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Hair Bioresonance Test – Discover Hidden Food Allergies

Food intolerances can be debilitating and frustrating. Luckily, there are various methods available for testing food intolerances – with hair bioresonance testing being one of the more reliable tools.

Hair tests measure resonance energy from one or more strands of hair and compare it with frequencies found in food, non-food items, nutritional supplements, metals, gut biome and hormones – providing information that is then collated into an exhaustive report.

It is a non-invasive method

Bioresonance hair testing is an alternative medicine (CAM) therapy which uses electromagnetic analysis devices to detect food intolerances in the body. Each food item, additive or toxin has its own frequency that can elicit reactions in your cells and tissues; bioresonance testing uses noninvasive electromagnetic devices that identify toxicants without harming healthy cells or tissues – cost-effectively supplementing traditional treatment approaches like acupuncture or homeopathy for more holistic solutions.

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Hair analysis offers an alternative method of testing that doesn’t depend on recent food intake or stressors to provide a more thorough assessment of one’s state of health over time. Furthermore, it can detect hidden intolerances or allergies while helping guide towards natural treatments to promote healing.

This technique is particularly effective at detecting drug use, since it can detect it even over weeks or years in someone’s system. As such, this tool makes an invaluable addition to companies and organizations looking to monitor employee drug use – with results being easily interpreted by an experienced professional and helping prevent potential abuse of substances.

While electromagnetic field therapy has been met with controversy within scientific communities, its popularity in health circles has grown. Studies have shown it to assist smokers in quitting smoking while another revealed imbalances within the autonomic nervous system associated with stress and depression. Furthermore, claims by practitioners include electromagnetic fields helping identify cancer cells while unleashing suppressed tumor-suppressor genes to cause them to self-destruct – though no clinical trials support such claims.


Though hair bioresonance tests should not replace medical diagnostics, they have become an invaluable asset to alternative healing practices and are increasingly being used as a method for finding solutions to chronic conditions. Many use them to identify underlying causes for symptoms as they seek holistic therapies such as acupuncture and homeopathy; when combined with proper diet management these therapies help strengthen and balance the body to overcome imbalances more quickly.

It is a complementary and alternative medicine

Hair bioresonance testing is an alternative medicine (CAM) practice that utilizes hair samples taken from individuals to identify food intolerance. While mainstream physicians are dubious of this form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), its popularity among practitioners and consumers alike in Europe has grown substantially over time. The test identifies specific foods or substances which trigger intolerance symptoms in your body – this data can help find you the ideal diet plan that suits you!

This test works by measuring electromagnetic frequencies of a hair sample, which are then compared with frequencies found in various items – foods and beverages, vitamins, metals, minerals, enzymes and bacteria among them – such as frequency. A computer system calculates these frequency readings, along with any imbalance frequencies present; then interprets their findings to help find appropriate treatments.

Hair testing differs significantly from blood tests in that the process is completely painless and only requires small quantities of hair; making it an excellent solution for those with sensitive stomachs and wallets. Plus, ordering online makes the test even more accessible – having it sent directly to your doorstep!

Although hair testing remains an unproven method, it has found popularity across Europe thanks to its non-invasive approach. Studies show it can detect various toxins like heavy metals that build up in our bodies over time and lead to serious health complications; additionally, it can detect intolerances which often stem from lack of digestive enzymes.

Although there are various bioresonance tests, one of the most frequently performed is a sensitivity test to identify food intolerances in your body. This type of examination uses a small sample of hair from you which is then put through over 975 items; this can help find foods suitable to you without triggering intolerances or allergies; it’s also a great way to detect other health conditions, like an overactive thyroid or an autoimmune disorder.

It is affordable

Hair bioresonance testing is a holistic form of therapy that has gained some notoriety as an allergy and food intolerance testing method. Classified as complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), bioresonance has proven its efficacy through numerous studies – even helping individuals quit smoking and reduce stomach pain!

Based on its premise, this technology works on the premise that cells and organs in poor health emit abnormal electromagnetic waves which can be read by machines to bring back into normal range. Scientists using this approach can detect diseases like cancer using DNA tests while simultaneously tracking drug usage and its consequences.

Hair bioresonance tests offer an alternative to blood tests that requires advanced laboratory equipment and stringent regulatory standards, by being relatively inexpensive to conduct. A small sample of hair from you can be sent in for testing from the comfort of your own home; and once processed, will give an accurate account of what types of items your body reacts negatively against.

Food intolerances and allergies should not be confused; one is a gastrointestinal reaction while the other an immune response that happens over time. Both are caused by exposure to specific items; however, food intolerances do not produce IgE antibodies in their bodies while bioresonance testing has proven helpful in detecting food intolerances; however it cannot confirm allergies.

Hair testing may offer an effective and more accurate alternative to conventional blood tests; however, its results do not compare favorably with ELISA blood tests which have been scientifically validated and widely utilized clinical settings; although more expensive, they offer greater safety and reliability. Although its limitations, a hair test remains an affordable way to determine food sensitivities. It can identify up to 975 items which could trigger negative symptoms in you. As well as offering an in-depth analysis of your gut biome, nutritional deficiencies and common metal toxicity issues, this device offers many other features that make it worth purchasing if you suffer from digestive issues or food intolerances.

It is accurate

Hair bioresonance testing can help detect food intolerances that can be difficult to pinpoint. It provides an alternative and holistic method for testing food sensitivity that works alongside blood tests and other diagnostic methods. Results can then be compared with an extensive database of frequencies to pinpoint which food(s) might be causing an imbalance within your body; additionally, this type of testing may uncover hidden intolerances which might otherwise remain undetected by conventional allergy tests.

Contrary to ELISA blood tests that require sophisticated laboratory equipment and technology, bioresonance testing only requires one strand of hair to assess your body’s energy frequencies. The machine can detect up to 978 different items–foods, supplements and even toxins. Unfortunately this method of testing cannot detect allergies or measure antibodies toward specific food proteins.

Bioresonance system works on the principle of quantum physics, which recognizes that everything emits electromagnetic frequencies. A healthy object or person emits its normal electromagnetic frequency; when someone becomes sick their frequency changes and symptoms appear. That’s why eating well and prioritising your health are so essential.

Testing to pinpoint imbalanced frequencies within your body can help identify sources such as diet, stress and environmental pollutants that lead to imbalanced frequencies – such as diet and stress management; by pinpointing these issues you can make lifestyle adjustments to restore equilibrium in your body. It may also identify the right combination of nutrients.

Hair tests differ from other forms of testing in that they are unaffected by recent food consumption; as a result, they are an ideal method for diagnosing long-term intolerances. Furthermore, they are easy to administer and cost-effective; top athletes often use hair bioresonance tests for injury recovery and performance enhancement purposes. You can order one online through 5Strands and receive your results within seven days!


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