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Bioresonance Wiki

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Bioresonance therapy practitioners employ the BICOM(r) device to’resonate’ with the body by sending healing frequencies over electrodes and compensating for any pathogenic frequencies – much like tuning piano strings with a tuning fork.

Unproven form of therapy, though believed useful in allergy testing. Due to EU regulations therapists cannot make specific claims regarding treating diseases such as cancer.

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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive energy treatment based on quantum physics that utilizes frequencies emitted by physical objects to support healing in their respective bodies. According to quantum theory, all physical objects emit frequencies. Bioresonance therapy seeks to enhance this natural ability of self-healing in our bodies by reinforcing healthy signals while cancelling out pathogenic ones; furthermore it detoxifies and promotes healthier lifestyle choices.

Bioresonance sessions involve the patient in full clothing being connected to equipment through wrist and ankle bands or probes, then being exposed to frequencies emitted from the bioresonance device which are then interpreted and fed back to them via wrist/ankle bands/probes; their body then responds by altering certain cells/organs frequency in response. Any changes recorded by the machine and recorded as changes are recorded, along with producing a report outlining areas needing attention in their bodies.

BICOM is powered by a 12-volt battery which performs most of its processing prior to reaching its user, eliminating any chance of an electric shock and working at low frequencies that are safe for children and babies.

One study demonstrated how active bioresonance therapy provided greater relief than placebo from symptoms of depression, becoming particularly noticeable after one week and lasting much longer.

Bioresonance sessions typically last 30-60 minutes and costs vary between practitioners. Some may offer products like drops/spray, pills or creams for continued effects at home.

Numerous clinical, physical and organic studies have been completed that demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapy. It has proven useful for everything from allergies and rheumatic diseases to respiratory issues and painful syndromes; however larger placebo-controlled double-blind trials must still take place to verify these results and compare bioresonance therapy against traditional pharmacological remedies.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

Bioresonance therapy requires either placing electrodes on your body or connecting you to an amp coil device (similar to PEMF devices). Both types of devices can help restore your energy frequency to healthy levels by emitting pulsed electromagnetic fields which absorb by your cells and organs, helping your body reduce load on itself and facilitate healing.

Bioresonance is widely utilized by alternative practitioners as part of their healing practices, and can even help identify allergies by showing what foods or substances may cause the body to react negatively.

Bioresonance therapy works through electromagnetic frequencies of your body; then the BICOM machine assesses them to identify specific frequencies associated with any condition or illness you have. Finally, inverting these frequencies and sending them back towards where it’s needed helps cancel out unhealthy frequencies so your cells can communicate again effectively with one another.

Once your body is back on track, it can naturally eliminate any harmful toxins or stressors that have been hindering its ability to self-heal. Toxies and stressors interfere with communication among healthy cells, hindering your body’s ability to heal itself.

Bioresonance can detect and counteract stressors by inverting their frequencies – similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work – thus providing much more effective relief than taking medication alone for your condition. Bioresonance therapy is generally safe; however, for maximum efficacy it’s essential that a healthy diet be observed while receiving this therapy. Short-term fatigue or increased urination may occur as your body detoxifies during and after sessions. However, such reactions tend to be mild and should pass quickly. For optimal results, drink lots of low mineral-content water and maintain an effective sleeping schedule. Furthermore, adhering to your therapist’s recommendations will result in increased effectiveness of sessions as they’ll ensure more benefit is derived from them.

What Can Bioresonance Therapy Treat?

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself an effective solution for chronic pain and other health conditions for many. It aims to balance energy within the body and aid natural healing, by changing harmful wavelengths into healthier frequencies – helping the body operate at peak health levels. Bioresonance tests can detect many issues within one’s own system and be used as treatments accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy employs a computer to analyze electromagnetic signals produced by your body. It compares these signals against an online database of information to identify the cause of any issues and develop targeted therapeutic protocols to treat those concerns.

Bioresonance therapy can also identify specific allergens causing allergic reactions, making this technology invaluable to those suffering from food allergies or who are sensitive to chemicals. Bioresonance can detect imbalances in the nervous system such as depression and anxiety; one clinical study comparing monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors with Mora Nova demonstrated significant improvement of depressive symptoms compared to monotherapy alone.

Studies have also demonstrated how bioresonance therapy can assist with digestive disorders such as reflux disease, constipation and diarrhea. After receiving bioresonance therapy sessions, symptoms were significantly reduced and patients reported feeling an improved sense of wellbeing.

Bioresonance therapy was shown to be effective at treating lymphedema and lower limb lipedema in a clinical trial conducted by researchers, who discovered it reduced swelling while improving lymphatic drainage without producing negative side effects.

Bioresonance therapy not only reduces stress and enhances sleep, but it can also dramatically enhance quality of life for cancer patients. According to researchers, those receiving bioresonance treatments saw significant improvements in physical, emotional, and psychological well-being after receiving this form of therapy.

Bioresonance therapy offers noninvasive, drug-free relief without side effects – making it the ideal treatment choice for anyone hoping to achieve natural wellness. If you would like more information on how bioresonance therapy could assist your health and wellness goals, reach out to Quantum Functional Medicine now – we look forward to helping you become your best self!

Is Bioresonance Therapy Safe?

Bioresonance therapy is generally considered safe and non-invasive for babies and children of all ages, including babies who are still infants or toddlers. Studies have also demonstrated its efficacy at alleviating pain and stress-related problems as well as helping identify toxins or heavy metals which need to be eliminated naturally from your body to promote detoxification.

As with any treatment, it’s essential that you discuss your individual needs with your practitioner to ensure the appropriate frequencies are being sent into your body to address the health condition at hand. While the treatment itself may feel discomforting at times, this is due to electromagnetic vibrations entering back into your system from the machine and cancelling out harmful frequencies in your system.

BICOM(r), used in this treatment, is designed to detect healthy and unhealthy frequencies within your body. With internal filters that separate amplitude-wise between these signals, this machine then sends back these balanced frequencies back into your system in order to balance and harmonize them, encouraging healing processes within.

As with the vial of harmful substance, it can also serve as input into the machine in order to identify allergies that do not resonate with your body and introduce healing frequencies accordingly, improving natural responses against allergens.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to imprint frequencies of certain drugs onto another material such as water. This process, known as bio-imprinting, allows patients to reap all the benefits of pharmaceutical medications without suffering side effects from taking them.

As more individuals move away from traditional allopathic medicine, bioresonance therapy has become a much sought-after alternative treatment option. By targeting the root causes of health problems without invading or aggravating them further, this noninvasive and painless technique offers lasting relief to its recipients. If allergies, anxiety or stress levels are becoming a serious concern for you, visit your local bioresonance clinic now and discover how this alternative treatment could benefit both your health and wellbeing! Book an appointment online to experience its potential advantages firsthand!


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