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Bioresonance Ultrasound for Research

Biologially, our cells emit electromagnetic waves to communicate. Unfortunately, this communication can be interrupted by foods, metals, pollen and dental fillings – creating interference patterns. Bioresonance offers a method for correcting these disturbances.

Low-intensity continuous ultrasound (LICUS) has been extensively studied as a potential delivery mechanism and other medical applications, but its exact effect depends on factors like frequency, intensity, duration and duty cycle.


Bioresonance ultrasound scan is a noninvasive procedure used to identify and correct energy patterns within the body. These patterns may be caused by viruses, bacteria, metals in teeth, pollen, food and chemical pollutants – any of which could disrupt electromagnetic waves that your cells emit and potentially lead to disease. Bioresonance therapy can address interference patterns by correcting them to restore natural cellular harmony within your body.

This new technology employs a soft optoacoustic pad (SOAP) to convert photons into ultrasonic signals, creating focused ultrasonic waves with resolution of less than 0.01 mm; significantly better than the resolution offered by traditional lead zirconate titanate (PZT) transducers which typically produces focused ultrasonic waves at only about 0.1 mm resolution.

Researchers have developed an ultrasound system allowing individuals to use smartphones with special apps to capture images of their own bodies using Doppler ultrasound technology, helping individuals monitor and reduce costly, invasive procedures. Doppler ultrasound measures blood flow and heart rate using transmitting and receiving sound waves and viewing and analyzing them in real time as images can show blood moving through veins and arteries and help doctors detect inflammation – then saving the results as PDF files for later reference.

Elastography, another useful form of ultrasound imaging, measures relative stiffness across different tissues. It’s especially helpful in diagnosing liver fibrosis – an irreversible process in which scar tissue forms on and restricts liver function – and tumor differentiation from normal tissues; color-coded maps of stiffness or black-and-white images with high contrast images showing tumors are displayed on color maps for interpretation.

Functional ultrasound may also be utilized to enhance accumulation of drug-encased nanoparticles in targeted tissues, and increase their uptake into cells. Ultrasound radiation amplifies mechanical energy transporting these particles to their destination tissues for localized accumulation and increased uptake by cells, making this method suitable for noninvasive targeted cell-mediated chemotherapy and cancer immunotherapy applications.


Bioresonance ultrasound therapy is an entirely painless procedure and noninvasive in its nature, making it safe and effective treatment option. In fact, bioresonance therapy may even detect cancerous cells early and halt its spread! Unfortunately, however, bioresonance therapy may cause certain side effects; so prior to trying this form of therapy it’s wise to consult a physician first.

Bioresonance ultrasound technology operates under the assumption that unhealthy cells and organs produce electromagnetic waves with altered frequencies due to DNA damage, making detection possible, while returning these waves back to their regular frequencies can treat illness and improve immunity function. Accordingly, its proponents believe detecting such electromagnetic changes is key in diagnosing disease; using frequency changes back into their original frequencies as treatment can also detect toxins within the body as well as improve immune function.

Bioresonance scans utilize a special device to scan the meridians of your body and detect any imbalances which may be causing problems. It also finds substances like food types, chemicals and allergens which disrupt its natural equilibrium – these imbalances could potentially cause allergies or digestive issues among other symptoms.

While the results of a bioresonance scan do not serve as a replacement for medical advice, many find it useful in pinpointing issues and treating them. It can especially aid with diagnosing autoimmune disorders or conditions not easily identifiable through traditional means as well as suggesting changes to diet that could alleviate symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy can also detect parasites and bacteria in your body, allowing physicians to treat them before they progress into serious diseases. Furthermore, this therapy can identify any intolerance to cosmetics or biological additives as well as any genetic predisposition for certain conditions.

Although there is no concrete proof that bioresonance therapy can treat any particular medical condition, studies show positive results. Unfortunately, however, some claims made by its promoters are unsupported by scientific research and could potentially be detrimental. Some researchers have even been sued by the Federal Trade Commission for making misleading or false claims regarding bioresonance therapy. Regardless of these concerns, some people have found relief through this type of therapy from symptoms related to fibromyalgia as well as unexplained stomach pain from using it regularly.


Bioresonance is an alternative treatment method used to restore energetic balance in the body. It works by identifying frequency areas which have become imbalanced, and helping bring them back into balance. Bioresonance may be used alone or as part of conventional treatments depending on an individual’s needs.

Ultrasound (US) is an acoustic wave that transmits energy by compressing and rarefying medium particles, penetrating tissues while still needing physical support such as air or water to function correctly. Energy transmission occurs via compression-rarefaction waves with periods equal to or greater than the length of ultrasound transmission medium such as air or water, producing vibration energy at 20 m/s that increases with frequency while decreasing wavelength; US can often be found used for detection purposes or repair of wounds and fractures.

US waves can range in amplitude from zero to approximately 100dB – the range of human hearing. Transmission through skin may be possible as well, though this technique is less frequently employed for medical use; its use for non-medical purposes has become increasingly prevalent.

BICOM devices can help detect and eliminate parasites. As parasites can be difficult to treat with traditional antibiotics, bioenergetic therapy provides an effective and safe means of killing them off. Acupuncture also serves as a noninvasive, holistic treatment option.

The Advertising Standards Authority has conducted investigations of ads claiming bioresonance can treat various conditions. The claims include reading energy from cells in the body and their frequencies to provide insight into organ health – without providing any supporting studies or papers that provide evidence to back this claim up. It is therefore wise to locate an experienced practitioner familiar with bioresonance who understands when and how best to apply this technology.


There are various methods of therapeutic ultrasound research, including low-intensity continuous ultrasound (LICUS). This technique has been widely studied and proven safe. However, when designing such studies it’s essential to pay close attention to several design considerations.

In order to produce results, the acoustic beam must be precisely focused onto a desired area using either a single-channel transducer or multi-element transducer arrays with flexible focus options. Furthermore, intensity modulation may also be necessary depending on the needs of your particular study.

Bioresonance ultrasound devices utilize electrodes to “read” energy wavelengths emitted by your body, then manipulate these frequencies in order to help it heal itself. Unfortunately, evidence for this claim remains scarce – although one 2014 study did find that bioresonance therapy could reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia and lead to smoking cessation; however, researchers acknowledged that their experiment was small and uncontrolled.

Concerns have been expressed over claims made by manufacturers of bioresonance devices being misleading, as these devices are not approved by the Food and Drug Administration and should not be seen as medical treatments. Indeed, numerous venders of electrical devices for making unsubstantiated health claims were prosecuted by FDA officials; therefore they urge consumers to be wary of such claims before purchasing an electrical device for self-treatment purposes.

As ultrasound waves pass through the body, they interact with both cells and engineered nanoparticles used for drug delivery – known as ultrasound-mediated drug release. This interaction has the potential to overcome physiological barriers which limit effective drug delivery.

Ultrasound can be used to kill cancerous cells without harming surrounding tissues or normal cells, making HIFU particularly useful in targeting deep-seated tumors that cannot be removed surgically and also to stop their spread through lymph nodes.

Therapy of this nature offers numerous advantages, but should only be administered by trained scientists. Unfortunately, many fraudsters utilize this form of treatment and promise their patients false hope with unfeasible promises of curing cancer with this technology.
