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Hunter Bioresonance Scanner

Hunter analyzes an individual’s biofield by observing its spectral patterns, then identifies diseases caused by specific causes before developing natural remedies to treat them.

Bioresonance therapy has an uncertain track record and has been accused of false advertising, so it should not be used as an alternative solution to more effective treatments.

Bioresonance is a form of therapy

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine practice which uses electrodes to monitor energy wavelengths emitted by the body and measure their frequency. Proponents claim these frequencies can be used to diagnose disease and return them back to their regular frequencies to treat it; however, researchers have yet to discover evidence for bioresonance‘s effectiveness.

One clinical study demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating recurrent depression with moderate depressive episodes, using Hamilton Depression Rating Scale with 17 items as a gauge. Bioresonance therapy improved patients’ condition both independently or when taken alongside antidepressant medication; suggesting it can be an effective tool in helping those suffering recurrent depression as well as other disorders; it is safe, with no side effects reported by participants in this trial.

Hunter bioresonance therapy relies on overlapping extinction, which involves weak electromagnetic interactions between rigid vibrations associated with disease and weak electromagnetic interactions between these rigid vibrations and rigid resonance frequencies correlated to disease, as its foundation. Such rigid resonance frequencies are considered pathological because they do not fit with flexible and dynamic resonance frequencies found within humans; as a result they create blocks to physiological self-regulation processes which allows patients to manage emotional issues without medication.

Bioresonance therapy has been thoroughly examined in numerous scientific studies. For example, one pilot study demonstrated how bioresonance could effectively reduce lymphedema and lipedema symptoms; another, German prospective controlled clinical study demonstrated its success at helping smokers quit without suffering side effects.

Bioresonance‘s success can also depend on how well its practitioner understands the body’s energetic field, not just physical symptoms. Combining it with homeopathic medicines may amplify its therapeutic impact.

Even so, the Advertising Standards Authority has rejected bioresonance marketers’ claims that their equipment can diagnose and treat conditions such as Crohn’s disease and allergies. Most clinical papers submitted as evidence were non-human studies that did not directly address any conditions listed in advertisements; furthermore, the ASA found most claims unsubstantiated and misleading.

It can be used to diagnose disease

Disease can alter the bioresonance of living systems, altering its electromagnetic wave frequency. A bioresonance scanner can detect these altered frequencies to pinpoint their source and provide treatment. This device operates by converting electromagnetic signals into digital ones and transmitting it through electrodes on a patient’s body, where it then reverses resonance-change caused by disease before returning transformed signals back to them. Patients then receive treatment to restore the original resonance-change and enhance health. Bicom from REGUMED Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH Hans-Cornelius-StraBe 4 D-82166 Grafelfing, Germany; Vega from VEGAMED eganzheitlichermedizin and BEST from BEST-systems are some of the devices currently available. Bioresonance detectors use computers to process information, then present it in the form of an assessment or summary of a person’s physical and mental wellbeing. Some devices, like Metapathia, even feature functions which isolate energy frequencies within the body to screen for problems related to hormones, chromosomes, diet or any other aspect of health in general.

The Metatron 4025 Hunter utilizes a special medical software program designed to decode and analyze information gathered during its quick diagnostic sessions, then display it on-screen as three-dimensional images of organs, cells or tissues. Furthermore, this software can identify causes of disorders by tracking abnormal conditions gradually appearing within tissues, cells, chromosomes, DNA helixes or molecules of the body.

This technique allows patients to bypass costly CAT scans and MRIs that often have long waiting lists; its advantages lie primarily in diagnosing autoimmune diseases and inflammatory disorders like arthritis; it’s also useful in helping those living with fibromyalgia, asthma allergies or digestive issues; athletes recover after training too hard, smokers quit without negative side effects and recovering athletes recover post training too intensely.

The method is founded on the belief that all organisms and their parts possess a specific vibrational frequency, which can be measured using a bioresonance scanner. A bioresonance scanner can identify pathogens like bacteria and viruses by comparing their frequencies against those of healthy samples; once identified, externally giving patients frequencies matching vibrational signatures of pathogens will bring it into resonance and kill it off.

It can be used to treat disease

Hunter software uses headphones to project the inaudible frequencies that the body generates into a computer-based system and compare them against stress factors determined by this equipment, in order to identify specific areas of dysfunction within your body such as hormone imbalances, chromosome abnormalities or nutritional deficiencies that require treatment – then offers homeopathy remedies or therapies as appropriate solutions.

According to the type of disease being experienced by its users, different combinations of homeopathic remedies may be recommended by the Hunter machine. If a patient suffers from hormone imbalance, for example, homeopathy hormone replacement therapy will likely be suggested in order to stimulate new healthy hormone production while helping balance out their endocrine system. Furthermore, herbs or other natural treatments will likely be suggested to relieve stress on the body.

Every organ and cell has a distinct oscillation pattern that defines its main function. If one organ becomes damaged, this waveform changes frequency and leads to illness. Proponents of bioresonance claim this technology can detect these irregular electromagnetic waves and return them back to their regular frequencies thereby curing disease.

This technique can help address many health concerns, from chronic fatigue and insomnia to depression and anxiety. Furthermore, this practice provides insight into their underlying causes as well as predicting someone’s risk of mental illness, making it an invaluable asset to holistic and alternative medicine practitioners such as chiropractors or naturopaths.

The Hunter software allows a user to choose any disorder and then visualize its frequencies using red and blue lines on a virtual model called an “etalon,” making it easy to pinpoint its source. For instance, hormonal imbalance can often result in stress levels being displayed as red and blue lines on an “etalon.” To pinpoint its source quickly and efficiently. Likewise, other therapies like META Therapy or Phytotherapy may be utilized alongside this software in order to address specific issues more efficiently.

It is safe

Food and Drug Administration prosecutions against purveyors of electrical devices making unproven health benefit claims have become common in recent years. Bioresonance devices have become particularly renowned, making unsubstantiated health benefit claims while offering no evidence to back them up. Bioresonance therapy claims to detect electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs or cancer cells before canceling them out through destructive wave interference – this treatment option has even been advised against by American Cancer Society! As for electrodermal testing or bioresonance therapy trials conducted to date have found no conclusive evidence for either being useful methods for diagnosing allergy diagnoses (5)

Non-Linear Analysis System (NLS) uses light wave resonance to analyze energy patterns of an individual and pinpoint areas that need improvement. It can detect abnormalities at the cellular, tissue and DNA levels; helping doctors track gradual development as well as root causes of conditions as they arise; as well as gauge effectiveness of medications or supplements prescribed to patients.

Metapathia GR Hunter 4025 is an advanced NLS device with multidimensional virtual scanning technology. This allows physicians to accurately locate tumor or hereditary disease nidus locations and their causes on a genome level by tracking cuts, sections, chromosomes and DNA molecules – making this NLS system one of the world’s most advanced NLS systems.

The Hunter bioresonance machine is used by numerous healthcare practitioners, including naturopaths, chiropractors, osteopaths, acupuncturists, ayurvedic physicians and homeopaths. The Hunter can help identify imbalances in energy fields of the body and can even use this knowledge to heal allergies, autoimmune diseases and relieve chronic pain and inflammation. Furthermore, it may aid in treating gastrointestinal issues while detoxifying heavy metals from your system. German researchers conducted a randomized controlled trial that demonstrated Mora bioresonance therapy‘s effectiveness at improving gastrointestinal disorders among psychosomatic symptoms patients, and helping smokers quit without side effects (11-13). Furthermore, NLS can detect and eliminate bacteria or parasite activity within your body which are essential in maintaining overall wellness (11).
