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Bioresonanz Therapy

Bioresonanz therapy detects unhealthy energy waves within your body and corrects them to restore equilibrium and create greater wellbeing. It’s noninvasive and painless!

Unhealthy cells emit electromagnetic waves with irregular frequencies; Bioresonance machines detect these frequencies and transmit them back to them for healing, thus rebalancing energy within cells and encouraging self-healing. Studies have proven its efficacy for treating conditions such as fibromyalgia, gastrointestinal disorders, fatigue and insomnia as well as many others.


Biofeedback is a mind-body therapy that teaches individuals to control involuntary bodily functions such as muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure. It can help reduce symptoms associated with stress and anxiety such as muscle tension, heart rate and blood pressure fluctuations; and can even be used to treat physical health conditions like chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Before beginning any new therapy or regiment of any sort, make sure it’s appropriate for your condition by consulting your primary healthcare provider first.

Biofeedback therapy enlists a trained therapist to teach you how to control body signals through sensors attached to various areas of your body, measuring your heart rate, breathing and other physiological changes. Your therapist then displays these signals on a computer screen so that you can practice and improve controlling them yourself. They may also teach calming techniques you can use outside sessions with this equipment.

Neural plasticity refers to a process in which changes to excitation and inhibition levels within your neural network system can occur over time, lasting changes that require repeated practice to maintain. Such adjustments could potentially help treat anxiety disorders, migraine headaches and hypertension symptoms.

At a biofeedback session, your therapist will place sensors on various parts of your body such as fingers, wrist, earlobes, or scalp to measure physiological changes like your heart rate, skin temperature and sweat gland activity. They can also detect when muscles tensing up and provide feedback to encourage relaxation.

Biofeedback is an effective way to teach yourself to relax at home, which can reduce stress and alleviate pain. Additionally, biofeedback has proven its worth as a treatment option for many medical conditions, such as urinary incontinence caused by dysfunctional sphincter muscles as well as nocturnal bruxism – the grinding and clenching of teeth during sleep – research suggests.

Biofeedback therapy may be safe to use, but requires motivation, time, effort and honest communication between patient and therapist. Some individuals find it hard to learn to control their muscle tension effectively; in such instances it may become an unpleasant practice that they discontinue altogether. Before embarking on any biofeedback therapy it is advisable to discuss it with your physician as well as continue any medications you are already prescribed to address your condition.


AmpCoil is an advanced holistic treatment that integrates sound frequencies with PEMF (Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) technology to balance your body’s energy and promote healing. Specifically designed to balance bioenergetic systems, reduce stress, improve sleep and bolster overall vitality; AmpCoil can also assist in uncovering imbalances contributing to chronic illnesses so that the best solution can be found for overall wellness.

This device integrates multiple wellness modalities using mainstream physics for maximum efficacy, safety and portability. It includes sound therapy elements as well as modified Tesla coil technology with voice analysis activated biofeedback app and custom software program delivering frequencies designed to make you FEEL BETTER.

AmpCoil devices consist of amplifiers and coils that produce resonant frequencies similar to Earth’s magnetic fields, creating a resonant frequency which recharges your body’s cells while improving blood flow, oxygen uptake, cellular detoxification, pain management and relaxation. Furthermore, AmpCoils may help those suffering from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular illness or cancer find relief through relaxation techniques like this one.

An AmpCoil session involves sitting back and relaxing, then using a tablet equipped with biofeedback app to track spoken tones of voice and convert them into specific frequencies for use to bring harmony back into their body – much like tuning forks can target specific organs and tissues of your body.

All living organisms emit electromagnetic sound frequencies as part of their metabolic process, yet these frequencies may become imbalanced due to factors like toxic stress or trauma. With AmpCoil sound therapy and PEMF frequencies, these unbalanced frequencies can be restored back into balance for an ideal state of wellbeing.

PEMF waves can be delivered safely to almost everyone, including those with medical devices such as pacemakers and defibrillators as well as cochlear implants. However, it should be noted that AmpCoil may not be suitable for people who have metal plates or screws in their bodies and those who possess pacemakers, defibrillators, or any other metal implants in place such as pacemakers or defibrillators devices or any type of metal implant in place such as pacemakers, defibrillators devices or any type of metal implant device such as pacemakers or defibrillators devices or having pacemaker/defibrillator/defibrillator/cochlear implant devices in place or having metal plates/screws screw/plates/screws in their bodies or having metal plates/screws/defibrillator/defibrillator/or any type/other type of implant devices in place such as pacemakers/defibrillators devices/etc in place/.

Bicom Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative holistic treatment method that utilizes electromagnetic frequency waves to identify imbalances within your body. Similar to using magnets in school experiments and scattering iron filings around a sheet of paper to see them form patterns reflecting their magnetic fields, Bioresonance detects electromagnetic vibrations emitted by your cells as it finds any imbalances within them.

Your therapist will use a device known as the BICOM to interpret these signals and send new ones back into your body to correct asymmetrical frequencies. Sessions usually last about an hour and are non-invasive experiences. Your therapist will place electrodes on your hand which detect the electromagnetic vibrations emitted by cells to feed this data to the BICOM, where filters separate healthy from unhealthy frequencies before amplifying, weakening, or cancelling these signals based on what has been detected.

If a toxic substance such as mercury has been identified, bioresonance works to neutralise its harmful effects by inverting its frequency through a “mirror circuit”, before feeding back into the body to weaken or cancel them out naturally. Bioresonance helps the body heal itself naturally!

Bioresonance therapy also offers detoxification benefits by decreasing body-level exposure to toxins. This may also aid with mental health conditions like stress and anxiety as the brain and body have direct interactions. Many who receive bioresonance for various health concerns report significant improvements in cognitive wellbeing after treatment has concluded.

Bioresonance can be an extremely useful adjunct to modern medicine. While traditional treatments may have harmful side effects, bioresonance focuses on targeting the root cause of an issue and helping the body heal itself. If you want to learn more about its potential benefits for yourself or a loved one, contact Quantum Functional Medicine and book an appointment now.

Quantum Functional Medicine

Quantum medicine is an approach to healthcare that draws on quantum physics. This therapy relies on body energy as its focal point to diagnose and treat diseases. Based on the principle that everything in our universe consists of energy, how we interact with it plays a critical role in creating reality.

It also explains why ancient forms of healing like acupuncture, homeopathy and ayurved medicine work so effectively – explaining how they relate to subtle energies like ch’i or prana in our bodies. According to this theory, we may be able to detect diseases before symptoms appear but success requires extensive research, technological innovation and knowledge for success.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest forms of medicine. Based on the theory that certain points on your body correspond with specific organs and diseases, acupuncture can be used to treat digestive issues, migraines, depression and anxiety – as well as helping with weight loss by stimulating metabolism and increasing circulation.

Though many associate acupuncture with pain relief, it has the power to treat other conditions as well. Acupuncture can reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and digestive disorders as well as alleviate those of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis and multiple sclerosis – and even reduce risk factors associated with strokes and heart attacks!

The AmpCoil device helps restore your body’s ideal cellular frequency, which may have become disrupted from factors like toxins, heavy metals and stress levels. A pulsed electromagnetic field restores its natural frequencies for improved wellbeing.

Cory is an enthusiastic medical assistant and office manager at Quantum Functional Medicine in Carlsbad, California. With years of experience with diverse patients from different backgrounds, as well as adeptness at handling numerous procedures. She adds her cheerful positivity and depth of understanding when dealing with patient safety matters.
