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Health Benefits of a Bioresonance Test

Bioresonance tests can detect energetic frequencies present in all substances, whether living or nonliving.

Mirror bioresonance testing differs from blood analysis by not necessitating any skin pricking; rather, strands of hair are placed into an analytics machine for analysis which checks food items, nonfood items, vitamins/minerals/hormones and metals in one report.


Allergies can lead to various symptoms that affect different areas of the body. These may include itchy, watery eyes, hives or skin rashes. Affected individuals may also feel fatigued and experience dry mouth or throat conditions. Allergies can manifest year round or at certain times of the year and be caused by certain foods like dairy products, wheat products, fish products or nuts or eggs that come into contact with these substances or foods.

Allergy treatment with bio resonance can effectively alleviate and even eliminate allergies. BICOM machine uses electromagnetic oscillations to invert vibrational information of allergens so the body does not react against them; this form of allergy therapy can treat all sorts of allergens including dust mites, pet dander, mold and various food allergies such as milk and nuts.

At least three sessions may be needed to treat allergies effectively; most patients can experience significant relief even from just one visit. An experienced therapist will ask questions to determine which allergens are triggering symptoms and determine their level of severity before using a combination of therapies such as detoxification, cellular rebalancing and homeopathic medicine to restore balance to allergen levels.

This treatment will not only alleviate symptoms but will also prevent allergens from reappearing and further damaging an individual’s immune system. Patients may be encouraged to make lifestyle changes such as keeping their home well-ventilated or regularly hoovering or wiping surfaces to decrease contact with allergens.

People sometimes find themselves working in professions where they must come into close contact with allergens like metal or chemicals, which can be difficult to avoid. When this is the case, consulting a geobiologist for advice may help mitigate its effects; one client named Sabine found her metal fillings were making her teeth hurt and were causing headaches; using mineral, vitamin, homeopathy and bio resonance therapies she was able to rid her system of the heavy metal toxins responsible.


Sinuses are hollow spaces located around the nasal passages in your skull and facial bones that produce mucus to keep the inside of your nose moist by trapping dust, pollutants and germs before they enter your lungs. When inflamed sinus linings block mucus from draining properly, leading to pain and pressure as an accumulation of mucus and bacteria builds up – as well as reduced sense of smell and difficulty breathing – lasting several weeks at a time.

Over-the-counter decongestant drops or sprays may provide temporary relief of sinusitis symptoms, while avoiding foods which aggravate them is also helpful. Your physician may prescribe an antibiotic medication in severe cases to fight infection.

If your symptoms persist, your healthcare provider may suggest watching and waiting to give your immune system time to respond. A warm compress may provide some relief; alternatively you could try using a saline nasal rinse or sinus spray.

Your healthcare provider may conduct an examination that includes ordering CT scans or other imaging tests to detect inflammation, swelling or blockages; as well as nasal swabs to test for viruses and germs. They may also conduct a physical exam by feeling your forehead and cheeks for tender spots before inspecting ears, nose and throat for signs of disease or infection.

Your doctor may suggest taking an antihistamine to relieve allergy symptoms or an over-the-counter decongestant for pain relief, while if the infection is due to fungus he or she will likely prescribe an antifungal medication or immunoglobulin to bolster your immune system.

Our sensitivity testing methods can uncover allergies to molds, pollens and chemical allergens based on energy frequencies of substances you are sensitive to. Unlike allergy testing which involves pricking your skin for blood samples, bioresonance method testing is pain-free and safe for all ages and body types – perfect for all age groups and body types! Additionally, our tests can detect nutritional deficiencies, overexposure to heavy metals as well as food or environmental intolerances.

Hormonal Imbalances

Women experiencing hormonal imbalance can suffer a host of symptoms ranging from premenstrual discomforts, irregular cycles and hot flushes to premenstrual discomforts and hot flushes. Bioresonance therapy has proven its worth in balancing hormone systems to alleviate these discomforts.

Utilizing a bioresonance machine that detects electromagnetic signals, bioresonance can use your body’s frequencies to return them back to natural wavelengths – believed to help rid yourself of toxins, pollutants and anything else that has compromised cells within organs.

Proponents of bioresonance consider it an holistic form of treatment and often categorize it under Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Bioresonance tests claim to help detect food and environmental sensitivities not typically revealed through standard allergy tests.

Mirror bioresonance testing offers a viable alternative for those who dislike being poked with needles; it may provide a faster and more accurate way of identifying allergens than blood sample testing.

The mirror test can also identify nutritional deficiencies; exposure to heavy metals; digestive issues like leaky gut and Candida overgrowth; as well as emotional imbalances like low self-esteem and depression. First developed in Germany during World War II, its bioresonance device is commonly referred to as electro-acupuncture by Voll and has now gained popularity across America.

Weight Loss

Obesity is a widespread health problem that can have devastating repercussions, from heart disease and diabetes to joint pain. Though weight loss may seem difficult at times, bioresonance therapy has proven itself a useful aid for helping the body shed excess fat and toxins that contribute to weight gain.

Bioresonance operates under the theory that every cell in your body emits electromagnetic waves with unique frequencies. When illness arises, these frequencies change due to DNA damage; bioresonance claims it can detect this and reset them back towards a healthy state.

Bioresonance machines contain two parts: an electrode-connected resonance chamber, and a computer program which monitors test results. This machine identifies electromagnetic waves’ frequencies, then presents this data to doctors for further interpretation based on whether these frequencies are positive or negative – at which point, they treat accordingly.

This process can assist patients with various health conditions, including allergies, headaches, sinusitis and hormone imbalances. Additionally, it may assist with weight loss as it identifies foods which cause them to gain or lose weight. Once the test is finished, clients can avoid those items they are sensitive to while following an elimination diet to help achieve weight loss or gain in an ethical way.

To perform this test, a trained bioresonance practitioner will place electrodes at different points on your body to measure electromagnetic waves. Next, using the BICOM device, waves that are considered healthy will be amplified and sent directly into your system; any unfavorable waves will instead be directed back toward cellular resonance within your system.

Studies suggest bioresonance may help treat certain conditions; however, healthcare providers do not regard it as a valid medical treatment and recommend using it only as complementary therapy.
