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How Bioresonance Can Improve Depression

Bioresonance, also known as BICOM therapy, uses low energy electromagnetic waves to treat health conditions. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at relieving depression among older individuals – something often experienced.

Bioresonance relies on an unproven assumption: electromagnetic oscillations differ among diseased cells than healthy ones, and this difference can be detected using an electrical device.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an energy-based holistic healing system designed to detect imbalances within the body. This noninvasive practice relies on the fact that all matter emits electromagnetic waves that can be detected, amplified, and graphed as part of diagnosing health conditions or harmonizing electromagnetic frequencies for enhanced natural healing mechanisms in our bodies.

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Bioresonance therapy is a relatively straightforward process that involves adhering electrodes to one’s skin surface. A machine then scans electromagnetic wavelengths, scanning for any harmful frequencies that match up with healthy ones – in turn cancelling out any unhealthy ones that arise and helping improve conditions ranging from viral infections to chronic pain. Studies have proven its efficacy for improving many conditions such as viral infections or chronic backache.

Bioresonance not only balances body energy but it can also help alleviate stress and anxiety by restoring natural detoxification processes and increasing energy flow within the body, as well as improving mental clarity and emotional stability.

Bioresonance may also help alleviate allergies and sensitivities. It is believed that toxic materials and allergens emit electromagnetic frequencies which disrupt cell communication, leading to overactive immune responses and symptoms such as allergies and sensitivities. Bioresonance has the power to identify these frequencies and neutralize them so you can take back control over your allergies or sensitivities.


As an alternative to conventional medicine, bioresonance offers a holistic approach for treating root causes of illness or discomfort. Furthermore, this noninvasive therapy offers many advantages including increased energy levels and better mental wellbeing. Massage therapy is a safe and noninvasive alternative to more invasive treatments with no adverse side effects. When used appropriately it can provide outstanding results when combined with other therapies. Assertive relaxation can help treat asthma, fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome and gastrointestinal conditions. Additionally, it’s beneficial in relieving stress and anxiety as well as treating psychological disorders like depression and schizophrenia; additionally it has even been proven effective for smoking cessation treatment. For anyone interested in trying this technique it is advisable to first speak to a qualified healthcare provider to ensure this method will be the right treatment option for you.

It is a form of alternative medicine

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes attached to your skin and connected to an electromagnetic frequency machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies, with this information then read back from a machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies to read back any imbalances or anomalies that it detects from energy waves returning to you body and detect any irregularities or imbalances, sending back frequencies which cancel out negative ones in order to restore balance to your energies and promote self-healing in your body. This process may restore energy balance within yourself and promote healing processes within yourself.

Bioresonance therapy is a safe, noninvasive process. You will lie or sit comfortably while the machine scans your body; any slight tingling during this procedure indicates your body responding positively to treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is a versatile approach to health that can address many different ailments. For instance, bioresonance can relieve symptoms associated with fibromyalgia by strengthening immunity and balancing hormones; additionally it may prevent chronic stress while simultaneously increasing energy levels and helping you identify harmful substances or foods to avoid.

However, research on bioresonance remains limited. Proponents claim that healthy cells or organs emit altered energy wavelengths due to DNA damage that a bioresonance machine can detect and reset back to their natural frequency, helping cure disease in this way.

Bioresonance therapy in the UK is classified as alternative medicine and thus not covered by statutory health insurance plans, though certain private insurers offer cost coverage or subsidies for bioresonance treatments.

Though there is no scientific proof that bioresonance can diagnose or treat diseases, some people report positive results from its treatment. One study comparing bioresonance to manual therapy and point massage for treating fibromyalgia found that 72 percent of those who received bioresonance experienced improvements in muscular pain as opposed to 37 percent receiving only manual and point therapies.

Bicom-Optima bioresonance machine works through quantum physics to transfer information electromagnetic waves. Its purpose is to treat overloads that compromise your body’s natural healing processes, alleviate symptoms such as insomnia and fatigue and provide relief for overload.

It is a holistic therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic healing method that works by aligning your body’s energy flow and supporting its natural ability to heal itself. This non-invasive solution may help overcome allergies and sensitivities as well as boost your immunity, alleviate chronic pain and stress relief and promote psychological well-being.

During a session, a bioresonance machine uses applicators to record electromagnetic frequencies emitted by organs and tissues in your body. The device then utilizes its bioresonance program to amplify harmonic frequencies while weakening disharmonic ones before sending this back to you via applicators for rebalancing purposes. This will result in your energy balance returning back into balance.

Bioresonance can accurately diagnose various health conditions and ailments, from digestive concerns such as stomach bloat to low stomach acid levels and chronic diarrhea; cardiovascular issues like high blood pressure; arthritis pains (joint and back); arthritis syndrome; diabetes; skin diseases like acne or rosacea; as well as respiratory illnesses like asthma or bronchitis. It may even assist in treating recurrent depression either alone or alongside antidepressants.

Bioresonance stands apart from many traditional treatments as an non-invasive therapy with no known side effects or risks for pregnant women or patients with pacemakers. Bioresonance has also proven its worth in alleviating depression and anxiety symptoms as well as aiding patients in quitting smoking or breaking addictions.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify the root causes of your condition and promote self-healing. Furthermore, it’s a safe and effective way of detoxifying your body of harmful substances while helping identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies to choose suitable supplements to support improved health.

Recent research demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance as an effective solution for treating recurrent depression episodes among those experiencing mild to moderate depression episodes. The comparison included bioresonance therapy alongside selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – an antidepressant medication. Both therapies showed similar improvement in symptoms severity and functional outcomes while bioresonance proved superior at increasing quality of life for its patient participants.

It is a therapy for allergies

Bioresonance therapy has proven that it can significantly alleviate allergy symptoms. Furthermore, it can identify specific allergens which trigger their reactions while also eliminating or significantly reducing allergy medication side effects – an ideal option for people who can’t tolerate prescriptions medications.

Bioresonance testing offers an alternative method for diagnosing food allergies: its internal application can be conducted using a computerized device and is much quicker and less expensive. Bioresonance technology has helped many identify their food sensitivities quickly and eliminate them from their diets.

Bioresonance therapy offers many advantages for diagnosing allergic reactions. This may include candida, parasites or incorrect messages from your body being sent out. Bioresonance can also assist patients in identifying drug allergies – this may be especially useful when taking multiple medications simultaneously.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative, safe and noninvasive way of treating allergies that has shown significant results in clinical trials. With no side effects like traditional drugs and no potential risks for pregnant women and infants, Bioresonance therapy is also safe for use during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Bioresonance therapy has proven its worth treating chronic diseases such as IBD, asthma and Rheumatoid Arthritis while alleviating numerous other medical conditions including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia Insomnia Insomnia Migraines.

Studies conducted in 2002 demonstrated that bioresonance therapy significantly increases antioxidant enzyme activity in lymphocytes from patients suffering with rheumatoid arthritis. Bioresonance can also be used to treat other ailments including urogenital disorders, menstrual problems, prostatitis, low immune defenses and digestive system problems including colitis constipation chronic hepatitis eczema dermatitis fibromyalgia rheumatism low metabolic rates among others.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to pinpoint discordant frequencies within the body. A machine then sends counter frequencies that match and harmonize with these discordant tones to facilitate healing at an expeditious pace – while being safe, cost-effective and simple to administer.


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