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Life Expert Bioresonance

Bioresonance is a noninvasive and painless solution for health imbalances. This noninvasive practice works to identify and neutralize electromagnetic frequencies associated with allergies or sensitivities, giving patients back control of their lives and health.

Bioresonance devices can detect each living cell’s vibrational frequency, as well as register any trace of malignant agents or geopathogenic influences on physiological processes.

Personalized complexes

Personalized complexes can help detect diseases early, saving both time and money on expensive medical tests. Furthermore, bioresonance scanners allow families to track the health of themselves on an ongoing basis – which reduces doctor visits while decreasing fatigue levels.

Bioresonance therapy differs from traditional medicine in being noninvasive and painless; additionally it treats the cause rather than simply alleviating symptoms. Bioresonance machines can even be used to detect allergies and sensitivities.

Bioresonance scanners can help detect over 70 disorders early on and select appropriate supplements, cosmetics and foods for an individual based on results of scans. WebWellness software creates therapy complexes based on these scans. Regular use of the bioresonance machine has been found to significantly enhance health and extend life. In particular it relieves fatigue while stimulating immunity. Furthermore electromagnetic frequencies associated with allergies or sensitivities caused by food, chemicals, pollutants bacteria etc can be neutralized while the device can even detect parasites.

Detection of diseases at an early stage

Bioresonance therapy utilizes frequencies to detect any imbalances in your energy field. It works by attaching electrodes directly to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals, then reading back any returns with decreased strength indicating whether your cells are healthy or unhealthy – helping identify possible sources of symptoms and suggest treatments to address imbalances. A therapist may then offer therapies designed to correct them.

This therapy offers many advantages: noninvasive and painless, it addresses the source of any issues rather than simply masking their symptoms, helping your body heal itself while potentially avoiding more intensive procedures in the future.

Bioresonance therapy may help those suffering from fibromyalgia find relief; one study indicates it can ease its symptoms as well as unexplained stomach pain in athletes. Indeed, all patients can find benefit in this form of therapy; according to another research project it can even detect early-stage infections by certain viruses (such as rhinovirus causing common cold and tuberculosis infections) as well as flag bacterial contamination of water and food supplies.

Bioresonance therapy has an additional advantage: it can assist with infertility by providing information about the state of fallopian tubes and uterus as well as helping prepare the body for embryo implantation. It should be remembered, though, that bioresonance should not replace other treatment methods but rather supplement them.

The BICOM is an easy-to-use device that quickly scans your body’s internal organs and systems, detecting more than 70 disorders at their early stages and providing personalized recommendations of supplements, cosmetics, foods and medications that best match you. Furthermore, its regular use can prevent diseases while strengthening immunity systems.


Bioresonance devices operate through spectral analysis of the electromagnetic fluctuations present in every living organism’s bio-field – also referred to as an organism’s “eddy magnet field”. This field transmits information both within individual organ cells as well as among them and also provides a connection to its surrounding environment.

When disease-causing microorganisms, allergens, or other pathogenic influences threaten to disrupt our body’s balance, they can be detected quickly and with high accuracy – both early on and without physiological traces (symptoms). Once corrected, any imbalance will be reversed and our health restored.

The WebWellness Life Expert Profi device combines diagnostics and therapy. As a multifunctional bioresonance scanner, it provides instantaneous results within minutes: identification of allergies and microorganisms, emotional state analyses, stress level evaluation and potential diagnoses as well as genetic predisposition to diseases.

Life Expert is a multifunctional diagnostic and therapy device, making it suitable for use by various professionals, such as family medicine physicians, reflexologists and physiotherapists, cosmetologists, naturopaths/herbalists/dietitians/sports doctors etc. Additionally, this device helps them find solutions to restore patients’ functionality while increasing quality of life.

Utilizing a bioresonance device is both straightforward and safe, requiring no physical contact during testing and without causing discomfort or disruption to daily activities. Utilizing non-contact measuring techniques with only small amounts of water being required, results are displayed on a computer screen based on frequency fluctuations at active points on your body that impact bioenergetic resonance of organs and structures in your body.

The Life Beauty LED facial device from WebWellness system is an innovative beauty-and-wellness gadget, offering both diagnostics and point therapy to optimize skin attractiveness. This one-of-a-kind bioresonance scanner detects and treats specific causes of skin disorders – such as inflammation and rashes – while encouraging a healthy immune response and supporting an overall balanced state. Studies have proven its efficacy even against sexually transmitted diseases by alleviating their unpleasant symptoms.


Life Expert Bioresonance stands out from traditional therapies in that it does not cause side effects, since its focus lies with frequencies within the body instead of pharmaceutical drugs or herbs. A bioresonance device transfers various homoeopathic preparations (homoeopathic grains, nosodes, organ preparations or poisons) onto carriers via energy informational transfer using energy transfer techniques – which then acts as the medicine used for bioresonance therapy medicine.

This technology can assist in identifying the source of disease and stopping its spread, while fighting parasites which cause many ailments. Furthermore, it’s noninvasive – meaning needles or other invasive techniques won’t need to be involved – making it ideal for children or elderly patients who cannot take medications themselves. Furthermore, its devices are capable of detecting cancer which is difficult to diagnose using traditional means.

Rayonex founder Paul Schmidt states that all living cells vibrate rhythmically within an inter-connected ecosystem of wave patterns. If one cell no longer resonates in harmony with others or its environment, we become sick. When infections, toxins or allergens disrupt communication among healthy cells causing electromagnetic vibrational imbalance in our bodies – Bioresonance therapy provides a remedy by amplifying harmonious frequencies back into the body to restore equilibrium and bring us back into balance.

Life expert bioresonance is an efficient and safe method for diagnosing and treating allergies, asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and more. It works by eliminating pathogenic bacteria through an electrical signal. Furthermore, bioresonance treatment for pets may identify parasites which cause their ailments.

The Vega Test is easy and can be performed at home, providing accurate assessment of 47 organs and systems using over 35,000 indicators. Based on this assessment, its device or software (depending on what machine type was chosen) creates a therapeutic complex suitable for bioresonance therapy treatment; additionally it can also be used as a means to regularly track family health statuses.

The Vega Testing Device is a portable bioresonance scanner with artificial intelligence. This scanner can identify over 3,000 symptoms and diseases, such as autoimmune disorders and cancer, nutritional deficiencies and organ status as well as stress levels and blood pressure monitoring – making the Vega test an invaluable asset to anyone seeking to improve their health and well-being.
