly due to synergistic effects between therapies producing positive results.


Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive alternative medicine technique which aims to balance and harmonise energy fields within the body and improve overall health. Proponents believe it can treat conditions such as allergies, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances and stress related ailments; often used alongside conventional medical therapies to enhance their efficacy.

Practitioners interested in providing this service must receive appropriate training. A training course covering both theoretical and practical aspects of using equipment should be provided, with a BICOM device serving as the main device with several attachments available depending on what conditions need treating. An AMP coil, for instance, helps restore natural energy frequencies in the body after they have been disrupted due to factors like heavy metals, other toxins or high levels of stress.

The AMP coil can also be an invaluable asset in treating allergies, particularly food-based ones. It works by exposing patients to electromagnetic frequencies produced by allergens that desensitise and diminish their response. Furthermore, this technology also has applications in chronic pain treatment – rather than simply prescribing addictive medication, this approach can help identify root causes for discomfort while providing effective treatment plans.

Bioresonance sessions typically involve clients being seated or lying on a treatment bed, connected to the machine (e.g. with wrist and ankle bands or probes) and speaking directly with their practitioner. More sophisticated systems allow remote sessions; here the client provides their bio-sample such as hair to the practitioner via telephone or Skype before being scanned for analysis. Sessions generally last between half and two hours.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool in relieving symptoms associated with many illnesses and may even eliminate them completely. However, as it’s not a panacea and its efficacy ultimately depends on other psychological and social considerations, it should be combined with holistic methods such as acupuncture or herbal remedies for optimal results.
