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How Much Does Bioresonance Therapy Cost?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive holistic approach to health care that uses electromagnetic waves to detect and correct imbalances within the body.

Your practitioner will interpret this data and suggest changes through nutritional or homeopathic remedies that will strengthen and restore balance to your body.

How Much Does Bioresonance Therapy Cost?

Every living cell contains its own information carrier in the form of electromagnetic wave patterns that vibrate harmoniously in a healthy biological organism and disharmoniously when diseased. Bioresonance therapy can detect and harmonize these wave patterns if needed – for instance in cases of allergy this method dispels disturbing allergen information stored in organs, cells or tissues and allows your body to eliminate offending substances more efficiently.

Stress or emotional trauma causes the brain to emit waves with different frequencies that can harm organs and tissues in the body. The BICOM machine detects these frequencies and corrects them so as to restore equilibrium between physical health and emotional well-being of individuals.

Additionally, this system can detect parasites and harmful pathogens within the body as well as cancer-causing genetic mutations.

Bioresonance therapy is pain-free, without any negative side effects or lasting aftereffects. Patients often feel relaxed and calm during sessions; however, some may experience tiredness or thirst afterward – though these symptoms typically subside quickly.

Bioresonance therapy has proven successful at treating many illnesses, such as fibromyalgia. According to one study, participants with fibromyalgia who received bioresonance therapy experienced a 72 percent improvement in muscular pain compared to those who did not receive it. Furthermore, those living with the condition reported improved sleep, reduced sensitivity to weather changes, and fewer headaches following treatment with bioresonance therapy.

Bioresonance therapy should only be considered when discussed with their primary care doctor. Although studies have revealed positive results, many experts remain skeptic of its claims and some individuals who claim they have used this technique to cure cancer are being sued by the FDA; additionally, American Cancer Society advises against any alternative treatments including bioresonance therapy.


Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine technique that uses a medical device to monitor and measure energy wavelengths emitted by your body. It draws inspiration from quantum physics by accepting that matter is composed largely of energy frequencies. According to this theory, unhealthy cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves which can be detected by this machine and converted back to their original state by changing back their frequency; ultimately curing disease.

Bioresonance can help identify and address the causes of various health issues, such as allergies, digestive issues and stress. Furthermore, it can assist detoxifying the body by realigning energy pathways to enhance natural healing processes as well as provide relief for pain through treating imbalances that contribute to it.

At your session, a practitioner will use bioresonance equipment to scan your entire body and detect any imbalances. Once identified, this device emits counter-frequencies which resonate with the vibrational frequencies in your body bringing harmony back into balance – potentially improving symptoms within three sessions of treatment.

Bioresonance can be an effective form of therapy on its own, but is frequently combined with other approaches for maximum effect. For instance, it can be combined with acupuncture to treat pain or other health conditions; additionally it may help restore hormonal equilibrium through nutritional therapy.

To maximize the effectiveness of bioresonance treatments, it’s essential to locate an experienced practitioner. While some may see results after just one session, most will benefit from regular sessions under guidance and consistent advice from this therapy provider. There are plenty of qualified practitioners offering this therapy who can help you meet your wellness goals – just be sure to compare rates and packages before selecting the ideal practitioner for you!

Single Sessions

Bioresonance therapy sessions may vary significantly in cost depending on the practitioner and services provided; however, some practitioners offer packages which bundle together all the sessions typically needed to achieve results, which may lead to significant savings compared with paying individually for sessions.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive natural alternative therapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to pinpoint imbalances within the body and balance them using electrodermal testing, bioenergetic medicine or vibrational healing. Also referred to as electrodermal testing or bioenergetic medicine it has been demonstrated as being both powerful and effective treatment option for numerous health issues.

Each organ and cell in the human body has its own individual electromagnetic wave pattern that resonates harmoniously in a healthy organism while disharmoniously in an unhealthy one. These electromagnetic waves communicate between organs and cells and are essential to life; bioresonance can detect these electromagnetic wave patterns to identify discordant frequencies so specific frequencies can be sent to harmonize and match them, encouraging natural self-healing processes within our bodies.

When it comes to bioresonance therapy, selecting a practitioner with experience and trained practitioners who know how best to conduct sessions correctly is of utmost importance. At your initial consultation session, your practitioner should ask about your health goals as well as any symptoms you might be experiencing; this information will allow them to tailor each session specifically towards you while creating a tailored treatment plan for optimal results.

At your first bioresonance therapy session, you will be comfortably seated and connected to the device in some way (for instance by wearing wrist and ankle bands or holding onto probes). The machine will emit a safe electromagnetic frequency through your body that travels back out again via resonances that come back out through probes; and your therapist will use a computer program to analyze them and monitor resonances through which it travels back out again. Depending on which form of bioresonance therapy you undergo, its output may provide information regarding pathogens such as bacteria viruses parasites as well as potential pathogens like pathogens, bacteria viruses parasites as well as toxicities in order for therapy sessions to provide feedback about various aspects of health including pathogens bacteria viruses parasites parasites and toxins which exist within you and their presence within you – its output can provide information such as presence of pathogens pathogens bacteria viruses parasites or even presence of pathogens present within yourself – providing insight into different aspects of health such as presence of pathogens bacteria viruses parasites or toxic exposure via electromagnetic frequencies emitted by such machines such as pathogens being present or present on their return resonance return frequency system provide feedback, including information regarding aspects such as pathogens bacteria viruses parasites parasites or even toxicants present within yourself or toxicities present toxins as well as information such as information on different aspects as such as pathogens present as well as presence or absence etc toxins and so forth depending on other elements in relation to various aspects including presence/absence or absence etc, pathogens etc toxins etc which also possible pathogens in any potential pathogens etc, pathogens etc and so forth which provide information.

After an analysis is complete, the therapist will identify discordant frequencies and send electromagnetic signals to correct them – this will restore healthy bioresonance within your body and accelerate its natural healing processes.


If you are struggling with any kind of health issue, bioresonance therapy could be just what’s needed to find relief. From allergies and digestive issues, smoking cessation, fatigue and even rheumatoid arthritis; bioresonance provides non-invasive relief without needles or surgery – often being painless! Bioresonance uses its personalized approach to consider both energetic makeup as well as emotional and psychological factors affecting the condition at hand.

The BICOM device works by measuring electromagnetic waves produced by your cells, then balancing their frequencies using pulsed electromagnetic fields. This allows your cells to operate at optimal performance while supporting natural healing processes and relieving stress levels. An amp coil device also assists cellular frequencies by eliminating heavy metals and other toxins while relieving stress levels.

Bioresonance can identify obstacles that prevent your body from functioning normally, such as toxins, infections, food sensitivities or imbalances. Furthermore, leaky gut syndrome – when undigested foods enter your bloodstream via damaged intestinal linings and become lodged there – can be detected as well as any inflammatory conditions like leaky gut syndrome resulting in symptoms like stomach bloating, gassy stomachs, poor immunity function and more.

As bioresonance falls under complementary medicine, most health insurance policies don’t cover it. However, private and supplementary insurers often offer coverage options; check with your therapist to find out what options might apply to you.

Bioresonance is an untested theory which holds that diseased internal organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, and that by returning those emissions back to normal it will heal the body. This belief is supported by evidence suggesting unhealthy cells or organs are not functioning normally, although results of controlled studies on this technology remain unpredictable.

However, bioresonance therapy can be an excellent addition to a holistic health regime. It can help identify the source of symptoms, making healthier decisions moving forward and creating balance within your body to prevent illness.
