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How Much Does Bioresonance Cost?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative therapy using frequencies to heal the body. It is used by private practitioners and clinics worldwide; some health insurance programs also cover it as part of their policy offerings.

Does a bioresonance assessment require me to become an established patient first? No. To take part, schedule a 60-minute new patient appointment.

The Cost of a Home Bio-Resonance Machine

Bioresonance therapy is an evidence-based complementary therapeutic approach rooted in quantum physics that offers noninvasive complementary care. The basic principle behind it is that all matter – including humans and animals – produce electromagnetic waves with specific wavelengths and frequencies which can be detected and analysed by bioresonance machines before amplifying, graphing and transmitting back to the body as signals to identify illness symptoms or restore balance between healthy frequencies in our bodies and unhealthy ones.

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Bio-resonance machines use electrodes placed on the body to receive and transmit frequencies, while their results are then interpreted by a therapist using these frequencies to “cancel out” unwanted signals – this way creating a balance between healthy and unhealthy frequencies that allows your body to heal itself.

BICOM system is one of the best-known bioresonance devices on the market, featuring clinical testing with proven results and numerous success stories. Furthermore, its versatility makes it a viable home treatment solution.

Home bioresonance machines typically range in cost from several hundred dollars to thousands, depending on their features and manufacturer. The easiest way to determine its true price is to contact a practitioner in your area who should have pricing information available on their website.


Bioresonance therapy market can be divided up by application. Allergies is one key subsegment where bioresonance machines are utilized to identify and reduce allergens by measuring their energy frequencies; in Pain Management they neutralize problematic frequencies to provide non-pharmaceutical relief from various types of pain; finally Detoxification and Nutritional Correction is another important segment where machines help identify vibrational imbalances to support detoxification processes and enhance nutrient absorption within the body.

The Cost of a Private Practitioner

Starting a private practice comes with its own set of expenses. This may include renting or purchasing space, purchasing furniture and supplies, paying for technology upgrades and maintaining compliance standards.

Unprepared, these expenses can quickly add up. Therefore, it’s vital that you carefully consider all costs related to opening a private practice before making any financial commitments – this will allow you to avoid mistakes that put your practice at risk and save yourself from potential costly errors.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment with a holistic approach to health. It operates on the theory that all matter–human cells, tissues, organs and systems, bacteria, viruses, parasites, heavy metals, environmental toxins, electromagnetic smog, geopathic stress as well as essential vitamins and minerals–emits frequencies detectable by electrical devices that Bioresonance therapy attempts to balance. Bioresonance therapy serves to facilitate this healing process naturally by using this technology as part of its overall systemic healing strategy.

Bioresonance sessions involve placing various probes on a patient’s body to measure frequency levels in each part. Once measurements are made, an electronic device will identify any imbalances or disharmonies and correct them by sending out opposite frequencies – providing useful insights for making necessary dietary or homeopathic remedies changes that will improve condition.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to detect imbalances in your energy field that could be contributing to pain or discomfort, and provide noninvasive, nonpharmacological treatment of many ailments including allergies, chronic pain, digestive disorders, hormone imbalances and fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance sessions involve fully clothed patients sitting or lying down and connected to an electronic device via wrist and ankle bands or handheld device that can be held in one’s hand. Once connected, this equipment will analyze body signals before producing a report that is displayed on screen; typically sessions last anywhere from half an hour to two hours and the practitioner can provide recommendations for diet and lifestyle changes to enhance overall health and wellness of their client.

The Cost of a Bio-Resonance Machine

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic noninvasive solution that works by tapping into the frequencies produced by our bodies’ cells. As it’s painless and noninvasive, this therapy makes an excellent option for people afraid of needles or other invasive procedures, while treating conditions such as arthritis and stress disorders. Machine prices range between $3,000-$5,000 depending on brand and model selection.

BICOM bioresonance device is an holistic natural healing method that utilizes electromagnetic oscillations to balance out disharmonies within your own body’s causal networks and alleviate causal disharmonies, painlessly and stress-free. Even animals like horses can benefit from using it; one veterinarian and naturopathic practitioner named Astrid Harte first experimented with this device on her own horse and discovered it helped soothe its chronic cough!

BICOM devices used on horses release frequency patterns that resonate harmonically in healthy biological systems and disharmoniously when diseased ones exist. These frequencies penetrate deeply into an animal’s inner structures, prompting self-regulating reactions and activating its body’s natural healing processes.

The resonance test provides information about energy interference areas, stress in the organism, inflammatory processes, allergies and intolerances as well as mineral/electrolyte balance. It may also reveal bacterial or parasitic infections as well as heavy metals, environmental toxins, geopathic stress or essential vitamins in the environment.

The BICOM bioresonance machine is an invaluable tool for diagnosing the effects of medications, supplements and food on human bodies. Additionally, it can detect emotional or mental trauma that has an impact on physical wellbeing as well as detect toxins causing health issues in order to identify which treatments will most effectively treat patients as well as diagnose many conditions not easily identifiable via other tests such as x-rays or blood samples.

The Cost of Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy has quickly become a sought-after alternative treatment option for numerous ailments, with its widespread adoption becoming an alternative treatment choice. Bioresonance is believed to work by balancing energy fields in the body and relieving stress, making it suitable for treating allergies, autoimmune disorders and pain conditions such as fibromyalgia. Bioresonance has an integrative approach, seeking out its root cause instead of just masking its symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy entails placing electrodes on the surface of the skin and then using an electromagnetic frequency emitting machine to emit an electromagnetic frequency which is recorded. If there is any imbalance within your body, the frequency will resonate with unhealthy cells to cancel them out and restore healthy resonance levels in your body and begin healing itself.

Studies conducted on the BICOM bioresonance system have proven its efficacy, including one that found it could improve cell regeneration and wound healing by up to 40%. Another revealed how bioresonance devices can significantly decrease inflammation levels within the body and relieve pain and discomfort significantly faster than traditional forms of therapy alone.

BICOM can also detect other imbalances within the body, such as allergies, autoimmune disorders and parasites; as well as heavy metals, toxins or harmful substances which might otherwise go undetected.

Bioresonance therapy’s biggest advantage lies in its noninvasive nature; no medications or injections are needed, making it a safe and effective form of treatment by most practitioners. Furthermore, the BICOM device does not emit harmful electromagnetic frequencies – making it safe for individuals of all ages.

Bioresonance therapy has long been known to treat allergies, autoimmune diseases and pain effectively; but its use for detoxification purposes has increased recently as well. Detoxification helps the body get rid of harmful toxins and heavy metals accumulated within it – however to achieve the most successful detox experience it is advised that patients drink plenty of water during detoxification to flush away excess toxins out of the system more quickly. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy detox can also reduce stress which often forms the source of various health conditions.


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