Each healthy cell in your body resonates at specific frequencies; unhealthy cells and organs have different resonance patterns.
Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive energy therapy. It uses frequency analysis to identify and change any unhealthy frequency patterns within your body, supporting natural healing processes while being painless and safe.
Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive, drug-free therapy designed to stimulate the body’s natural healing processes. This holistic approach addresses root causes of symptoms by correcting energy imbalances identified during diagnostic testing, providing another tool in addition to surgeries or pharmaceutical drugs as a form of medical therapy. When selecting a practitioner trained in bioresonance therapy it is crucial that one finds one that has adequate experience within this field.
Every healthy cell in your body possesses its own electro-magnetic resonance and frequency pattern in the form of wavelengths. Unhealthy cells and organs emit altered frequencies due to DNA damage, disrupting healthy resonance levels among other healthy cells and impeding self-healing mechanisms in your body. Bioresonance therapy detects and mitigates toxic stressors by inverting their frequencies, enabling cells to communicate more naturally between each other once more and restoring your body’s innate healing potential.
Your practitioner will use various devices to assess the signals being sent from your organs and tissues, in order to detect any anomalies in their electromagnetic fields and provide a report about your health status. From here, your therapist can suggest an individualised treatment plan designed to restore energy flow balance in your system.
Bioresonance therapy provides an alternative treatment option that emphasizes self-regulation and natural healing processes, with bioresonance therapy helping identify food or non-food intolerances and promote healthier diets. Furthermore, it’s useful in managing chronic pain associated with musculoskeletal conditions like fibromyalgia or rheumatoid arthritis.
The number of sessions required will depend on both the severity of your condition and response to therapy, but most people see significant benefits after just a few sessions while others may need more. It has proven successful for treating conditions as diverse as fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, depression, asthma and allergies; helping you quit smoking/drinking as well as relieving rheumatic pain; plus it’s safe for all ages – including unborn fetuses! Some individuals may experience short-term tiredness/thirst/feeling sleepyness/loose stools/headaches after treatments; all normal side effects that should subside shortly.
Bioresonance therapy was pioneered in Germany in 1977 as a noninvasive, painless and safe technology that recognises and adjusts unhealthy frequency patterns within the body, activating natural self-healing mechanisms to support healing processes and produce lasting results. Bioresonance can even address chronic issues by targeting their source.
This process utilizes a machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies. These frequencies travel throughout your body, and if there are any energy disturbances they detect them and identify them before applying specific frequencies to cancel out negative frequencies and bring your body back into balance. It’s a quick and painless treatment process so you can remain relaxed throughout treatment.
Due to these changes, you may experience a temporary worsening of symptoms (known as initial aggravation). Naturopathy regards this phenomenon as positive: your body is mobilizing its resources in an attempt to heal itself.
Bioresonance therapy has multiple applications in medicine and wellness; from treating fibromyalgia to autoimmune diseases and allergies to sports injuries. Bioresonance can help alleviate smoking addiction and decrease your toxicity load while alleviating environmental stressors by encouraging self-regulation and increasing your body’s natural ability to heal itself.
Qest4 Bioresonance Therapy is an innovative system designed to detect imbalances within your cells. Based on the proven principle that all matter emits electromagnetic waves known as resonance frequencies that can be detected and altered using the BICOM device for improved health – similar to EEG or EMG technologies used by doctors or naturopaths.
Bioresonance treatment is suitable for patients of all ages and is safe for pregnant women, babies, or sensitive people. However, pacemakers or medication may interfere with bioresonance treatment; its Health Scan evaluates more than 30 categories related to your health and wellness including chromosomes, hormones, diet and more. We advise booking an initial 60-minute consultation prior to bioresonance appointments so we can interpret results accurately; note that new patients must complete intake/consent forms before their bioresonance session begins.
Bioresonance is an holistic approach to healthcare that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify and treat diseases and imbalances. Since bioresonance is noninvasive and does not cause side effects, it can be used alongside traditional therapies or as an energetically supportive supplement in helping the body heal more quickly.
Each cell in your body emits its own resonance frequency based on any DNA damage it has sustained, including illness or poor diet-induced DNA damage. A bioresonance scanner detects these frequencies and helps restore them, also providing you with insight into any food or environmental intolerances you might have, helping you create a healthier lifestyle.
Many individuals report experiencing the benefits of bioresonance treatment within three sessions, due to how it interacts directly with energy frequencies in your body and addresses imbalances quickly and safely. Furthermore, bioresonance promotes your body’s natural healing capacity – offering a safer alternative than medical procedures for treating illnesses and injuries.
At each session, you will lay on an electromagnetic mat that covers your spine. After being fitted with the BICOM device, your practitioner will run various therapy programs that change your biological information so it resonates with healing frequencies that it plays back into your body and stimulates immunity to eliminate pathogens and unwanted substances from your system.
BICOM device offers an effective means of detecting harmful toxins and bacteria in your body, parasites, and any unwanted organisms that could pose threats. Furthermore, this device tests for other factors including hormones, chromosomes, diet and diet patterns as well as hidden issues in your system such as low stomach acid which impedes absorption of healthy nutrients.
Selcuk University conducted a study that demonstrated bioresonance therapy’s success at helping cigarette smokers quit. 1272 participants attended their college’s Smoking Cessation Polyclinic for three 15-day bioresonance therapy sessions each, and reported high success levels after the third appointment.
Bioresonance therapy, an alternative, holistic therapy that doesn’t rely on harmful chemicals or invasive techniques, has become one of the most exciting therapies of our time. By employing frequencies to assist your body in identifying and correcting imbalances at a cellular level rather than masking symptoms with medication, bioresonance can provide long-term healing solutions rather than temporary solutions that simply mask symptoms temporarily.
Bioresonance therapy can be an ideal choice for those suffering from chronic health conditions that have failed to respond to traditional treatments, like bioresonance. By focusing on root causes and strengthening immunity, it can strengthen the body’s natural defenses against illness and help you avoid illness more easily.
Simply stated, how it works is quite straightforward – the machine emits a harmless electromagnetic frequency and your cells respond by emitting their own frequencies back. Healthy cells produce harmonious tones while toxic and stress-related cells produce different tones; then amplifying healthy frequencies while cancelling out unhealthy ones helps your body recognize and release any toxins or stress loads to restore self-regulating function and heal itself more efficiently.
Bioresonance also detects parasites hidden in your system that you might not even be aware of, while also helping identify low stomach acid which could be the source of digestive issues. Once identified, an appropriate course of treatment can be undertaken in order to address this problem.
Use it to assess whether you’re eating the right foods for your body; as this test can reveal whether or not your body is receiving all the essential vitamins and minerals from what you consume. Discover which food, drink and supplements are good for you while others should be avoided.
Subtle yet effective, aromatherapy offers a safe and gentle approach to treating allergies, strengthening immunity and warding off diseases. It is also effective at helping the body overcome depression, insomnia and chronic fatigue; pregnancy-safe aromatherapy sessions have also become popular treatments as it alleviates many pregnancy-related symptoms such as nausea and morning sickness. Please be aware that after sessions some individuals may experience temporary tiredness, thirst, headaches or loose stools due to detoxification taking place in their bodies.