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Bioresonance Ultrasound Therapy at the Vet

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive technique that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to balance discordant wavelengths. Studies have proven its efficacy for treating various conditions.

The Advertising Standards Authority investigated complaints that a clinic claimed bioresonance ultrasound could diagnose conditions including: weight and digestive issues such as bloating; arthritis back pain; heart conditions; skin issues/rashes and so forth.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses a bioresonance device to scan your body in less than 60 seconds and provide precise details about what’s wrong, from pinpointing its source to helping correct it. Bioresonance is a holistic diagnosis and treatment method designed to strengthen the body’s own healing powers by reading energy wavelengths from cells into visible frequencies visible on a computer screen interpreted by licensed therapists for interpretation and then treatment recommendation.

Utilising this device is similar to receiving an MRI, yet much safer and more comfortable. It can detect numerous issues, from spondylolisthesis to cancer. A bioresonance ultrasound therapist can then help each individual decide on the most appropriate treatments options available to them. Bioresonance ultrasound therapy has also proven its ability to increase quality-of-life for chronic disease sufferers as well as increase efficacy of drug therapies while simultaneously decreasing side effects associated with conventional therapies.

Researchers recently utilized the Mora Nova bioresonance device to measure electromagnetic oscillations in depressed patients, discovering that bioresonance therapy may improve conditions even without pharmaceutical drugs being taken by someone experiencing depression. Although promising, further study must take place in order to confirm these findings.

The Advertising Standards Authority recently conducted an investigation of claims by a company that bioresonance could treat various conditions from asthma and allergies to Crohn’s disease. As many studies cited by them were unpeer-reviewed and did not address their specific claims for treating conditions, the ASA determined these claims to be misleading as they failed to sufficiently disclose any associated risks of their product.

The FDA cautions consumers to be wary of unproven electrical devices claiming to diagnose or cure health conditions. Such devices operate under an untested theory that electromagnetic waves emitted by damaged organs and cancerous cells differ from healthy cells’. A device allegedly detects these differences and cancels out diseased signals through destructive wave interference; such claims have resulted in lawsuits being brought by consumers against these purported solutions.

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy at the vet is an innovative and holistic treatment method that can restore balance to your pet’s body. Non-invasive and painless, bioresonance can stimulate natural healing powers to assist with all sorts of issues from arthritis to allergies. Pet Therapy may even help ease anxiety and stress in your animal companions, using electromagnetic field theory that asserts our bodies are controlled by electromagnetic forces that are susceptible to being disrupted by certain conditions and diseases. Bioresonance employs an electro-acupuncture machine which emits low-frequency sound waves to stimulate specific points in your body, with no negative side effects unlike many conventional therapies. Furthermore, this process can even be completed from the comfort of your home!

Ultrasound (US) has long been used in medical applications; however, its clinical efficacy remains largely unproven due to a lack of scientifically designed controlled trials. Furthermore, many parameters related to US such as frequency intensity duration duty cycle wavelength and form can have an effect on how US interacts with tissues being treated.

Most therapeutic ultrasound applications involve the absorption of ultrasound energy that results in tissue heating to achieve specific therapeutic effects such as speeding wound healing, eliminating oedema or softening scar tissue. But some researchers believe non-thermal effects may also offer benefits and this area is currently the focus of research.

US therapy may also increase permeability of the blood-brain barrier (BBB). This may be beneficial in cases involving brain tumours where leaky BBBs allow passage of chemotherapy agents typically trapped by normal cell membranes. MRI can image such changes using T1-weighted, SE, or gradient-refocused echo pulse-echo sequences.

Bioresonance was one of the earliest applications of bioresonance to detect early-stage breast cancer using the BICOM device to identify abnormal wavelengths on a patient’s body. This technique proved highly successful at identifying stressors that contribute to early stage breast cancer development and could potentially prevent surgery or progression into later stages.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapeutic technique that uses electrodes to scan the body. A device then compares energy wavelengths from various parts of your body and checks whether they’re harmonious or not – providing bioresonance therapists with important data that allows them to diagnose and treat problems more accurately while also encouraging self-healing in individuals.

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated effective against various conditions, including allergies, rheumatic diseases, respiratory ailments and painful syndromes. Bioresonance therapy was successfully used in a clinical trial on 20 individuals suffering from psychosomatic disorders to both improve symptoms and alleviate stress, while also reducing edema and lymphatic drainage in their lower extremities. Bioresonance therapy has also proven its worth as an effective solution to digestive issues, chronic fatigue syndrome and smoking cessation. A German randomized controlled study on 190 smokers demonstrated Mora bioresonance therapy‘s success without any negative side effects.

Low-intensity ultrasound has been utilized in numerous therapeutic applications, from sonodynamic therapy involving sonsensitizer and its insonation (sonodynamic therapy), to amplifying chemotherapeutic molecules used for cancer therapy (ultrasound-mediated chemotherapy), sonoporation of cells directly, heating/healing bone tissues/tissue healing as well as antivascular action on tumor neovasculature; to bone/tissue heating/healing as well as tumor neovasculature. Literature on these applications consistently reports significant bioeffects of ultrasound due to thermal actions and inertial cavitation effects.

Recent research has demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy to treat moderate and mild episodes of recurrent depression in patients. When compared with monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), statistical significance indicated bioresonance therapy‘s greater effectiveness over SSRI medication; additionally, improvements were sustained over time – an essential finding given recurrent depression is one of the primary causes of disability and suicide worldwide.
