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How Bioresonance Works

Bioresonance stands out from conventional medicine by not employing drugs, instead using electromagnetic signals as energy therapy with incredible results.

Your body and organs become better communicated as communication between organs is restored quickly and healing begins quickly.

The Bioresonance Machine

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic treatment method using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. As this therapy doesn’t cause side effects or require any invasive surgery, bioresonance therapy provides a safe alternative to pharmaceutical medication.

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Every living cell possesses electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate harmoniously in an optimal biological organism and disharmoniously when there is an imbalance. Bioresonance machines can detect these frequency patterns to detect unhealthy vibrations that interfere with healthy cell communications and repair mechanisms, so as soon as an imbalance has been identified this device can be programmed to boost healthy frequencies while inverting any that could harm cells allowing free communication among them and their repair.

Bioresonance not only aids cellular communication but can also be used to identify and address allergies. By pinpointing specific allergens that are disturbing the body, counter frequencies can be created in order to soothe symptoms and avoid future attacks. Bioresonance can also help detect buildups of toxins within the body so as to get rid of them for good and allow the immune system to function normally.

Bioresonance therapy aims to bring balance back into the body, alleviating or curing conditions that are otherwise intractable with traditional medication. It has proven useful in the treatment of both chronic and acute illnesses – from cancer to arthritis and chronic pain syndrome – while simultaneously improving mental and emotional stability.


Pharmaceutical medication may provide immediate relief, but long-term impacts can be serious. Your body can become dependent upon it and its effect is often limited to masking symptoms. Bioresonance can help uncover the source of your discomfort and treat it using natural remedies like homeopathy, acupuncture or herbal supplements. Furthermore, testing food intolerances using Bioresonance allows you to avoid foods which trigger symptoms while helping build resistance against them and can be an invaluable asset to those with sensitive digestive systems.

The Electrodes

Bioresonance therapy takes an integrative approach to health, treating both symptoms and their root causes of illness. Its aim is to balance and harmonize body’s energy fields for greater overall wellness.

Each organ in the body emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected using a bioresonance machine. If one or more organs emits undesirable electromagnetic frequencies, these are assessed and if necessary countered by sending back harmonic frequencies – encouraging natural healing processes within the body to take their course and take effect.

Bioresonance electrodes are constructed of platinum-iridium, an inert metal which does not react with hydrogen, making it suitable for measuring biopotentials from cells within the body and connecting them with a computer which analyzes them, helping doctors detect imbalances in natural frequencies of body. When placed on skin and connected to computer for analysis of results, doctors can quickly and effectively identify any imbalances within natural frequencies of body frequencies that need correcting.

This technique can detect microorganisms that are contributing to disease, as well as chemical and emotional stressors that create imbalance in bio-field. Restoring these can make it easier for your immune system to fight infections and other health concerns more effectively.

Bioresonance devices can be programmed to return healthy electromagnetic vibrations to areas that appear affected, helping restore harmonious interaction among body cells while eliminating harmful substances and microorganisms from your system. They may even identify and treat allergies without resorting to medication – potentially saving time and money in terms of healthcare costs!

Bioresonance therapy helps us uncover imbalances in unexpected ways, uncovering connections that were once hidden. Once discordant frequencies have been identified, its machine sends electromagnetic impulses at exactly the right frequencies to harmonize them.

Bioresonance therapy has the ability to address an array of conditions, from allergies and intolerances, gastro-intestinal disorders, fatigue and insomnia to rheumatoid arthritis and more. If your body seems out-of-tune, please book in for a bioresonance consultation with Jadwiga; this noninvasive yet very safe therapy provides an effective alternative treatment option to pharmaceutical medications.

The Electromagnetic Frequency

Every cell in our bodies emits electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies, with higher frequencies signaled when more crests or troughs pass a certain point within one second; distance between crests being known as its wavelength; as long as these energies remain balanced, you should remain healthy; when your cellular frequencies become disturbed due to toxins or emotional stress, illness symptoms begin to surface; bioresonance therapy can identify disharmonious energy patterns and effectively counteract them by restoring optimal balance within your body.

Bioresonance technology not only assists in correcting energy imbalances but it also serves to identify allergens. By exposing your body to electromagnetic frequencies associated with an allergen and helping desensitize you over time.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive technique that utilizes electrodes to read electromagnetic vibrations emitted by your cells and compares these frequencies with healthy cell resonance frequencies to determine their source and determine if any illness or health problems exist. Bioresonance allows users to quickly identify parasites, toxins and other substances which might be wreaking havoc within their bodies as well as nutritional deficiencies or an overactive immune system causing health issues. Bioresonance also uses electrodes to read electromagnetic vibrations expelled by cells which resonate at similar frequencies thus helping identify sources of illness or health conditions within them as well.

Bioresonance therapy offers a natural, drug-free solution for treating various ailments such as fatigue, allergies, digestive disorders and insomnia. Furthermore, this form of therapy can also be used to address addictions like smoking and alcoholism by pinpointing their root causes and helping you overcome them.

As with any treatment, results of bioresonance therapy vary between individuals. While many bioresonance therapists claim success rates between 80 to 90%, it’s important to keep in mind that no single method can cure everyone – we are individuals influenced by physical, psychological, and social environments alike which contribute to disease; so even experienced bioresonance therapists cannot assist some patients; this should not discourage anyone from exploring this amazing technology as part of their journey to better health!

The Electromagnetic Signal

Bioresonance therapy restores healthy frequencies into your body while inverting any disharmonious ones, like those caused by toxins. This rebalances electromagnetic frequencies within your system and restores their optimal levels. Cells, tissues and organs all benefit from bioresonance treatment!

The bioresonance machine works on the theory that disease and illness cause disruptions to your body’s electromagnetic vibrations, which can be detected using special devices. When these frequencies are changed back into their natural wavelength of your cell, rebalancing biological systems and helping it heal itself once again.

Bioresonance machines also detect and treat infections within your body. They can even identify pathogenic infections before symptoms appear.

Infections caused by viruses, bacteria or fungi can have devastating consequences on your entire body, from headaches and fatigue to stomach pain and chronic inflammations. Bioresonance helps identify and treat these infections effectively so your body can recover faster from them.

Bioresonance testing can also identify and treat nutritional deficiencies, including iron deficiency or lack of vitamin C deficiency. Furthermore, bioresonance can detect mineral or vitamin imbalances as well as recommend the best supplements to address them.

Bioresonance can identify the source of numerous health complaints in cats, from allergies and intolerances to musculoskeletal problems and chronic diseases. BICOM(r) bioresonance system can uncover causal interference factors for these complaints and assist your cat in healing itself naturally. Many pet owners turn to alternative remedies for allergies, food intolerances and muscle issues without success – this is when using BICOM(r) bioresonance may provide a viable solution.


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